Brazen apostasy in Singapore…

Francis Tells Interreligious Youths:
All Religions Lead to God!

Don’t let his jolly, avuncular appearance fool you:
‘Pope Francis’ preaches a false gospel straight from hell

[UPDATE 14-SEP-2024: Vatican has quietly revised, at least in part, its faulty English translation that made Francis’ remarks appear in a less objectionable light.]

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio’s latest and longest, and perhaps last, ‘apostolic journey’ has mercifully come to an end, but not without a bang.

From Sep. 2-13, operating under his stage name ‘Francis’, the false pope traveled from Italy to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.

The last item on Bergoglio’s busy schedule, before the farewell ceremony in Singapore, was an interreligious meeting with young people at the city-state’s so-called Catholic Junior College, and the false pope did not fail to teach them his apostate pseudo-gospel.

Francis’ remarks to the youngsters were not scripted. In fact, he said that he was setting aside his prepared speech so that he could speak to them spotaneously.

The false pope is always at his most controversial when he speaks off the cuff, for it is then that he reveals what he really believes and not what others have carefully prepared for him to say. And indeed, he really didn’t hold back.

In the Italian original, as per the official Vatican transcript, Francis said:

Una delle cose che più mi ha colpito di voi giovani, di voi qui, è la capacità del dialogo interreligioso. E questo è molto importante, perché se voi incominciate a litigare: “La mia religione è più importante della tua…”, “La mia è quella vera, la tua non è vera…”. Dove porta tutto questo? Dove? Qualcuno risponda, dove? [qualcuno risponde: “La distruzione”]. È così. Tutte le religioni sono un cammino per arrivare a Dio. Sono – faccio un paragone – come diverse lingue, diversi idiomi, per arrivare lì. Ma Dio è Dio per tutti. E poiché Dio è Dio per tutti, noi siamo tutti figli di Dio. “Ma il mio Dio è più importante del tuo!”. È vero questo? C’è un solo Dio, e noi, le nostre religioni sono lingue, cammini per arrivare a Dio. Qualcuno sikh, qualcuno musulmano, qualcuno indù, qualcuno cristiano, ma sono diversi cammini. Understood? Ma per il dialogo interreligioso fra i giovani ci vuole coraggio. Perché l’età giovanile è l’età del coraggio, ma tu puoi avere questo coraggio per fare cose che non ti aiuteranno. Invece puoi avere coraggio per andare avanti e per il dialogo.

An accurate English translation of this reads as follows (provided by

One of the things that has impressed me most about you young people, about you here, is the capacity for interfaith dialogue. And this is very important, because if you start arguing, “My religion is more important than yours…,” “Mine is the true one, yours is not true….” Where does this lead? Where, somebody answer, where? [someone answers, “Destruction”]. That’s right. All religions are a path to God. They are — I make a comparison — like different languages, different idioms, to get there. But God is God for everyone. And because God is God for everyone, we are all God’s children. “But my God is more important than yours!” Is this true? There is only one God, and we, our religions are languages, paths to get to God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian, but they are different paths. Understood? But interfaith dialogue among young people takes courage. Because the age of youth is the age of courage, but you can have this courage to do things that will not help you. Instead you can have courage to move forward and for dialogue.

(underlining added)

That is basically what all the official Vatican-published translations have as well, except for the English one. In English, the Vatican published what appears to be a deliberate mistranslation, which reads as follows (false rendering marked red):

One of the things that has impressed me most about the young people here is your capacity for interfaith dialogue. This is very important because if you start arguing, “My religion is more important than yours…,” or “Mine is the true one, yours is not true….,” where does this lead? Somebody answer. [A young person answers, “Destruction”.] That is correct. Religions are seen as paths trying to reach God. I will use an analogy, they are like different languages that express the divine. But God is for everyone, and therefore, we are all God’s children. “But my God is more important than yours!”. Is this true? There is only one God, and religions are like languages that try to express ways to approach God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu, some Christian. Understood? Yet, interfaith dialogue among young people takes courage. The age of youth is the age of courage, but you can misuse this courage to do things that will not help you. Instead, you should have courage to move forward and to dialogue.

More on this strange mistranslation issue here:

We might add that the incorrect English translation was also published in today’s edition of the L’Osservatore Romano paper (English edition, p. 23).

For those who are interested in seeing and hearing exactly how this conversation went down, embedded just below is Vatican News’ full video of the antipope’s encounter with young people from various religions on Sep. 13, 2024.

The troublesome episode begins at the 42:10 min mark in the video and ends at 45:29; the most controversial part begins at 42:33 and ends at 44:40:

Did you notice? Francis’ assistant provided a real-time translation that was correct. This supports even more the claim that the English translation posted on the Vatican web site is incorrect and incomplete on purpose.

In any case, here is a collection of links to the first news stories covering this latest Bergoglian scandal, as well as to some commentary:

What Francis told the hapless Singaporean youths today is nothing short of religious relativism and indifferentism. It fits neatly with the other ecumenical and interreligious twaddle we have heard from him in the last 11+ years, such as:

Let no one say that Francis cannot have meant what he said because at other times he has been on record affirming that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, that God does not will but only tolerates false religions, etc. That is to be expected of a deceiver like Francis. Pity those who, after over 11 years of this, still think they can defend the ‘Pope’ in this way!

Speaking out of both sides of their mouth isn’t a new tactic for Modernists and other innovators. In fact, Bergoglio is merely doing what Pope Pius VI condemned in 1786, namely, he advances the “erroneous pretext that [his] seemingly shocking affirmations in one place are further developed along orthodox lines in other places, and even in yet other places corrected; as if allowing for the possibility of either affirming or denying the statement, or of leaving it up to the personal inclinations of the individual – such has always been the fraudulent and daring method used by innovators to establish error. It allows for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it” (Apostolic Constitution Auctorem Fidei, preamble).

In this Francis resembles the heretic Nestorius, who “expressed himself in a plethora of words, mixing true things with others that were obscure; mixing at times one with the other in such a way that he was also able to confess those things which were denied while at the same time possessing a basis for denying those very sentences which he confessed” (Auctorem Fidei, preamble).

But what did Our Lord say, as repeated by St. James? “But let your speech be, yea, yea: no, no: that you fall not under judgment” (Jas 5:12; cf. Mt 5:37).

As our friends at The WM Review point out:

We must be frank: these words and ideas are blasphemous and heretical, and represent a manifest departure from the Catholic faith by heresy and, as we saw above, perhaps even apostasy. They cannot be excused in any way, such as by suggesting that Francis does not really realise that they are heretical. It is evident and manifest that this man is not a Catholic, and by that fact he is also not the Roman Pontiff. This is discussed at length here.

(“BREAKING – Francis: ‘All religions are a path to reach God'”, The WM Review, Sep. 13, 2024; italics given.)

Ecumenical/’interfaith’ events are always near and dear Bergoglio’s apostate heart, because they allow him to appear as an uber-merciful ‘uniter’ and ‘bridge-builder’ as he drones on about fraternity and everyone being a child of God and how all religions are somehow ultimately the same anyway. At times he is more explicit about it, at other times less so. Today he was rather brazen about it.

No, the various religions don’t all have the same God: depicted above is the Hindu idol Ganesha
“For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils” (Psalm 95:5a)

Under Francis’ apostate belief system, what happens to supernatural divine revelation? What happens to Catholic dogma? What happens to the Incarnation? What happens to the Redemption? What happens to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? “For the law was given by Moses; grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (Jn 1:17); “Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me” (Jn 14:6); “This [Jesus Christ] is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:11-12).

Francis’ apostasy considers all religions “more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule”, an idea Pope Pius XI condemned as “distorting the idea of true religion” and leading to complete apostasy (Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 2).

The words of Pope St. Pius X against the once-Catholic French social movement Le Sillon are eerily applicable to our day, and to Bergoglio’s false gospel in particular:

And now, overwhelmed with the deepest sadness, We ask Ourselves, Venerable Brethren, what has become of the Catholicism of the Sillon? Alas! this organization which formerly afforded such promising expectations, this limpid and impetuous stream, has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Church, and is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer.

(Pope St. Pius X, Apostolic Letter Notre Charge Apostolique; underlining added.)

It is painfully obvious that the false pope Bergoglio is preaching the heresy of Indifferentism, which Pope Gregory XVI called “an absurd and impious idea” (Encyclical Commissum Divinitus, n. 9), and which he condemned in no uncertain terms:

Now We consider another abundant source of the evils with which the Church is afflicted at present: indifferentism. This perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the eternal salvation of the soul by the profession of any kind of religion, as long as morality is maintained. Surely, in so clear a matter, you will drive this deadly error far from the people committed to your care. With the admonition of the apostle that “there is one God, one faith, one baptism” [Eph 4:5] may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever.

(Pope Gregory XVI, Encyclical Mirari Vos, n. 13)

In 1892, Pope Leo XIII exhorted all Catholics to

avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.

(Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Custodi di Quella Fede, n. 15)

That is exactly what Antipope Francis has been doing, and the damage to souls is incalculable. He may not have a formal membership in the Lodge, but he is a Freemason in terms of what he believes and teaches, and that alone is what matters.

As even a cursory look at the New Testament reveals, the true Gospel is not, “It doesn’t matter what religion you are; it’s all the same God anyway and we’re all His children, so let’s just be nice to each other and welcome aboard!”

Instead, the true Gospel is: “Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me” (Jn 14:6); “And whosoever doth not carry his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple” (Lk 14:27); “He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned” (Mk 16:16).

Pope St. Peter in his second canonical epistle warned: “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there shall be among you lying teachers, who shall bring in sects of perdition, and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction” (2 Pet 2:1).

The ‘apostolic journey’ that began with Francis speaking against proselytism and giving a generic blessing “valid for all religions” on Sep. 4 ended with him declaring that all religions are simply different paths not just leading to but actually “arriving at” the same God.

Not only has Francis blasphemed frightfully by spouting such an abominable doctrine, he has also stabbed all the Catholic missionaries and martyrs in the back who died cruel deaths precisely because there are not many different religions that lead to God but only one. He has essentially just declared that the heroic lives of the North American Martyrs, to mention just one example, were a gigantic waste of time.

As St. Paul said, let him be anathema!

Image sources: YouTube (screenshot) / Shutterstock (Anant Jadhav)
License: fair use / paid

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