Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 28, 2015
- What’s really ailing our world: Francis discusses the “Cultural Dimensions of the Anthropocene” — Come on, as long as we can get from the noosphere to the omega point via the astral plane, shouldn’t we be okay?
- The latest theological chaos proposed for the upcoming October Synod: “Intrinsically evil” Actions? That is so 200 Years Ago! — This idea comes from a Jesuit, of course… Hey, wouldn’t it be even easier to just got rid of the notion of sin altogether?
- Too humble to communicate: Vatican’s Chief Spokesman doesn’t know Francis’ Schedule, says no one knows it in full
- After secret Planned Parenthood Baby-Parts-Selling Shock Video: Jesuit America magazine criticizes the video’s Pro-Life Producers! — With “Catholics” like these, who needs demons? (More on this video here)
- Conservative Novus Ordos have had it: “The hyperbolic and exhausting Papacy of Francis”
- Family Planning all the way: Check out the Vatican’s Postage Stamp for World Meeting of Families
- New fodder for Michael Voris: “Cardinal” Dolan celebrates 28-Year Career of Anti-Defamantion League’s Abe Foxman — Hey, this is a great opportunity for the Distortex spinmeister to beat up on Dolan while ignoring Francis’ Jewish connections!
- More Hot Air: Vatican Climate Conference invites Only Leftist U.S. Politicians — claims Republicans were invited too, but refuses to say who
- Novus Ordo Publication asks: “Are you more Catholic than Francis?” — Yes, and we’re more Pro-Life than Barack Obama, too
- Bergoglio has found a new Bogeyman: “Pope” condemns Entire Mining Industry — while being silent on the Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Sale Scandal and the Sodomy Rulings in Ireland and the United States — hey, got to have priorities!
- Well then, prepare for an ice storm: “Cardinal” Bassetti assures there is a “New Springtime for Catholic Families” just around the corner
- He’s a Paulist, that explains it: “Fr.” Terry Ryan endorses Lesbian Partnerships
- Take it from a Rabbi: Everybody Loves Francis — especially the Jews
- Full Coffers, Empty Pews: Novus Ordos Leaving German Church at Record High — As we’ve said before, the Novus Ordo Sect in Germany is finished
- Video: An Ode to the “Sunshine” of Vatican II — Would hate to know what thunder & rain would look like…
- That figures: Feminist Week at Peru’s “Pontifical Catholic” University, where “Cardinal” Gerhard Muller got an honorary doctorate
- Why the sudden about-face in Michael Voris’ attitude towards Semi-Traditionalists? Louie Verrecchio alleges to know the answer: How Michael Voris Rolls
- If you can figure out the purpose of this “Divine Office” video, would you please let us know?
- How fitting! Pennsylvania Township declares “State of Emergency” over Francis Visit — They’re more right than they know!
- “No Special Privileges”?!?! Francis again insults Blessed Virgin Mary, Droleskey fires back
- Francis upgrades the Worst Evils of our Time: No longer Unemployment of Youth & Loneliness of Elderly, now “Corruption, Poverty, and Human Trafficking”! — The man is a naturalist through and through, with not a single Catholic bone in his body
- The Stench of Modernism fills the Novus Ordo Sect: “Fr.” Roscia says “the Church must smell like the world it penetrates” — so much for the “fresh air” John XXIII claimed was going to be let in…
- Remember, it’s the Church of “Mercy” now: Vatican bans La Repubblica Journalist from traveling with Francis because his fellow-columnist leaked the Eco-Encyclical a few days early
- Verrecchio: “Rome has Lost the Faith” — OK, Louie, now let’s finally draw the necessary conclusion because the true Holy See cannot lose the Faith: “…in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved untainted, and holy doctrine celebrated” (Vatican I, Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 4; Denz. 1833); and Pope Pius XI lauded “the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy” (Encyclical Quas Primas, n. 22).
- Something to think about: If your “Pope” is the head of a False Religion, you are Missing the Marks
- Big Article by National Geographic ahead of Francis U.S. visit: Will the Pope Change the Vatican? Or Will the Vatican Change the Pope?
- He could become Francis II: “Cardinal” Tagle: “Church should not look to ‘Idealized Past’ with Nostalgia” — The cliff is just ahead, and that’s why he wants to move forward!
- Saving Energy, not Souls: Chicago’s Archlayman Cupich to benchmark all archdiocesan Buildings for Energy Efficiency — Boy, the eco religion is really picking up steam! Soon “Catholicism” will be synonymous only with recycling, soup kitchens, and favelas…
- “We have no King but Elvis”: Brazilian Novus Ordo Priest imitates Elvis Presley to attract an audience
- Aww, shucks: Francis’ Approval Ratings in U.S. drop sharply
- Backstabbing 101: “Archbishop” of New Orleans apologizes for “Priest” who refused “Communion” to practicing Public Sodomite — It’s amazing how quickly these useless “bishops” can act if they want to…
- But this is not surprising considering that the “Archdiocese” of New Orleans has a Gay Problem
- Speaking of Public Sodomites: After indult Mass shut down and its “priest” removed from U.K. parish, new pastor comes out as Sodomite and resigns — See, this is where obedience to Modernists gets you — as long as people recognize Modernists as true and legitimate Catholic authories, this will never change!
- Meet the Latest Francis Admirer: The Rev. Jesse Jackson!
- No Exaggeration here: “10 Phrases of Pope Francis that have Changed the World”
- Bergoglio Interview No. 371: “Pope speaks with open heart to Argentinean Newspaper”
- Beware of New Meanings given to Old Words: Death by Redefinition
- Sound familiar? Francis’ Rallying Cry to People of Bolivia in all but words: Workers of the World, Unite!
- For next time you’re told about how large the number of “Catholics” in the U.S. is: Study finds Catholic Families aren’t very Catholic — Could have told you that without a study…
- LifeQueen “Mass”: Yet another Novus Ordo presbyter who makes a fool of himself trying to be hip and cool…
- In case you missed it: Special Coverage from the Vatican: Rabbi Skorka, Francis’ Best Friend (Note to Michael Voris: Put in the “IGNORE” folder)
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