Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 24, 2013
- The Appalling State of the New Church illustrated: Lessons from World Youth Day
- Munich’s “Cardinal” Marx denies Hell and Purgatory, says Church must repent of having “scared” people — OK now, all you “hermeneutic of continuity” people: Who appointed this man “archbishop” of Munich and named him a “cardinal” again? That’s right, it was the Great “Restorer of Tradition,” Benedict XVI!
- Speaking of Mr. Marx: Here he is seen “consecrating” a Modernist Bird Cage
- Altar against Altar: The Craze for Strange New Altars and “Youth Churches”
- The Novus Ordo Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King today – or do they?
Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 22, 2013