That’s All, Folks…

As of 8:00 pm CET, Feb. 28, 2013, it is sede vacante in the Novus Ordo Church — Fr. Joseph Ratzinger has stepped down, has ceased claiming the title of Pope after almost eight years.
Reality Check:
- Benedict XVI – The Man, the False Pope, the Resignation
- Listen Anytime: Restoration Radio: “The Legacy of Benedict XVI, Part 2” – Two-Hour Discussion with Bp. Donald Sanborn, full of Informative Details about the “Papacy” and Theology of Joseph Ratzinger
- It’s Two O’Clock: Do You Know Where Your “Pope” Is?
- Sede Vacante since 1958: Reflections on 50+ Years of the Vacancy of the Holy See
- Refinishing the Great Facade: The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”
- Why Sedevacantism?