Full Text of Declaration now Available…

Francis meets Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Cuba:
Video Coverage & Links

On Friday, February 12, the leader of the Modernist Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with his fellow-non-Catholic “Patriarch” of Moscow, Kirill, of the Russian Orthodox Church. The two signed a common declaration in Cuba, which is available in full here:

Various videos of Francis’ brief stop in Cuba and meeting with Kirill can be found below.

Francis arrives in Cuba:

Kirill and Francis embrace in Cuba:

Presentation of the Common Declaration between Francis and Kirill:

Francis stopped in Cuba while on his way to Mexico for an “Apostolic Voyage”, which we cover in a separate blog post.… READ MORE

Nothing but chaos since…

Three Years Later: Benedict XVI Resigns

Joseph Ratzinger Announced Historic
Resignation Three Years Ago Today

It was Monday, February 11, 2013, when Italian journalist Giovanna Chirri became the first person to inform the world of “Pope” Benedict XVI‘s resignation, effective February 28. As the Vatican correspondent for the Italian news outlet ANSA, Chirri was seated among other members of the press to cover on-site the consistory Benedict had convoked and at which he made known his totally unexpected decision to renounce the office of the papacy which he had (falsely) been claiming since April 19, 2005:

Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri vacet et Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.

A Damning Dossier…

A Chronicle of Impiety

by Miles Christi

Not for the faint of heart: The Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has once again rendered a great service to Catholics around the globe. In over 22 pages, Miles has chronicled many of Jorge Bergoglio’s most outrageous offenses against the Catholic Faith and right morals, providing quote after quote from the blasphemous lips of the man most people in the world falsely believe to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

This dossier is being made available in several languages. Click to download in the language of your choice (all files in PDF format):

This chronicle is a handy collection of evidence for the case against Francis.


That sneaky lawyer again…

Chris Ferrara vs. Mark Shea:
The Mystery of the Changing Debate Resolution

It may have escaped a lot of people, but it didn’t escape us.

On January 12, 2016, a debate took place between Semi-Traditionalist spinmeister Christopher A. Ferrara and professional Novus Ordo muckspout Mark Shea. This debate was held at St. Augustine Novus Ordo parish in South St. Paul, Minnesota, as part of their Argument of the Month (AOTM) men’s club. When we first heard about the resolution to be debated between the two opponents, we were shocked that apparently Christopher Ferrara would be so foolish as to agree to take the affirmative in the following resolution: “Has the Catholic Church abandoned the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost?” … READ MORE

More Blasphemy from Chaos Frank

Francis claims St. John the Baptist doubted whether Christ was the True Messiah!

Francis teaches a new, false gospel

He fell entirely silent for Italy’s Family Day, but now that that is over, Francis the Pretend-Pope is back to spouting blasphemies against God and the saints and heresies against the Holy Catholic Faith. On February 5, 2016, the prescribed Gospel reading in the Novus Ordo liturgy was Mark 6:14-29, in which we read about the beheading of St. John the Baptist. Francis used the occasion to speak about another but related Gospel passage, Matthew 11:1-6, which also mentions the Baptist:

And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he passed from thence, to teach and preach in their cities.


Setting the Record straight…

When did Nestorius Lose his Office?
A Refutation of John Salza & Robert Siscoe

Cardinal Louis Billot, S.J. (1846-1931)

The huffing and puffing anti-sedevacantist apologists over at TrueOrFalsePope.com are currently busy publishing countless excerpts from their 700-page book as separate, individual articles. One such article posted on Feb. 2 criticizes Sedevacantists for pointing out that Nestorius automatically and immediately ceased to be the valid bishop of the see of Constantinople at the moment he became a public heretic, and not only after a legal declaration by the Church. This, John Salza and Robert Siscoe maintain, is false: “Nestorius was not deposed by ‘Divine law’ the moment he began preaching heresy, but was instead deposed after the Church itself rendered a judgment”, they argue (italics given).… READ MORE

News Digest February 2, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 2, 2016

The “Church of Joy” strikes again!


Not everyone is as gung-ho as Bp. Fellay…

SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta Warns of Agreement with Rome

On Sunday, January 17, 2016, Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta of the Society of St. Pius X gave a conference at the St. Vincent de Paul priory in Bailly, France. A short summary of the talk has been posted at the French news portal Médias-Presse-Info. We are happy to provide an exclusive English translation:

For Bishop de Galarreta, it is not to be desired that an agreement between Rome and the SSPX should happen

By Christian Lassale

Summary of the Conference of Bishop de Galarreta in Bailly (78) on January 17, 2016

I—The Atmosphere in Rome

We are witnessing an upsurge of modernism in Rome with Pope Francis.


04: Catholic Condemnations of Idolatry

While “Pope” Francis is busy constantly denouncing fake “idolatries”, he never utters a word against real idolatry, which is the literal adoration ofcreatures in place of the Creator, as found in Paganism, for example. In fact, Heathen religions are seen by the Vatican II religion as good, as acceptable, as somehow putting people in touch with the true God, even — and this is a frightful blasphemy — as “positively willed by God”! Here are some examples of where the New Church tacitly or even explicitly endorses Heathen religions:

The true Catholic Church, however, can never compromise with error and most certainly cannot respect, much less endorse, false religions.


CAUTION! Francis Speaks!

Francis’ Subtle Heresy: Who is a True Christian?

We all know that Francis likes to talk a lot, and he especially likes to point out what, in his view, is required to be a “true” Christian: You must be this way or that way, and you cannot do this or that. For example, you must always “include”, you must welcome everyone without distinction, you cannot be a [insert Bergoglian insult of your choice], you cannot have a funeral face, you cannot have a flight-attendant smile, you cannot be “closed in on yourself”, etc., ad nauseam.… READ MORE

The “New Springtime” strikes again…

Spain: 100-Year-Old Catholic Church Turned into Skate Park

Embed from Getty Images

In the Spanish city of Llanera, Asturias, there is a 100-year-old Catholic church by the name of Santa Barbara, completed in 1917. The church still exists, but its interior has been destroyed: first by the Modernist Vatican II Sect, which used it for its false Modernist worship, and then, after it closed down because more and more people couldn’t see the point of practicing this new religion, by secularists who have literally transformed this sacred building — in which the Son of God Incarnate once dwelled — into a skater park.… READ MORE

Great for a rainy day!

Fun and Games:
Play “Find the Cross” with Francis!

It’s time for a little “papal” peek-a-boo! Come join the fun, watch the above video and see if you can find the pectoral cross of “Pope” Francis — or any other cross or crucifix in the shocking interfaith video produced by Jorge “Preach the Gospel Always” Bergoglio….

Time’s up!

Sorry, you lose.… READ MORE

Don’t forget to act surprised…

Francis to Travel to Sweden to Commemorate Protestant Reformation in October

Lund Cathedral in Sweden
© User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

From our rapidly-growing “You Sedevacantists are just a bunch of Protestants!” file:

The Unholy See in Vatican City has just released the following statement to the press: “His Holiness Francis intends to participate in a joint ceremony of the Catholic Church and the World Lutheran Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, scheduled to take place in Lund, Sweden on Monday 31 October 2016” (source).

Vatican Radio has elaborated on this announcement and posted the following news story:

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis will travel to Sweden in October for a joint ecumenical commemoration of the start of the Reformation, together with leaders of the Lutheran World Federation and representatives of other Christian Churches.


That Francis Effect strikes again…

Finnish Lutherans given “Holy Communion” at Vatican

Source: kotimaa24.fi

Boy, what a beginning of the year it’s been: Chaos Frank is causing damage at full throttle, and this in the “Year of Mercy”. In fact, it seems as though he is determined to embarrass and humiliate the authors of the new book against Sedevacantism, for ever since its release, Francis has shifted his blatant apostasy into high gear. First he released a video reducing our Lord Jesus Christ and His Truth to just one nice option among many religions, claiming that there is no certainty about who is right; then he visited a synagogue in Rome to tell the Talmudists how wonderful they are; then he raked traditionalists over the coals for refusing to embrace what we’re calling “Surpriseology”, his pseudo-theology of “surprise” which conveniently translates his every fancy into the will of the Holy Ghost; then, on the same day, he received an ultra-liberal Lutheran delegation from Finland; and just yesterday it was announced that Francis had officially changed the rubrics of Holy Thursday to open up the foot-washing ceremony specifically to women.… READ MORE

Speaking of “Private Judgment”…

False Resistance Theology:
The Pope Speaks — You Decide!

Who needs a Pope when you can have self-appointed sifters and resisters?

It looks like this year is shaping up to be a veritable armageddon between the false traditionalist recognize-and-resist position and Sedevacantism. Very good, let it be so, for this is an all-important issue. The current strategy being executed by John Salza & Robert Siscoe — authors of True Or False Pope? — appears to be that of an attempted one-two punch of flooding the debate with a flurry of short articles so as to try to overwhelm us, and using a “divide-and-conquer” tactic by focusing on matters on which sedevacantists do not agree so as to prevent a unified response and paralyze us, as it were, perhaps hoping we will yell at each other instead of Salza and Siscoe.… READ MORE