Official Communique of the Society of St. Pius X on the Election of “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope” Francis


With the news of the election of Pope Francis, the Society of Saint Pius X prays Almighty God to bestow abundantly on the new Sovereign Pontiff the graces necessary for the exercise of this heavy charge.

Strengthened by divine Providence, may the new pope « confirm his brethren in the faith »[1], with the authority which Saint Pius X proclaimed at the beginning of his pontificate: “We do not wish to be, and with the Divine assistance never shall be aught before human society but the Minister of God, of whose authority We are the depositary.


Who is “Pope” Francis?


The Rev. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now the Vatican II Sect’s “Pope Francis”, was the “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Time will be needed to analyze the facts about Mr. Bergoglio, but in the mean time, here are a few things of interest:

Taken from


First News & Links:





“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina elected 6th Antipope of Vatican II Sect, claims Title “Pope Francis”

Watch Video of Announcement, First Appearance on the Balcony, Here:

First News:

We Had Been Warned:

Fr. Sylvester Berry in The Church of Christ:


“Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ”

In 1927, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry, professor of apologetics at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Maryland, wrote the following in his apologetic and dogmatic treatise on the Catholic Church:

The prophecies of the Apocalypse [book of Revelation] show that Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ.


The Vatican’s “Guardian of Orthodoxy” is a Heretic himself…

“Archbishop” Gerhard Ludwig Müller Denies Dogma of Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady

image: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

Don’t you hate it when that happens? You’re appointed the “guardian of orthodoxy” in the Vatican, and then people discover you’re a heretic yourself. This has happened to “Archbishop” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, appointed to the post by “Pope” Benedict XVI in 2012.

Aside from other denials of dogma, such as Transubstantiation and the Bodily Resurrection, Muller also denies the dogma of the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The semi-traditionalist Tradition in Action has the details:

By contrast, the Catholic Church teaches the following dogmatically and infallibly:

If anyone does not properly and truly confess in accord with the holy Fathers, that the holy Mother of God and ever Virgin and immaculate Mary in the earliest of the ages conceived of the Holy Spirit without seed, namely, God the Word Himself specifically and truly, who was born of God the Father before all ages, and that she incorruptibly bore [Him], her virginity remaining indestructible even after His birth, let him be condemned.