New Interview…

“Bishop” Schneider: “After Francis’ Pontificate there could be Judgments about his Behavior,” denounces “Cardinal” Kasper for “Lying to Souls”

For months now we’ve been predicting that if things continue as they have been going, there will eventually be a schism within the Novus Ordo Sect — essentially a division of the conservative Ratzinger Modernists versus the progressive Bergoglio Modernists. In an exclusive interview with French journalist and blogger Jeanne Smits, Athanasius Schneider, a “conservative” Novus Ordo auxiliary “bishop” in Kazakhstan, sounds off on Francis, Kasper, and the controversial Synod in Rome.

Below we present an unauthorized translation of several highlights of this interview, which was released on June 5, 2015. We share some of the thoughts of “Bp.” Schneider to underscore the strong anti-Francis tendencies found among some in the Novus Ordo episcopate, and as an opportunity to warn our readers not to fall for the false opposition to Francis by the “conservatives” in the Vatican II Church. Although Mr. Schneider — who is actually a layman — is no doubt well-intentioned and sincere, he too is yet another adherent of the false Vatican II religion and its papal impostors. He is thus extremely dangerous because he puts an orthodox, conservative veneer on the false Novus Ordo Sect, effectively perpetuating the wholly flawed idea that one can be a Roman Catholic in the Vatican II Church and recognize its shepherds as genuine Catholic authorities.

We would like to clarify that Jeanne Smits does not share Novus Ordo Watch’s views regarding Francis, Schneider, or the church after Pope Pius XII.

[The following is a translated excerpt of the June 5, 2015 post on the Jeanne Smits blog. This is our own unauthorized, unofficial translation from the French post available at]

Excerpts from “Exclusive Interview with Bishop Schneider on the Synod: The True Pastoral Welcoming of ‘Remarried’ Divorced Persons” conducted by Jeanne Smits

[In the following text, the words of the interviewer, Jeanne Smits, are rendered in blue italics, the words of “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider in regular black font.]


–This raises a terrible question. It was Pope Francis who appointed the Secretary General of the Synod, Archbishop Bruno Forte, it was he who asked for the closed doors during the first week… What can be his responsibility?

–His responsibility, it must be to God. He has his conscience. In the Church there is a principle: Prima sedes a nemine judicatur. The first see can be judged by no one. It is this which I must follow. Perhaps after his pontificate there could be judgments about his behavior. But today he is our pope, the Vicar of Christ, and just like each one of us, he must one day render an account to God, including about this synod, according to his conscience.


–Cardinal Kasper would say the Eucharist is precisely an aid for sinners, a food which would help these persons [in a sinful sexual union]…

–That is false and untrue. These persons are sick, sick in their souls. To a diabetic, I cannot give sugar—I would kill him. Even though sugar is good for persons in good health. This diabetic loves sugar, he has eaten it all his life. I refuse him sugar and he accuses me of being cruel to him and asks me to give it back to him. I will answer him, “No, I will not give it to you, because you are diabetic, I would kill you.” Cardinal Kasper lies to the souls of these persons by giving them communion. It is a very irresponsible behavior.

–At the synod there was nothing in either the interim report or the final report about mortal sin, about heaven or hell.

–That is very sad. All of the Gospel, all the letters of the Apostles, the Fathers of the Church speak clearly of the dangers of sin; they speak of repentance and grace. This is the language of Jesus: He always called to repentance. He would say: Receive grace, pray; He would speak of the Kingdom of Heaven, He would call people to look towards the Kingdom, the supernatural. This omission—that is to say, not having spoken of mortal sin at the synod—I consider it very grave.

–One cannot say the same thing of the ordinary Christian who sins but communicates; is it not a question of distinguishing between mortal sin and venial sin?

–The question here is not one of mortal sin or venial sin, it is one of repentance. I repent of what I have done. In the case of remarried divorced persons, Cardinal Kasper and his allies are dispensing them from repentance. They continue in mortal sin without repenting because they do not admit that their sexual acts—which are sexual acts outside of a valid marriage—are mortal sins. That is the problem.


–You have called Christians, and particularly lay Christians, to resist, including resisting their bishops if they should see them not defending the truth. At the present time it seems to me that many lay people are in confusion regarding the message which is coming from the Church. What must we do, and how to be sure of remaining in orthodoxy?

–It is necessary to remain faithful to the vows of one’s baptism. At baptism, you promised to remain faithful to the faith, not to a part of the faith, but to the integrality of the Catholic faith. You did not make your baptismal vows to the pope, or to your bishop, but to God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And thus you must render an account after your death, not to the pope or to the bishop, but to God. This is why we must maintain our fidelity, and even be prepared to die for each truth of the Catholic faith. Unfortunately, today, in the crisis in which we live, certain representatives of the hierarchy, certain bishops or cardinals, are trying to destroy a part of the faith, on the question of remarried divorced persons, for example. We must therefore resist, for when one maintains the truth, one defends the Church — it is this that is orthodox….

[end of excerpt]

Image source: Wikimedia Commons (Monegasque2; cropped)
License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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