Vatileaks 3.0…
Exhortation Amoris Laetitia:
Summary Leaked
They do not say how they obtained it, or who put it together, but the indult/semi-trad blog Rorate Caeli has just published a summary of the “post-synodal Apostolic exhortation” Amoris Laetitia, which will be officially released tomorrow (April 8) at a press conference scheduled to begin at 11:30 am Rome time (5:30 am ET). Novus Ordo Watch will provide full coverage.
Click here to read the alleged summary:
The summary is divided into the following sections, with the paragraphs of the exhortation referenced in parentheses:
- Introduction (1-7)
- Chapter One: “In the light of the Word” (8-30)
- Chapter two: “The experiences and challenges of families” (31-57)
- Chapter three: “Looking to Jesus: The vocation of the family” (58-88)
- Chapter four: “Love in marriage” (89-164)
- Chapter five: “Love made fruitful” (165-198)
- Chapter six: “Some pastoral perspectives” (199-258)
- Chapter seven: “Towards a better education of children” (259-290)
- Chapter eight: “Guiding, discerning and integrating weakness” (291-312)
- Chapter nine: “The spirituality of marriage and the family” (313-325)
At 325 paragraphs, the document fails to surprise as far as its length goes. If there is one thing the Vatican II Sect is good at, it is producing endless texts that don’t say much and that nobody reads.
In any case, “Father Z” (Mr. John Zuhlsdorf) says he has received a copy of the exhortation, and although he too is bound by the embargo until its official release, he claims that “we have dodged a bullet”, meaning the document isn’t as bad as many had feared:
It is being claimed in the summary that Amoris Laetitia “cites significant figures such as Martin Luther King and Erich Fromm [and] even quotes the film Babette’s Feast to illustrate the concept of gratuity.” However, it is unknown whether the book Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing, authored by Francis’ personal theologian, “Archbishop” Victor Manuel Fernandez, is also cited in the “magisterial” text.
See the following video clip for more on Fernandez, who also happens to be the ghostwriter behind a number of Francis’ documents, including, reportedly, Amoris Laetitia:
Some background: “Archbishop” Victor Manuel Fernandez is “Pope” Francis’ Ghostwriter and personal theologian – he wrote a book on “The Art of Kissing”, hence we gave him the moniker “Smoochie”
The wait is almost over. But make sure you also have a look at our anticipatory post:
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License: fair use
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