Sex ed in daycare centers part of diocese’s “inclusive educational concept”…

Assault on Innocence: Archdiocese of Cologne Promotes Sexualization of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers!


The Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, under the leadership of ‘Cardinal’ Rainer Maria Woelki (b. 1956), apparently subjects the children in its ‘Catholic’ daycare facilities to early sexualization. We are talking about children aged 0-6.

In recent weeks, at least two daycare centers that are run by the archdiocese — that of St. Martin and that of Ss. Cosmas and Damian — have been in the news thanks to watchful independent reporters.… READ MORE

About as edifying as a morgue…

Newly-Renovated Berlin Cathedral Perfectly Mirrors Novus Ordo Religion: Earthly, Sterile, Pointless

No, this isn’t construction debris that was left behind, it’s the new ‘sanctuary’ of St. Hedwig’s Cathedral
(image: Erzbistum Berlin, YouTube screenshot)

Saint Hedwig (c. 1174-1243) is a popular saint in Poland and Germany. Canonized by Pope Clement IV less than 24 years after her death, she is one of the earliest saints from Silesia. She is the patron saint of Berlin, the German capital, and the diocesan cathedral is dedicated to her.

As the first Catholic church that was allowed to be built in Protestant Berlin after the so-called Reformation, the construction of St.… READ MORE

Watch at your own risk…

They’ve lost it completely:
‘Ash Wednesday of Artists’ in Cologne Basilica

The Modernist layman who currently claims to be the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, Mr. Rainer Maria Woelki, led an Ash Wednesday ‘Mass’ in the Basilica of St. Cunibert on March 6. The liturgical horror show was entitled Aschermittwoch der Künstler, literally, “Ash Wednesday of Artists”.

Words cannot describe what you are about to witness in the first 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The woman making the noises with her mouth and feet is Irene Kurka. The piece she and the organist are performing is called Introitus and was created by German composer Dominik Susteck (b.READ MORE

Sacrilege 2.0

Profanation in Cologne:

“SilentMOD” Light & Music Show inside Historic Cathedral as Part of Local Video Game Trade Fair

The High Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne, Germany, is one of the most complex and beautiful church buildings in the entire world. Construction of the breathtaking architectural marvel lasted for 632 years, beginning under Pope Innocent IV in 1248 — when St. Albert the Great was still alive — and ending in 1880 under Pope Leo XIII.

This beautiful sacred building is currently undergoing Novus-Ordo-approved profanation by means of a music and light show in connection with the annual local video game trade fair known as Gamescom.… READ MORE

The guy that finds “virtue” in stable homo relationships…

Francis appoints Berlin’s Homo-Friendly “Cardinal” Woelki as new “Archbishop” of Cologne

On July 11, 2014, the Vatican issued a press release announcing that Berlin’s “Cardinal” Rainer Maria Woelki had been appointed by the Modernist-in-Chief Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) as the new archbishop of Cologne to fill the vacancy left by the conservative (by Novus Ordo standards) “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, who had resigned in February of this year. Woelki’s appointment is significant for two reasons: (1) Cologne is Germany’s largest diocese; (2) Woelki is soft on the homosexual agenda. Here are the relevant news stories: