Countdown to Chaos?…

Vatican: Post-Synodal Exhortation
on the Family to be Released April 8

Oh goodie. Francis’ fake “Church of Joy” is about to get a lot more joyful. In a press briefing today, the Vatican’s spokesman “Fr.” Federico Lombardi announced that Francis’ long-awaited post-synodal “Apostolic Exhortation” will be released on Friday, April 8. Its title will be Amoris Laetitia — “The Joy of Love”. The official announcement is posted on the Vatican web site. At 11:30 am local time, there will be a special press conference in the Vatican to introduce the lengthy document. It will be presented by “Cardinals” Lorenzo Baldisseri and Christoph Schönborn, both of them known to be adherents of the liberal wing of the Modernist sect.… READ MORE

“Pontifical” Council for the Family gives advance warning…

Vatican Heads-Up: Bishops to “Prepare All the Faithful for Reception of the Post-Synodal Exhortation”

This much is clear: Publication of the long-awaited so-called “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” of “Pope” Francis on the Synod on the Family, which will address the question of whether publicly unrepentant adulterers, fornicators, and sodomites can be admitted to the Novus Ordo sacraments, is imminent. If recent rumors are true, then the document is in excess of 200 pages, was drafted mainly by “Archbishop” Manuel “Smoochie” Fernandez, and was already signed by Francis on March 19, the feast of St.… READ MORE

Happy Easter!

Deniers of the Resurrection:
Walter Kasper, Gerhard Mü
ller, Joseph Ratzinger

Left to right: Walter Kasper, Gerhard L. Muller, Joseph Ratzinger

We have posted on this topic before, but the issue is so serious that it really bears repeating: There are a lot of people in the Vatican II Sect who deny the Catholic dogma that Jesus Christ rose physically from the dead. This denial is a pet tenet of Modernism, which denies all miracles. Modernists reject genuine miracles because they loathe the supernatural and do not have Faith. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many in the Novus Ordo Church deny even the very dogma of the Bodily Resurrection of Christ, which is the greatest of all of Christ’s miracles and the definitive proof that He is the True God and the True Messiah.… READ MORE

Founder of Novus Ordo TV Channel

EWTN’s Mother Angelica has Died

April 20, 1923 – March 27, 2016

The founder of the American Novus Ordo flagship television channel EWTN has died. Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, PCPA, passed away on Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016, a few weeks short of her 93rd birthday:

Mother Angelica founded the so-called Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) as a cable channel on August 15, 1981. EWTN has been the flagship TV channel for “conservative” Novus Ordos in the United States, with satellite operations in other countries.


Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 24, 2016

“Look, Johnny, Fr. Cat Stevens brought his guitar!”


Move over, Last Supper…

Here comes Francis’ Foot-Washing Circus:
3 Heretics, 3 Muslims, 1 Hindu

Time again for Francis to turn all the focus on himself!

It’s that time of the year again: During the most sacred time of the year, when Catholics around the globe are supposed to be focusing on the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the First Holy Mass, at which time Christ instituted the Most Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Priesthood, the Novus Ordo Sect is redirecting everyone’s thoughts to — who else? — Francis. The all-important question on everyone’s mind is: Whose feet will Francis wash this time?READ MORE

yoc-07YEAR OF CONDEMNATION 07: The Index of Forbidden Books

As we continue our year-long series promoting authentic Catholic content that is particularly judgmental, exclusionary, negative, “hateful”, “bigoted”, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, and narrow-minded, we now turn to one of the things most feared and detested by Liberals and Modernists, and that is the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the so-called “Index of Forbidden Books”.

In a nutshell, the Index of Forbidden Books (or just “Index” for short) is a list of books that no Catholic is permitted to read or possess under pain of excommunication because the Holy See has judged them to contain particularly dangerous errors against Faith or morals.… READ MORE

“Earth Hour” in the Vatican…

Church of Darkness

Embed from Getty Images

A very fitting symbol:
St. Peter’s Basilica shrouded in darkness during “Earth Hour”

After a filthy display of reptiles, birds, and other animals on its facade on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception last year (cf. Apoc 18:2), it was a given that St. Peter’s Basilica, currently still under occupation by enemies of the Catholic Church, would once again turn off its lights to participate in the environmentalist “Earth Hour” on March 19, 2016, the Feast of St. Joseph.

The truth is, of course, that the lights went out in the Vatican a long time ago, that is, in reference to the light of Faith (cf.… READ MORE

March Madness in Brazil

Bishop Williamson consecrates Fr. Tomás de Aquino a Bishop for Resistance Group


The newly-consecrated Bishop Tomas de Aquino, OSB
Image Source: Non Possumus Blog

In an effort to expand the group of clerics that left the Society of St. Pius X in recent years because the SSPX wasn’t SSPX enough for them anymore, Bishop Richard Williamson — himself expelled from the SSPX in 2012 — consecrated another bishop, this time, Fr. Tomas de Aquino, OSB. The episcopal consecration took place as scheduled on March 19, 2016, in Nova Friburgo, Brazil, near Rio de Janeiro.

Some photos of the ceremony can be viewed here.… READ MORE

Epic Fail…

Salza and Siscoe’s Errors on Canon 188


In a new post on his blog Speray’s Catholicism in a Nutshell, sedevacantist blogger and author Steven Speray has posted a rebuttal to John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s arguments about Canon 188 n.4, the part in the Code of Canon Law that says that any cleric automatically loses his office by the very fact of publicly defecting from the Faith, without the need for a declaration.

Speray, who is one of the named direct targets of True or False Pope?, identifies four main errors made by the authors, Salza and Siscoe, which he then proceeds to refute, based on expert commentaries on the matter.… READ MORE

You don’t say…

Vatican’s Doctrinal Chief “Cardinal” Müller: Francis “Not a Professional Theologian”

(Photo Credit: Realy Easy Star/Alamy Live News)

On March 1, 2016, the Cologne-based regional newspaper lner Stadt-Anzeiger published an interview with the Modernist Vatican’s “doctrinal watchdog”, “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller — himself a heretic, actually, as we demonstrate below. The interview is mainly about the differences between Islam and Christianity, but it also touches upon Francis and Muller’s relationship with the garrulous anti-pope.

Here is the part of the interview in which Muller speaks about Francis:

Your Eminence, you are considered the most powerful antagonist of the Pope and his program of reform in the Vatican.

If Francis is a true Pope, you’re stuck with him…

The Impossibility of Judging or Deposing a True Pope

He judges all and is judged by no one: the Pope

Accepting the Vatican II Sect as the Catholic Church has consequences. So does believing that Jorge Bergoglio is the Vicar of Christ despite being a public apostate: If he is a valid Pope, then there is no power on earth that can undo his papacy. If he is truly the successor of St. Peter, then he can resign voluntarily, but no one can take the pontificate from him.

This clear truth does not sit well with many in the “Recognize-and-Resist” (aka “Semi-Traditionalist”) camp, now that Francis is so obviously a non-Catholic and so clearly doing grave damage to Catholicism.


It’s a Fun Church, after all…

Mocking the Holy Sacrifice: Francis encourages Altar Boy to treat Holy Mass as a Joke

Oh, the gaudium!

Since we haven’t heard enough from the “Pope” in the last three years, Francis has just released another book, this time one for children, in which he answers their questions. The work is entitled Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World and has been published in various languages, the English version being offered by Loyola Press.

A few weeks ago, a first preview of the book was made available by the Novus Ordo Rorate Caeli blog, in which a 9-year-old Italian boy named Alessio asked Francis whether he had ever served as an altar boy.… READ MORE

Francis’ Prayer Intentions for March

More Naturalism: Francis prays for the Family’s Bodily Needs, Omits anything Spiritual 

He’s back…

Perhaps we should be grateful that in Francis’ latest video for his prayer intentions of the month (now for March 2016), Francis offers no direct insult to God, does not explicitly deny any Catholic doctrine, and does not put our Lord Jesus Christ on a level with Buddha, Mohammed, or any other false prophet or deity. However, neither do we find any clear affirmation of Catholic teaching or the presence of anything distinctly Catholic. He really says nothing that the Dalai Lama, Ban Ki-moon, Barack Obama, or the Queen of England couldn’t also say.… READ MORE

The Bread of Life is overrated…

Sharing the Loaves:
Modernist Drivel at “Papal” Retreat

If you’re wondering why Francis has been so silent all week, it’s because he is currently on retreat with members of the Curia in Ariccia near Rome. Unfortunately, however, Jorge Bergoglio’s silence comes at a price: We now have to hear about the Modernist tripe preached by the “papal” retreat master instead, and tripe it is.

On March 9, 2016, Aleteia’s Rome correspondent, Diane Montagna, reported on one of the “meditations” offered that day by the Modernist preacher, a certain “Fr.” Ermes Ronchi, OSM, who reflected on the question, “How many loaves do you have?”… READ MORE