Let Us Spray?

Vatican Lauds ‘SuperFrank’!

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The Associated Press reported on Jan. 28, 2014:

It wasn’t enough that Pope Francis was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year – or that he fronted this week’s Rolling Stone magazine. Now there’s SuperPope graffiti sprouting up around the Vatican.

The white caped crusader appeared on a wall just off Borgo Pio, a tiny cobble-stoned street near St Peter’s Square. In typical superhero fashion, Francis’ right fist is thrust in the air, leading him in flight, while his left clutches his black satchel. “Valores,” or values in Spanish, is written across it.


Reality Check for Novus Ordos…

Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts

A favorite tactic among Novus Ordo apologists when trying to argue against sedevacantism is to discredit it by making the position look foolish; and what better way to do that than to label it a conspiracy theory! Nowadays, few words are more effective in making people turn a blind eye to disturbing facts than that infamous and dreaded ‘C’ word: conspiracy, or, better yet, conspiracy theory.

“I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” many people, often good-willed, are quick to point out, conveniently allowing them to ignore evidence put before them.… READ MORE

Absolutely Devastating…

You Can’t Have It “Your Way”:
A Response to Fr. Chazal’s Arguments against Sedevacantism in his Dec. 8 Letter to “Fr.” Paul Kramer

At the end of November 2013, the well-known traditionalist Novus Ordo priest Rev. Paul Kramer, editor of the popular book The Devil’s Final Battle, declared publicly that Francis could not possibly be the Pope of the Catholic Church and that the Holy See was vacant. As Kramer had hitherto been loosely affiliated with the Fatima Center, The Remnant, and Catholic Family News and had joined their well-known opposition to sedevacantism, this announcement came as quite a surprise to many.


“No Rupture with the Past” Update

Spot the Anti-Pope!

Look at each of the images and try to guess which one is the true Catholic Pope, and which one is the Modernist usurper of the papal throne. Hint: The Modernist Anti-Pope portrays the “Great Renewal” ushered in by the Second Vatican Council.

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[the other images have been temporarily removed on account of copyright issues]

Okay, let’s hope everyone figured out which of the two men in these photos is the Catholic, and who is the 1960’s hippie liberal. Speaking of hippies, Francis is such a laughing stock that even Lutherans can tell the man isn’t a Catholic.… READ MORE

The Apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio…

“No Catholic God”?
Dissecting the Francis-Scalfari Interview

Listen On Demand any time:


Another week, another ridiculous Bergoglio interview to dissect. Host Justin Soeder speaks with Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada to analyze and discuss the interview “Pope” Francis gave to former Catholic (now atheist) Eugenio Scalfari, which was published on October 1, 2013.

This 2-hour broadcast of the Restoration Radio Network is another very informative episode full of hard-hitting, no-nonsense Roman Catholic truth. Listen and see just how un-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) really is and how damaging to souls his errors are.… READ MORE

Commentary on the “Papal” Interview

A Big Mouth Open for Modernism:
The Bergoglio Manifesto

More Vatican II. Once you manage to get through all the Modernist drivel, that’s the essential message of the interview Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. “Pope” Francis, gave to his fellow-Jesuit layman, the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, editor-in-chief of La Civilta Cattolica, published on September 19, 2013. (The full text of the interview, together with the most important quotes highlighted and links to sundry commentaries from various sources, can be accessed here: “Francis Makes a Mess”.)

Bergoglio is 100% a man of the Second Vatican Council, and in this 12,000-word interview he resuscitates all the old 1960’s liberal slogans and ideas to promote essentially a theological “flower-power” for his church. 


How to tell Aunt Helen…

Why Sedevacantism?

A Conversation with a Sedevacantist Priest

Tired of reading long and complicated articles on traditionalist issues? Then watch this calm, insightful conversation in which Fr. Anthony Cekada explains very simply why only the sedevacantist position is the truly Catholic position to take with regard to the Vatican II Church and the apostasy it has engendered, and how we can know this for certain. As a former member of the Novus Ordo Church and also the Society of St. Pius X, he narrates his own conversion from a “conservative” Novus Ordo position to sedevacantism.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Rev. Sylvester Berry in The Apocalypse of St. John:


“The Papacy will be Attacked by all the Powers of Hell… the Church will suffer great Trials … in securing a Successor upon the Throne of Peter… The Church [will be] deprived of her Chief Pastor…”

In 1921, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry (1879-1954) published a wonderful commentary on the scriptural book of the Apocalypse (also known as the book of Revelation). With careful analysis and gifted insight, Fr. Berry comments on every passage found in the last book of the Bible.

In view of what has transpired in the 20th century in the Roman Catholic Church, and the counterfeit “Catholic” church that was set up after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (which the same Fr.… READ MORE

Response to “Catholic Answers”

Rejoinder from the “Rad Trads”

Chances are you’ve heard of an organization called Catholic Answers in Southern California. This enterprise was founded in 1979 by Karl Keating and has effectively become the de facto bulwark of the Novus Ordo religion in the United States. They follow a policy of strictest adherence to the Novus Ordo Vatican in all things and so are Novus Ordo and modernistic to the core, yet with that “conservative” veneer that keeps many trapped inside the Conciliar Church.

On May 31, 2013, their Catholic Answers Live radio show featured a program entitled “Radical Traditionalism”, which was dedicated to refuting the errors of the Society of St.… READ MORE

In View of John Paul II’s Impending “Canonization”

Decision Time for The Remnant:

Is the Novus Ordo Church the True Church or a Counterfeit Church? 

For decades the semi-traditionalists at The Remnant have been reporting on the apostasy of the Vatican II Church: its evil disciplines, its erroneous and heretical teachings, its impious liturgical laws, its scandalous clergy, its wicked practices. In short, they have been making the overall case that the Novus Ordo Church is the exact opposite of a trustworthy guide in matters of eternal salvation, that it is not the Ark of Salvation but the Ark of Damnation.… READ MORE

Reality Check for Non-Sedevacantists…

Demonstrating the Folly of the False Traditionalist ‘Recognize & Resist’ Position

Inspired by a recent suggestion from Mr. Stephen Heiner of True Restoration, we have decided to illustrate the absudity of the false traditionalist “recognize and resist” position by taking a recent article from Mr. John Vennari, one of the main propagators of this position in the United States, and substituting every mention of “Francis” with the phrase “Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth”, which Mr. Vennari absolutely insists is exactly who “Pope” Francis is. The recognize-and-resist view is essentially the position that true Catholics must recognize the Vatican II church and its hierarchy as the true Catholic Church of Jesus Christ and as the legitimate Roman Catholic shepherds (in contrast to sedevacantism, which denies that the Vatican II church is the Catholic Church or its clerics are Roman Catholic authorities), yet resist them in any and all matters pertaining to faith, morals, church government, or worship inasmuch as these are harmful, impious, erroneous, sacrilegious, or heretical.


Heresy has Consequences…

Tradition in Action Gets It Wrong Again on Public Heretics

[UPDATE 6/28/13: Tradition In Action has corrected and apologized for the errors they published regarding automatic excommunication: SEE HERE. We gladly and gratefully accept this apology and retraction and hope that they will do the same regarding the question of loss of office due to public defection from the Faith. TIA ought to be praised for having the integrity and humility to recognize errors and correct them. If this were only true of The Remnant and Catholic Family News!]

One of the best web sites exposing the horrors of the bogus Vatican II religion is the site Tradition In Action.… READ MORE

Calls Bergoglio a Theological “Train Wreck”…
John Vennari of “Catholic Family News”

John Vennari: “I would never allow Pope Francis
to Teach Religion to my Children”

Mr. John Vennari is the editor of the traditionalist but anti-sedevacantist (which we call “semi-traditionalist” or “neo-traditionalist”) monthly paper Catholic Family News. He is one of the few semi-traditionalists whose belief in the claim to the papacy of the leaders of the Novus Ordo Church since 1958 does not cause him to disregard or minimize the ugly facts about these men with regard to their theology and morals. (In this, he distinguishes himself from many of his colleagues, such as the Rev.… READ MORE

Consider the Evidence…

Concerning an SSPX Dossier on Sedevacantism
by Mr. John Lane

In 2004, Fr. Dominique Boulet, SSPX, published an article entitled “Is that Chair Vacant? A SSPX Dossier on Sedevacantism”. Mr. John Lane, a sedevacantist from Australia, has taken it upon himelf to analyze and refute Fr. Boulet’s work, step by step. The 84 page document, linked below in PDF, is well worth the read.


“The entire force of the Conciliar revolt comes from the fact that it has apparently been imposed by the authority of the Church. How many bishops, priests, religious, and laymen, would have swallowed the lies of the heretics if they had not believed themselves bound to do so by the voice of Christ’s Vicar on earth?


The ‘Voris Virus’ Strikes again…

A WWF Papacy?

On April 12, 2013, Michael Voris’ ChurchMilitant.TV released the rollowing Vortex broadcast:

In case you missed our first post on the ‘Voris Virus’, we defined it as “the refusal to report those inconvenient facts that contradict the agenda you want to push on your audience”. The April 12, 2013, broadcast of the Vortex, entitled “WWF Papacy!!!”, is another textbook example of that. Hardly able to contain his excitement, the anchor reports: “…the liberal-progressive-modernist gang [is] freaking out that Pope Francis is actually – Catholic!”

What makes Mr. Voris assert such an absurd idea?… READ MORE