News Digest October 8, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 8, 2014

What they have done to our churches:
Novus Ordo “Night of Lights” in Holzkirchen, Germany


Get the Popcorn ready…

How Long Until Schism?
The Vatican II Sect on the Brink of Chaos

The Synod on the Family had not even started yet, and already all hell was breaking loose: Francis’ endless tyranny against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate over their slight drift towards traditionalism; The Remnant’s much-hyped Petition to Stop the Synod’s embarrassing failure to get even 1,400 unverified signatures; Novus Ordo cardinals being at each other’s throats over what the Synod is and isn’t permitted to change; Francis’ invitation of Belgium’s scandal-ridden “Cardinal” Daneels to participate in the synod while showing conservative-minded “bishops” the door (he did once work as a bouncer, you know); and on top of all this, a respected Italian journalist’s well-timed release of a book making the case that Francis isn’t even a valid Pope!… READ MORE

More Relevant Now than Ever…

St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy:

“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer.”

Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:

Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase.


Published on Oct. 3, dedicated to Benedict XVI…

Non È Francesco:
Pressure mounts on Vatican as New Book disputes Francis’ Legitimacy


On September 24, we were the first English-speaking web site to provide information about Antonio Socci’s explosive new book Non È Francesco: La Chiesa Nella Grande Tempesta (“It’s Not Francis: The Church in a Great Tempest”), a work in which the Italian Novus Ordo journalist makes the case that Benedict XVI’s resignation in February 2013 was invalid and therefore the man elected to replace him is not in fact the Pope. (See our original post here.READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

St. Jacob “Catholic” Chapel

No, this isn’t an ugly public restroom, it is a lot worse: This is St. Jacob’s Novus Ordo cemetery chapel in Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria. This building, located in the diocese of Gurk, was perpetrated by Thomas Hoke, Ed Hoke, and Armin Guerino. The local “bishop” responsible for this blasphemous disaster is Mr. Alois Schwarz, the same Modernist layman-in-bishop’s-clothing under whose watch the infernal “Sounds Effects Mass” is held every year.

We’re purposely showing you only the front view of this “church”, because if you don’t like it, we’re pretty sure you don’t want to see the back. … READ MORE

Behold the “Great Renewal”…

Infernal Dungeon:
“Holy Spirit” Chapel at University of California

There is only one word to describe this “Catholic” chapel at Berkeley’s University of California campus: HELL. Something that you may have dreamed about in your worst nightmares is stark reality at the “Holy Spirit” Chapel of Newman Hall, the arch-liberal university’s Novus Ordo community.

The perpetrators of this infernal dungeon are Stephen De Staebler (sculptures) and Mario J. Ciampi with Richard L. Jorasch (architectural design). The work was commissioned — you guessed it — in the latter half of the 1960s, when the new religion of Vatican II began to be implemented.… READ MORE

Ugly as Hell…

That Seventies “Pope”: Francis’ New Pastoral Staff Fails to Impress

Embed from Getty Images

Dentists and hygienists around the globe must be envious: The world’s largest dental explorer was carried in procession by the Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis, on Saturday, September 27, 2014, as he celebrated the 200th anniversary of Pope Pius VII’s re-establishment of the Jesuit order. The hideous crozier Francis carried really did resemble an oversized toothpick or a dental sickle probe more than a Pope’s pastoral staff and so made one wonder if Pope Clement XIV didn’t perhaps have a vision of our times when he decided to suppress and abolish the Society of Jesus in 1773.… READ MORE

News Digest September 27, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 27, 2014

Official Song for Francis’ Visit to Philippines in Jan 2015:
“We Are all God’s Children” – More Naturalist-Masonic Junk


Dissecting Bergoglio’s ongoing Revolution…

The October SINod – Go and Sin Some More

Listen On Demand Any Time:


Restoration Radio presents another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this month’s episode, host Justin Soeder covers an immense amount of material with his guests Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr.


Perfect Timing…

“He’s Not Francis”:
Explosive New Book Argues Benedict XVI is Still Pope

Not that we want to say, “We told you so”, but… we told you so!

Days before the controversial Synod on the Family is set to begin in Rome, a synod whose decisions may force many people who are currently part of the Vatican II Church to reevaluate their position with respect to whether Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to the papacy is valid and legitimate, the Italian daily Il Foglio reports that journalist and author Antonio Socci (The Fourth Secret of Fatima) will be releasing a 296-page book in which he makes the case that the resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI in February of 2013 was invalid.


So bad, not even Mark Shea likes him…

Francis appoints Blase Cupich as “Archbishop” of Chicago

You have probably heard about it by now: “Pope” Francis has appointed Mr. Blase Cupich (pronounced SOUP-itch) as the next “Archbishop” of Chicago, Illinois, the former diocese of the notorious “Cardinal” Joseph Bernardin, most recently headed by “Cardinal” George. Up until this point, Cupich had been the “bishop” of Spokane, Washington, appointed to this office by “Pope” Benedict XVI. First chosen to be a “bishop” by “Saint” John Paul II, a quick review of the facts about Cupich indicates that he is very much a man after Francis’ heart.… READ MORE

The Hermeneutic of Continuity…

Ratzinger 1972:
Communion for “Divorced-and-Remarried” Not Impossible

[UPDATE: Did Ratzinger retract his essay in 2014? Not Quite — the facts here: Benedict XVI weighs in on Communion Debate]

At a time when sparks are flying ahead of the controversial Synod on the Family that “Pope” Francis has scheduled to begin on October 5, 2014, we thought it would be a good idea to share once more with our readers — as we already did in March of this year — the little-known fact that among the very first “Catholic” theologians to try to find a way to permit public adulterers (the “divorced-and-remarried” in the Vatican II Church that didn’t manage to get an annulment) to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments was none other than the suit-and-tie Modernist Fr.… READ MORE

As long as you’re not Catholic, that is…

Francis Doesn’t Care What Religion You Are

The following clip has recently been making the rounds. It is a brief excerpt from a video made in 2013 when Francis visited Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. In it, he declares that it is not important to him whether someone lacking food and education receives a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Jewish education, as long as he is fed and gets educated. We provide an English translation and a link to the full interview below.

The entire interview, which was broadcast on Brazilian television at the time, can be watched at this link (with English subtitles); the so-called Catholic News Agency has a summary of the conversation posted here.… READ MORE

Sign of things to come at the Synod?

Francis Presides over Weddings: Some Couples Lived Together Beforehand, Some with Child, Some with Prior Annulments

You can’t make this stuff up; you just can’t. Take a look at this news piece released by a Novus Ordo news service on September 11:

Among the men and women Pope Francis was set to unite in marriage were Catholics who have been living together as well as couples who already have children.

The pope, who is the bishop of Rome, will preside over his first wedding ceremony as pontiff during a nuptial Mass in St.

In-Your-Face Apostasy…

McCarrick the Muslim: Washington “Cardinal” Lauds the “Holy Koran” and “Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Washington’s retired “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick opens his mouth at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and essentially endorses the Muslim religion. Read the following highlights from an article in The Daily Caller (red print added by us for special emphasis):

Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C.

“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.