Case of severely painful facial shingles
Benedict XVI “Seriously Ill” since Return from Bavaria, biographer reports after meeting with him

Benedict XVI on Sep. 22, 2012
[LAST UPDATE: 03-AUG-2020 17:07 UTC]
The German regional newspaper Passauer Neue Presse reports this morning that the 93-year-old “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI (Fr. Joseph Ratzinger), is “seriously ill” and that he has designated his final resting place. The source for this report is highly credible: It is Peter Seewald, Ratzinger’s long-time biographer and interview partner.
Seewald told the newspaper that ever since his return to Rome after a brief visit to his dying brother Georg this past June, Benedict has been suffering from facial shingles (Gesichtsrose), which is “accompanied by bouts of severe pain.”… READ MORE
Resignationists on high alert…
Benedict XVI Never to Return to the Vatican?
Ratzinger Drama in Germany

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI, is now in Regensburg, Germany, visiting his 96-year-old brother, Georg, who appears to be close to death.
As the visit is an eminently private one, with no interviews or photo opportunities, no official information has come from Benedict XVI or his entourage, although the diocese of Regensburg has released two statements to the public so far.
Because of the scarcity of official communication and the sensitivity of the reason for the visit, rumors, speculation, and uncertainty are rampant.… READ MORE
Subjective “theology of emotion” without precise definitions…
New Biography of Benedict XVI confirms: Ratzinger was recognized as ‘Dangerous Modernist’ early on

A comprehensive biography of Joseph Ratzinger — “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI — has just been published in Germany by Peter Seewald. At 1150 pages, it is a massive tome. It is well documented, contains numerous full-color photos, and includes a name index. The book is divided into six major periods of Ratzinger’s life and has a total of 74 chapters. The work also includes an epilogue and 8 pages of a final interview with the man known as Benedict XVI.… READ MORE
The “Pope Emeritus” drama continues…
Benedict XVI says he retains “Spiritual Dimension” of Papacy

Still identifies as Pope, but only “spiritually”: Fr. Joseph Ratzinger
For someone who promised to withdraw in prayer so as to be hidden from the world for good, the 93-year-old “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI certainly continues to have a lot to say.
Vatican journalist Peter Seewald has just published a comprehensive biography of Joseph Ratzinger in his native Germany. The book will be released in English in November under the title … READ MORE
After recent fall…
First Francis, now Benedict XVI:
New Photos show Joseph Ratzinger with Black Eye
The diocese of Passau, Germany, just published two new images of the so-called “Pope Emeritus”, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, otherwise known by his stage name “Benedict XVI.” Here is one of them:

The two visitors seen in this photo are “Bishop” Stefan Oster of the diocese of Passau, Germany, in which lies Benedict’s birthplace, and Mr. Peter Seewald, a German journalist who has produced numerous interview books with Ratzinger. Oster and Seewald visited Benedict to give him a copy of a new book they collaborated on, entitled Benedikt XVI.… READ MORE
No Friend of Fatima:

Unspinning Christopher Ferrara’s Defense of Benedict XVI
Forever trying to persuade his readers, and presumably himself, that “Pope” Benedict XVI is “our only friend in the Vatican” – quite in contradiction to his former sarcastic use of the same phrase in reference to the very same Joseph Ratzinger – New Jersey-based attorney Christopher A. Ferrara is still busy claiming that Benedict XVI is a genuine friend of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, specifically of the Third Secret, which, he argues (and Novus Ordo Watch agrees), has only been released in part by the Vatican.
Though it is easy to understand why a man who is a lawyer by profession should habitually write in a rhetorically-persuasive style, desiring to get his readership to agree with his position, it is nonetheless not tolerable that a position should be allowed to continue to be put forth that has been clearly refuted.… READ MORE