With “Popes” like him, who needs Masons?
Freemasons Delighted with Francis

Sales Rep for Gmail?
No, Co-President of “Christian Masonic World Alliance”
This is a bit dated, but interesting nonetheless. For the Feast of Easter this year, the Romanian Co-President of the so-called “Christian Masonic World Alliance”, one Bartolomeu Constantin Savoiu, sent a letter full of greetings and best wishes to “Pope” Francis, thanking him for his service to humanity and assuring him of his ideological agreement.
People in our day may not think this strange, but this shows how far we’ve come in the last 60 years. Ever since its inception in the 18th century, the doctrines, practices, and goals of organized Freemasonry have always been condemned by the Catholic Church in the severest terms.… READ MORE