Pope? Nope!

Non Habemus Papam…

Pope? Nope!

Jorge Bergoglio’s constant and excessive display of “I’m way too humble to be doing this the way my predecessors did” is getting old and annoying. But it is very interesting that his actions are basically screaming, “I am not the Pope!” Of course, even this isn’t enough for the anti-sedevacantist “recognize but resist” crowd, but apparently nothing will ever be. The following news article should be shocking to anyone who considers himself a traditional Catholic and believes Mr. Bergoglio to be the Pope of the Catholic Church:

As should be getting woefully apparent now even to those at first in denial, this new “papacy” of Bergoglio-Francis is dealing a tremendous blow to the Benedict XVI fans and their “restoration of Tradition” movement (long ago exposed by us as being based on wishful thinking, not fact).


That’s All, Folks…



As of 8:00 pm CET, Feb. 28, 2013, it is sede vacante in the Novus Ordo Church — Fr. Joseph Ratzinger has stepped down, has ceased claiming the title of Pope after almost eight years.

Reality Check:


The Chair Is Still Empty:
A Response to John Salza on the Alleged “Errors of Sedevacantism”

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On July 15, 2010, The Remnant published an article by Milwaukee-based Mr. John Salza, J.D., critiquing the theological position known as sedevacantism (from the Latin sede vacante, “the chair being empty”), which basically holds that the claimants to the papal throne after the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958, are illegitimate and not true Popes at all, and that the church of which John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have been the heads is not the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ but a modernist institution masquerading as the Catholic Church, with the ultimate aim to eradicate true, traditional Catholicism from the face of the earth in order to lead souls to hell.… READ MORE

Refinishing the Great Facade:

The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”

“Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls. And they said: we will not walk.” ―Jeremias 6:16

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” ―Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:13)

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” READ MORE

SEDE VACANTE 1958 – 2008

Reflections on a 50-Year Vacancy of the Apostolic See

Fifty years ago, around 3:50 am local time on October 9, 1958, His Holiness Pope Pius XII drew his last breath in Rome. At that time, most Catholics surely viewed this as simply an ordinary death of yet another Pope, and though lamentable, a new Pope would surely follow soon, and all would be well.

The last 50 years have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that such was not the case. At first, everything seemed to go the usual way. The deceased Pope received a solemn funeral, and a conclave to elect his successor was scheduled for October 25.… READ MORE

A Novus Ordo Watch Prediction in 2005

What to Expect of “Pope” Benedict XVI

A Message from Novus Ordo Watch about what we believe will happen
during the “papal reign” of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger as Benedict XVI

May 20, 2005 AD
Ember Friday in Pentecost

Dear Reader:

The recent election of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger as “Pope” Benedict XVI, the new head of the Concilar Church, marks the beginning of a new era. After almost 40 years since the end of the Second Vatican Council, and over 46 years since the selection of Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as John XXIII, in order to finish its triumph over the Catholic Church, the Conciliar Novus Ordo Church must now move into its final stages to complete its work of inquity, that is, the setting up of a universal one-world religion, under the pretext of human dignity, that has abandoned all that is distinctively Roman Catholic.