The Vatican II Church is desperate…

Wanted: Novus Ordo Vocations

The Novus Ordo Church is running out of people, and this is no surprise, as its adherents typically do not reproduce sufficiently (due to contraception or “Natural Family Planning”) and the number of people who still think there is any point to converting to the Vatican II Sect is below the levels needed to sustain the operation long-term.

This is good news, really, because it spells the certain death of this wicked, soul-destroying sect in due time, even without divine intervention. Just as they are running out of people, that is, people who actually take the religion seriously and try to practice it (as opposed to hordes of merely baptized people whose names appear in the parish registry), so they are also running out of vocations to what they still call the “religious life.”… READ MORE

Answering a Straw Man Argument

Do Popes Have To Be Perfect?

Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914)

“The Most Misused Catholic Words.” That’s the title of a blog post at the National Catholic Register by Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report. The author intends to clarify three terms he says are being used in the wrong way by many in his church, one of them being “Sedevacantist.”

Unfortunately, Archbold does such a poor job “clarifying” the term that it will surely now continue to be misused, though perhaps in a different way than before. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Sedevacantists hold that, because modern (recent) Pope’s have said or done things that seem to be in contradiction to the Tradition of the Church AND that Popes, by virtue of their infallibility, must be perfect [sic] in such matters, therefore these Popes must not really be Popes.


News Digest Mar. 15, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 15, 2014


We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

But haven’t we always had “bad Popes”?

The “Bad Popes” Argument

A very common objection one hears when discussing Sedevacantism with those unfortunate souls who still believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church, is, “But there have always been bad Popes!” They are either not familiar with, or incapable of grasping, the difference between, on the one hand, Catholics who lead immoral lives, and, on the other hand, heretics.

Francis isn’t a bad Catholic. He’s a Non-Catholic. That’s the crux. Therefore, saying that we’ve had bad Popes in the past and they were still valid Popes, is totally beside the point.


Just Brilliant…

Dead on Arrival:
The Remnant
‘s New Strategy on “Pope” Francis

The Remnant Underground: “Pope Francis and the Three Amigos”

Being a Semi-Traditionalist is pretty difficult these days: You have to somehow try to reconcile authentic, traditional Catholic teaching with the idea that the world’s most notorious Modernist, Jorge Bergoglio, is the Pope of the Catholic Church. Squaring the circle will prove easier than this, so it is not surprising that all the various attempts at making Francis into a Catholic cannot but end in failure. The problem is that so much damage is being done in the process, damage to Catholic truth and to a proper understanding of Catholic teaching on the Pope and the Church.… READ MORE

Resignationism hitting the mainstream…

Italian Journalist Antonio Socci:
Ratzinger Resignation “May Not Be Valid”

Author and Journalist Antonio Socci

One year after Benedict XVI’s historic announcement of his impending resignation from the “papacy”, well-respected Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci reflects on what led Fr. Joseph Ratzinger to give up his claim to the papal office on February 28, 2013.

Writing for the Italian daily Libero on Feb. 12, 2014, Socci says that details about the resignation have emerged that may render it invalid under church law. (Both Novus Ordo and traditional Catholic canon law state that, among other possible reasons, resignation obtained through fear unjustly inflicted is invalid; see Novus Ordo Canon 188Catholic Canon 185.)… READ MORE

That “Anxiety”…

Bp. Williamson and Sedevacantism

A Response to Bp. Richard Williamson’s Arguments
against Sedevacantism in his Eleison Comments of 2014
(Part 1)

On Jan. 25, 2014, Bp. Richard Williamson, formerly with the Society of St. Pius X, released issue no. 341 of his Eleison Comments, which are sent out on a weekly basis to subscribers by email. In this particular installment, His Excellency once again returns to the topic of sedevacantism. He writes:

The words and deeds of Pope Francis since his election earlier last year have been so little Catholic and so outrageous, that the idea that recent popes have not really been Popes (”sedevacantism”) has been given a new lease of life.


A Flip for every Flop…

Two-Faced Francis:
The Contradictions of Jorge Bergoglio

Francis is clearly the most blatant Modernist of all the Novus Ordo Antipopes. He perfectly embodies the spirit of Vatican II and is the veritable incarnation, as it were, of the conciliar document Gaudium Et Spes. Like the Modernists and other innovators condemned by the Church, his chief characteristics include audacity and love of novelty. The following two passages taken from magisterial documents are very applicable to the entire frame of mind advanced by the Second Vatican Council and embodied fully by Jorge Bergoglio:

As for the rest, We greatly deplore the fact that, where the ravings of human reason extend, there is somebody who studies new things and strives to know more than is necessary, against the advice of the apostle.


Reality Check for Novus Ordos…

Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts

A favorite tactic among Novus Ordo apologists when trying to argue against sedevacantism is to discredit it by making the position look foolish; and what better way to do that than to label it a conspiracy theory! Nowadays, few words are more effective in making people turn a blind eye to disturbing facts than that infamous and dreaded ‘C’ word: conspiracy, or, better yet, conspiracy theory.

“I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” many people, often good-willed, are quick to point out, conveniently allowing them to ignore evidence put before them.… READ MORE

Now a grand total of 218 bogus princes…

“Pope” Francis Names 19 New “Cardinals”


The announcement had been expected for a while, and on January 12, 2014, it finally came: the list of the names of the men Antipope Francis will create “cardinals” in the consistory to be held on February 22. Here it is, in the order of precedence by which they will be admitted:

  • Pietro Parolin (Secretary of State; Vatican City)
  • Lorenzo Baldisseri (Synod of Bishops; Italy)
  • Gerhard Ludwig Müller (Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith; Vatican City)
  • Beniamino Stella (Congregation for the Clergy; Vatican City)
  • Vincent Gerard Nichols (Westminster, England)
  • Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano (Managua, Nicaragua)
  • Gérald Cyprien Lacroix (Quebec, Canada)
  • Jean-Pierre Kutwa (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
  • Orani João Tempesta (St.
A Miraculous Multiplication of Excuses

Akin to the Rescue:


How to Understand what Francis Really Meant in 11 Easy Steps

Jimmy Akin is a professional Novus Ordo apologist. He is employed by California-based Catholic Answers, but also writes for the EWTN-owned so-called National Catholic Register newspaper.

Akin enjoys a generous, six-figure salary at his job, and it is easy to see why: He makes the impossible happen for the Vatican II Church on a daily basis, which now includes even suspending the law of non-contradiction, as needed. And when it comes to Jorge Bergoglio, the talkative Argentinian Modernist who claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, the need is great.

Fatima Reality Check…

New Evidence Confirms
Two Sister Lucys of Fatima


Is this really one and the same woman?

Some Background

On May 13, 1917, the very day when Pope Benedict XV consecrated the future Pope Pius XII a bishop, the Mother of God first appeared to three shepherd children at a place called Cova da Iria at Fatima, Portugal. The eldest of the three was Lucia de Jesus dos Santos, who later widely came to be known simply as “Sister Lucy” of Fatima. The Blessed Virgin appeared a total of six times to the children, always on the 13th day of the month, from May to October of the same year.


Impure Dancing at Future “Pope’s” Liturgy…

Tango Mass!
With “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio

Tango begins at 26:38 mark

“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end;
see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.”
(Psalm 73:3)

You can’t make this stuff up; you just can’t. The above video shows two people performing the Tango, an impure dance condemned by Pope St. Pius X, during a “Mass” offered by the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio, the man who now claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Bergoglio is no stranger to liturgical aberrations and clearly has no care for the sacred nor for sound doctrine (just watch him distribute what he supposedly believes is Holy Communion in this video).… READ MORE

It’s been 55 years now…

A Bizarre Anniversary:
White Smoke, Still No Pope on Oct. 26, 1958


The Mysterious Conclave of 1958
Was someone else elected before John XXIII?

It’s where all the official trouble began, it’s the one event that started it all: the conclave of October 1958, which met to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII, and, after a great many ballots and some curious shenanigans, presented Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as “Pope” John XXIII on Oct. 28. What many people don’t know is that two days prior to Roncalli’s appearance as “Pope”, namely, on Oct. 26, white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel already.… READ MORE