Good Job, Jorge…
NARAL Abortion Coalition posts
Thank-You to “Pope” Francis

[This image was taken from the Facebook page of NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League.]
There is no need for comments. This speaks for itself. Yes, there are the usual myriad articles, blog posts, and broadcasts from the (usually) well-paid Novus Ordo pundits about what Francis “really” said or meant, trying to spin Jorge Bergoglio’s words in whatever way suits their agenda best, but the bottom line is that, as before with Francis, this is what people hear, and it’s not always the listeners’ fault. Make sure you read the “Letter to a Baby about to be Aborted” for a powerful illustration of the damage done.
In case you’re not sure what this is all about, see our blog post Francis Makes a Mess: The Interview.
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