Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 26, 2013
- Another Homo Predator Presbyter — and the “Archdiocese” knowingly kept him in ministry
- Eat this, Mr. Zuhlsdorf: Even Protestants can figure out that Francis is a Heretic
- Female “Cardinals”? No big deal, Mark Shea already has a defense — we suggest that if “Chaos Frank” really decides to appoint a woman “cardinal”, he might as well go all the way and appoint Francesca Chaouqui — come on, what’s it matter now?!
- Speaking of Chaouqui: Like Francis, she can’t stop talking either — CAUTION: immodest content
- At least it was with a woman: California Novus Ordo Priest steps down after fathering Child
- Come to think of it: Good Thing “Pope” Francis isn’t judgmental
- “New Springtime” Update: “Catholic” Hospital in Ireland to start Murdering Babies
- Circus Bergoglio continues: ‘The Church Never Judges Us’ — sure, that’s why the Church has canon law, sets up tribunals, employs ecclesiastical judges, gives jurisdiction, forbids bad books, excommunicates offenders, etc.