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The Francis Show in Kazakhstan:
Bergoglio’s ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Sep. 13-15, 2022

On Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2022, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will visit the nation of Kazakhstan, specifically its capital of Nur-Sultan, which until 2019 was known as Astana. Kazakhstan lies in Central Asia and is a former Soviet republic. It is the ninth largest country in the world.

The main reason for Francis’ trip, which concludes on Thursday, Sep. 15, is attendance at the seventh triennial Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. The topic for this year’s meeting is: “The Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Faiths in the Socio-Spiritual Development of Humanity after the Pandemic”.… READ MORE

Now it’s getting interesting…

Retired Kazakh ‘Abp.’ Lenga Censured after Rejecting Francis as “Heretic” and “Antichrist”

Mr. Jan Paweł Lenga is the former Novus Ordo bishop of the diocese of Karaganda, Kazakhstan. In the past he made headlines by authoring an open letter on the crisis in the church (2015) and by co-signing the Profession of the Immutable Truths about Sacramental Marriage (2018) as well as the Declaration of the Truths relating to some of the most common Errors in the Life of the Church of our Time (2019).

Lenga retired from Karaganda in 2011 and moved to Poland, where he still resides today, in the diocese of Włocławek.… READ MORE

One more document should fix it…

Five Novus Ordo Prelates release “Declaration of Truths” in tacit Rebuke to Francis

“Cardinals” Burke and Pujats, “Archbishops” Peta and Lenga, “Bishop” Schneider

If it seems like you’ve seen this before, it’s because you have:

On Pentecost Monday, June 10, 2019, five high-ranking prelates of the Vatican II Church have released two documents obviously meant to challenge “Pope” Francis and be an orthodox counterpart to the latter’s persistent efforts to destroy any remnants of Catholicism in souls. The two documents are the following:

Although both documents are dated May 31, they were not released to the public until today, June 10.… READ MORE

New year picks up where old year left off…

Five Novus Ordo Bishops yap at Francis
over Amoris Laetitia

[UPDATE 06-JAN-2018: Retired “Bishop” Andreas Laun of Austria signs Kazakh Profession]

[UPDATE 05-JAN-2018: Retired “Cardinal” Janis Pujats adds his signature to Kazakh Profession]

It is now 2018, and the international soap opera known as Amoris Laetitia enters into its third season. On April 8 of this year, it will have been 2 years since “Pope” Francis released this heretical, blasphemous, and truly infernal document, and there is not a single “bishop” in the Novus Ordo Sect who will stand up and denounce its author as a manifest anti-pope.… READ MORE