A Miraculous Multiplication of Excuses

Akin to the Rescue:


How to Understand what Francis Really Meant in 11 Easy Steps

Jimmy Akin is a professional Novus Ordo apologist. He is employed by California-based Catholic Answers, but also writes for the EWTN-owned so-called National Catholic Register newspaper.

Akin enjoys a generous, six-figure salary at his job, and it is easy to see why: He makes the impossible happen for the Vatican II Church on a daily basis, which now includes even suspending the law of non-contradiction, as needed. And when it comes to Jorge Bergoglio, the talkative Argentinian Modernist who claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, the need is great.


Vatican ‘Gay Lobby’ Update

Former Vatican Swiss Guard:
“Cardinals Solicited Me for Sex”


A Swiss Guard with a Novus Ordo Cardinal (generic internet photo)

On Sunday, January 5, 2013, the Swiss weekly paper Schweiz am Sonntag broke the story of a former Vatican Swiss Guard, who claims to have received offers for homosexual acts — from “Cardinals”!

[from Schweiz am Sonntag“Schweizergardist packt aus: ‘Habe von Kardinälen Sex-Angebote erhalten'”]

Swiss Guard Breaks Silence: “Cardinals Solicited Me for Sex”

by Henry Habegger and Beat Kraushaar
posted Saturday, Jan. 4, 2013, 11:32 pm CET

Now the Swiss Guard joins the sordid circle of the Vatican’s Gay Lobby.


So humble, he’s proud of it…

“Humility” on Display:
The Francis Show

It is amazing to see how many people are falling for the show of the “humble” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. People should know that there is nothing humble about a man who, in the presence of countless cameras and journalists, constantly tries to show off how wonderful of a person he is (one is reminded of the words of the proud Pharisee, “I am not as the rest of men” [Lk 18:11]). Besides, you definitely know something is wrong when the liberal-secular media veritably swoons over “the Pope” as he gets approval ratings as high as 88% and receives one “Person of the Year” award after another.… READ MORE

Time to face the Consequences…

SSPX Admits Bergoglio Teaches False Doctrine

[taken from True Restoration Blog]

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathemaAs we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema! (Galatians 1:8-9)

Not once, but twice, does St. Paul warn the Galatians against those amongst them who would preach a false doctrine.

I recently came across a document which was posted on the Society of St.


“By their Fruits you shall know them…” (Mt 7:16)

Francis Insults the Mother of God

“Jorge the Humble”, otherwise known by his pseudonym “Pope Francis”,
has no qualms about pridefully insulting Mary Most Holy

The head of the Vatican II Sect, known as “Pope Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio), has managed to shamelessly insult the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in one of his daily homilies. On Dec. 20, 2013, the “Holy Father” said the following, as reported by Vatican Radio:

The Mother of Jesus was the perfect icon of silence. From the proclamation of her exceptional maternity at Calvary. The Pope said he thinks about “how many times she remained quiet and how many times she did not say that which she felt in order to guard the mystery of her relationship with her Son,” up until the most raw silence “at the foot of the cross”.


High Five, Francis!

Dude, Man, just Awesome! Like, the coolest Pope ever!

High Five, Francis!

Today, Dec. 21, Francis gave his first “Christmas Greeting” address to the Roman Curia. We recall that not too long ago, a “gay lobby” had been identified there. What has Francis’ handling of this matter amounted to so far? Essentially, three things: (1) a disingenuous “Who am I to judge?”; (2) Appointing a publicly-exposed Sodomite as head of the Vatican Bank and leaving him in place after the scandal was known; (3) telling people to “stop gossiping.” The latter was once again emphasized today in his address to the curia.


He is their Advocate indeed…

LGBT Magazine Honors Francis as “Person of the Year”


Jorge Bergoglio Chosen as Perverts’ Advocate of 2013

Now it’s the perverts’ turn. After Time Magazine and mtvU, the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender magazine The Advocate has now also chosen the head of the Vatican II Church, “Pope” Francis, as “their” man of the year. And they picked him despite the fact that Jack Andraka, an open sodomite held in high esteem by the Vatican (see our report here), was also one of the finalists.

You can read the sodomites’ ode to Francis right here:

In case you don’t know what The Advocate is or stands for (and hopefully this applies to most of the readers of this blog), you can read an overview here.… READ MORE

He can’t stop talking…

Interview No. 4:

“Many Marxists are Good People”, No Women Cardinals, won’t Rule Out “Communion” for Public Adulterers, believes in “Ecumenism of Blood”, Non-Catholic Martyrs, says Orthodox have Apostolic Succession

The Italian paper La Stampa has just published an exclusive interview with Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the loquacious head of the Vatican II Sect, commonly known under his pseudonym, “Pope Francis.”

The full text of the interview has now been released online (previously, only La Stampa‘s print edition had the full transcript):

“Never Be Afraid of Tenderness”:
FULL TEXT of Andrea Tornielli’s
Interview with “Pope” Francis

Interview Highlights – the Most Important Quotes:

  • “God always opens doors, he never closes them.

Don’t worry, be happy…

“Pope” Francis:
‘Don’t Fear the Last Judgment!’

Embed from Getty Images

“Chaos Frank” is at it again. In today’s Wednesday “catechesis”, “Pope” Francis reflected on the Last Judgment, and essentially told his faithful that they shouldn’t sweat it because it’s not that big of a deal.

This is perhaps the most blatant expression to date of his false “all-mercy, no-justice” gospel, which preaches a god that is always merciful and never really condemns. (On November 12, 2013, Francis blasphemously asserted that God merely “scolds” but never punishes or “hurts” us. He may want to review the Old and New Testaments for a reality check.


And the world adored him…

Everybody Loves Francis


TIME Magazine chooses Jorge Bergoglio
as “Person of the Year” 2013

Relevant Links:

No comments needed, just a few quotes from Holy Scripture:

  • “Woe to you when men shall bless you: for according to these things did their fathers to the false prophets.” (Lk 6:26)
  • “Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven.

“By their Fruits you shall know them” (Mt 7:16)…

“Pope” Francis is MTV College Channel’s
“Man of the Year”

The above video is pretty self-explanatory — not much comment needed. Here’s a link to the accompanying article at mtvU, the college channel of MTV.

All the “conservative” Novus Ordo pundits and apologists will tell you that MTV just doesn’t “get” Francis, but…. no, they get him only too well….… READ MORE

Tyranny against Indult Traditionalists

Franciscans of the Immaculate:

Apostolic Commissioner Demands “Oath FOR Modernism”, Lay Faithful Petition for his Removal

UPDATE 12/19/13: Deep Dive into the Vatican Crackdown (click here)

UPDATE 12/14/13: Vatican Rejects Calls for Removal of “Fr.” Volpi (click here)

UPDATE 12/11/13: Rorate Caeli has provided more details and links to translations and documents – CLICK HERE

The tyranny “Pope” Francis has unleashed upon the vigorous and growing order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (who adopt the so-called “indult” position of trying to be traditional Catholics yet only with the “permission” of the Modernist hierarchy, to which they submit), whose only “crime” has been to prefer the pre-Vatican II liturgical books to those of the Novus Ordo, is coming to a head.… READ MORE

Put on Your Surprise Face…

Francis Punished the Franciscans of the Immaculate because they are “Traditionalist”

UPDATE 12/19/13: Deep Dive into the Vatican Crackdown

UPDATE 12/14/13: Vatican Rejects Calls for Removal of “Fr.” Volpi (click here)

UPDATE 12/11/13: More details and links to translations and documents (click here)

UPDATE 12/10/13: Lay Supporters of FFI demand Removal of “Fr.” Volpi (click here)

Finally, for the first time, the “Apostolic Commissioner” Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap., de facto now the head of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, has officially admitted to the real reason for the far-reaching interference with the order when “Pope” Francis issued a blanket prohibition against their use of the 1962 Missal (“Traditional Latin Mass”) on July 11, 2013: They were “crypto-Lefebvrian” or at least “traditionalist.”… READ MORE

SSPX Update

“Francis Talks Too Much”:
An Interview with SSPX Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay

The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, has given an interview in which he discusses “Pope” Francis, the state of the Novus Ordo Church, and how the SSPX is currently engaging in its “resistance” against both. Conducted in French, the interview is available with English subtitles in the video above, but you can also read a full English transcript here:

Here are some highlights of what Bp. Fellay says in the interview:

  • On Francis: “I think that he talks too much” and “this is not a man of doctrine.”