Priceless dance performance in ultimate Novus Ordo parish…

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore
(Example No. 12,804,229)

Theater of the Absurd at Nativity of Mary church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

This just in from Germany: The notorious ‘Nativity of Mary’ (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, home of the craziest liturgical and extra-liturgical spectacles, recently featured a dance performance of which they have now shared three brief video clips.

What you are about to see is so whacko that it rivals the ‘Ash Wednesday of Artists’ shrieking performance in a Cologne basilica in 2019. Please proceed with caution.

To be clear: This did not take place as part of a ‘Mass’ — but it was inside the church, where they usually gather for their ‘Eucharistic celebration’.… READ MORE