Countdown to Chaos?…
Vatican: Post-Synodal Exhortation
on the Family to be Released April 8
Oh goodie. Francis’ fake “Church of Joy” is about to get a lot more joyful. In a press briefing today, the Vatican’s spokesman “Fr.” Federico Lombardi announced that Francis’ long-awaited post-synodal “Apostolic Exhortation” will be released on Friday, April 8. Its title will be Amoris Laetitia — “The Joy of Love”. The official announcement is posted on the Vatican web site. At 11:30 am local time, there will be a special press conference in the Vatican to introduce the lengthy document. It will be presented by “Cardinals” Lorenzo Baldisseri and Christoph Schönborn, both of them known to be adherents of the liberal wing of the Modernist sect. They will be joined by Dr. Francesco Miano and Dr. Giuseppina De Simone, two lecturers in philosophy who are married.
Here are a number of news stories covering the announcement:
- “Pope Francis’ post-synod doc to be released April 8” (Catholic News Agency)
- “‘The Joy of Love’: Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation to Be Released April 8” (Aleteia)
- “Francis’ widely anticipated document on family life to be published April 8” (National Catholic Reporter)
- “Cardinal who backs progressives tapped to present family manifesto” (Crux)
As we reported yesterday, the week before Easter the Vatican’s “Archbishop” Vincenzo Paglia sent out an email message to all Novus Ordo bishops around the globe to ask them to set up special press conferences in their dioceses to “prepare the faithful for the reception” of the document — a startling move that could signal that the contents are indeed, as “Cardinal” Walter Kasper has claimed, revolutionary:
If recent rumors are true, then the document is in excess of 200 pages, was drafted mainly by “Archbishop” Manuel “Smoochie” Fernandez, and was signed by Francis on March 19, the feast of St. Joseph.
The big press conference, then, is scheduled for April 8, 11:30 am Rome time (UTC+2). It will be streamed live with simultanous English translation and available for viewing in this player:
Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia:
Watch here LIVE on April 8, 2016, 9:30 UTC/GMT
Novus Ordo Watch will provide special coverage of the live broadcast via its Twitter feed and provide updates on this Novus Ordo Wire blog as they become available, so stay tuned.
A Review of the Synods on the Family (2014/15):
- A Nod to Sin at the Synod: First Document causes Chaos (2014)
- The Day After (2014)
- Oh, the Drama! The Synod is Over (2014)
- What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander: 2014 Synod refutes Vatican II Ecclesiology
- Francis stacks the Deck for the Synod (2015)
- Showdown in Rome: Complete 2015 Synod Coverage
- The Synod’s Grand Finale: All Doors are Open (2015)
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