Francis: Church Wasn’t Sure Holy Spirit Is God Until ‘Experience’ Confirmed It!
It’s Wednesday, and therefore time for another General Audience in Vatican City.
In his role as ‘Pope Francis’, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not fail to dump more theological piffle on his adoring fans as part of his audience ‘catechesis’. The topic of today’s reflection was the Holy Ghost in the life of the Church, and the false pope used the opportunity to teach a blasphemous idea to his listeners:
In the first three centuries, the Church did not feel the need to give an explicit formulation of her faith in the Holy Spirit.
Peace in the Crisis? Catholic Family News Promotes a Dangerous Tranquility (PART 1)
by Francis del Sarto
[NOTE: This is Part 1 of a response to a series of articles that the author has since withdrawn and that Catholic Family News has removed from its web site. As a courtesy, we have changed the name of the original author to the pseudonym “Andrew Fornak”.]
Last fall the popular semi-traditionalist propaganda outlet Catholic Family News published the first installment of a three-part article series by Andrew Fornak entitled “Finding Peace in the Crisis”. The thrust of it is the standard recognize-and-resist (R&R) fare: namely, that as grim as the situation is for today’s adherents of the Vatican II Church, it’s not without historical precedent and has even been warned about by the Church in ages past, so there’s definitely no need to panic.… READ MORE
Justifying a false pope at the expense of a true one…
A Response to “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider’s Claims against Pope Liberius
With the recent kerfuffle about the five dubia submitted by “Cardinals” Caffarra, Burke, Meisner, and Brandmuller, it was just a matter of time before we were going to hear from Mr. Athanasius Schneider, the auxiliary “bishop” of the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. Schneider is about as far right in the Novus Ordo spectrum one can be while still being considered in full communion with the Modernist-in-Chief in Vatican City.
In a new interview published at the Rorate Caeli blog, Schneider has come to the defense of the four “cardinals” mentioned above, whose dubia (“doubts”, or formal requests for clarification) have forced Francis into a corner from which he will not be able to escape because they do not allow for anything but a clear and straightforward answer, something Francis has been deliberately refusing to give in public (but not in private!… READ MORE
Chapter Ten: The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius, His Alleged Excommunication of St. Athanasius, and other Anti-Papal Libels
“Glory not in the dishonour of thy father: for his shame is no glory to thee.”
(Ecclesiasticus 3:12)
Davies’s Comments on Liberius
The following extracts from Michael Davies’s writings all concern the same subject. They all say much the same thing. Indeed some readers will find them unbearably repetitive.… READ MORE
@StARadtrad If what is meant there is that the New Mass contradicts Quo Primum because Pope St. Pius V forbade any future Popes from changing the missal, then that would not be correct. A lot of sedevacantists have unwittingly adopted this error as well (myself formerly included), which…
Just what the world needs now: A book collecting what 'Pope' Francis has said about poetry, edited by his fellow-Jesuit Rev. Antonio Spadaro - #popefrancis #catholic
"After Francis' bulldozing authoritarianism, ['Cardinal' Pietro] Parolin might be preferred by many cardinals as someone who could continue Francis' work of destruction, but with less noise" - #popefrancis #conclave #conclave2025
The only crisis he doesn't seem to notice is that of unbelief. We have a world that does not believe in the only true religion, and he is Exhibit A in that regard. #popefrancis #catholictwitter #catholic
Kennedy Hall promotes old recognize-and-resist myths about St. Pius V's Quo Primum, uses as his authority not a pre-Vatican II source but the Rev. Gregory Hesse (1953-2006) - The myths are refuted here: Why did he choose Hesse? Was…