Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 4, 2015
“Love by Resurrection” Liturgical Dance in Alabama
- Too much “Joy”: Vatican’s former Head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Cardinal” William Levada, arrested in Hawaii for Drunk Driving while vacationing with “priest friends” — See, that’s what happens when you “do not judge”!
- Making another Spectacle (no pun intended): Francis goes to Roman Optician to buy new pair of Glasses(Video)
- Francis is Toast! “Pope” Francis Memorabilia getting cheesy ahead of U.S. Trip
- Everyone is confused by Francis — Actually, it’s not confusing at all, once you are willing to abandon the absurd premise that this apostate buffoon is the Pope of the Catholic Church!
- Don’t you hate it when that happens? Past Video (2010) of Michael Voris condemning Novus Ordo “Mass” surfaces — Someone else must have been writing the checks then…
- Francis’ orchestrated “Humility”: ‘Bring the bag back so I can carry it up to the plane!’ — We told you so, didn’t we?!
- In latest Crackpot Sermon (Sep. 4), Francis returns with the “Terrorism of Gossip”! — This is his way of ensuring the world will laugh the “papacy” to scorn, for no one can take such a man seriously. Of course his quoting of Holy Scripture is quite selective, leaving out, for example, “Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law” (Mt 10:34-35; cf. Lk 2:34; 1 Pet 2:7); Francis’ mission is to ensure that the world’s perception of the “Pope” will become that of “just another regular guy, cool dude who’s got some interesting things to say”…
- Francis to appoint Chicago’s Dirtbag to Synod on the Family — Remember who gave you the Dirtbag to begin with: “Saint” John Paul II!
- Don’t try this at home! Novus Ordo Franciscans preaching a “Mission” in Verona
- False Dilemma: John Zmirak asks: “Are you a Cafeteria Catholic or a Feeding Tube Catholic?” Correct answer: We are Umbilical Cord Catholics (cf. 1 Pet 2:2; Mt 18:3; Heb 5:12; 1 Cor 3:2), clinging to our Holy Mother the Church like a child being nursed by his mother, resting safe in the knowledge that she, the spotless Bride of Christ, is immune from all error and cannot mislead them — which is how we know that the Vatican II Church is definitely not the Catholic Church!
- “Francis: A Prophet who gets things done” — Yep, like the False Prophet (Apoc 19:20), he’ll also get a number of things done!
- See, they do try to convert people in the New Church — except it’s Ecological Conversion now!
- More fruits from the “New Springtime”: “Camping in Churches” hits England — what else can they do with all the empty churches…
- No, it’s not a joke: “Joke with the Pope” Campaign launches September 8
- Philadelphia’s “Archbishop” Chaput denounces Church Militant and Lepanto Institute after they report “that the World Meeting of Families leadership team … is infested with pro-abortion, pro-gay ‘marriage’ money men and politically influential people” — Church Militant fires back
- Ooh, this could get interesting: Louie Verrecchio offers himself as the Michael Voris alternative, asks disillusioned Church Militant subscribers to jump ship
- Mark Shea declares he won the debate aginst Michael Voris due to taking the affirmative in an a “bulletproof resolution” — except that the resolution is only bulletproof because it is misstating his position: it is missing the word “only”, which is what his real position is
- “Many Faiths, One Planet” — and no Pope: Francis applauds Ecology Advocates in Rome from Many Religions
- Where is the Novus Ordo Church on the Planned Parenthood Scandal? A Scorecard of Who’s Said What — We’ve told you that American Novus Ordo bishops are the most useless people on the planet… Oh, and Francis? He hasn’t said a word yet either. But just wait until someone cuts a tree down in Bolivia…
- Pure Madness: Anglicans join “Catholics” & Orthodox in prayer for “Care of Creation”
- Vast Majority of Novus Ordos who’ve left their church can’t imagine ever returning — As we’ve been saying, if the Novus Ordo Religion were true, it would be pointless to belong to it, and deep down, people know it…
- Quick, put on your surprise face: Swiss Novus Ordo Bishops enlist Homo Activist to author their Report for the “Synod on the Family”
- The “Great Renewal” at work: Once-Catholic Church becomes Mosque… in Venice!
- Mais bien sûr! In French only, but hey: Marxist Liberation Theology Whacko Leonardo Boff says he participated in drafting of Francis’ environmentalist Laudato Si Encyclical
- Anything but Catholicism: Francis blends Environmentalism with Ecumenism for “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”
- Francis’ Consultor Enzo Bianchi: “There is No Natural Family”, “Family is a Social Construct” (original German here) — Having destroyed all things supernatural in the minds of their victims, they now move on to the things of nature…
- And he means it, too: Karl Keating expresses his Gratitude to Ultra-Leftist “Cardinal” Roger Mahony — and explains why he never really wrote anything against him…
- Bet you didn’t know: Now there’s a “Catholic” Case for Same-Sex “Marriage” — Don’t worry, the author in “full communion”, no doubt…
- 1912 versus 2013: Good thing nothing’s changed!
- He got a Judgment of a different kind: Former Nuncio Wesolowski dies at Vatican ahead of Sex Abuse Trial
- That figures: “Archdioese” of Krakow honors anti-Christian Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamantion Leage with “Pope John Paul II Medal of Honor”
- So you think homosexuality is not an issue as long as there is no sexual acting out? Not quite: The Vice of Effeminacy must be overcome, too
- Business as usual: Francis receives Talmudic Chief Rabbi and Israeli President… yadda yadda “covenant never revoked”, blah blah “same god”, yadda yadda “anti-semitism”, blah blah “same faith”…
- Beyond bogus Annulments: Is Francis trying to “Rethink” Divorce in the Novus Ordo Sect?
- Germany’s Brain-Dead Novus Ordo Bishops encourage Organ Donation — The true Catholic position is that death occurs when the soul leaves the body, a point that cannot be determined medically; therefore, where there is doubt, life must be presumed, not death. The soul is known to have left the body for sure by the time the body starts corrupting.
- Antonio Socci slams Francis: “For 2 years, nothing about Extermination of Christians, but on Muslim Migrants they can’t stop talking!”
- Is the “Black Sheep Dog” returning to his fold? “Father” John Corapi is back!
- That’s it: Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical condemns Radical Environmentalism! — Ah, it’s Jimmy Akin, that explains it…
- Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate turns 50: Pharisees Timothy Dolan & Noam Marans celebrate 50 years of their Noahide Church
- Another ‘Strong Silent Statement’: Francis and the Undercover Videos exposing Planned Parenthood
- Belgian Novus Ordo priest suggest Celebration for “Catholic” Suicides — You can call it “euthanasia” but it’s still suicide…
- Free Sermon: The great Sanctity and Humility of Pope Saint Pius X
- “Gay Marriage” in the United States: For the history books, let’s remember the “Catholics” did it! — And they did it with impunity, while the “Pope” was busy insisting on a carbon tax for greenhouse gases…
- The highest act of worship in the New Church: Sometimes Words just fail… — But look, they’ve got a high altar!
- Are you in the United Kingdom? New Tridentine Mass Society UK blog has information on Sedevacantist Masses in England and beyond
- Former Employee says Novus Ordo Bishops complicit in scandalous Sabotage of Pro-Life Cause in Canada — Hey, these people have been subverting and destroying souls for decades, why would they give a hoot about bodies?!
- Magister: Francis was — and is — a Peronist
- Chagall’s blasphemous “White Crucifixion” Painting goes to Italy, where Francis will view it — As we reported before, this blasphemous piece, which directly attacks our Blessed Lord, is Francis’ favorite painting!
- Compare and contrast: True and False Saints: Saint Pius X vs. “Saint” John XXIII
- Iconoclasm, Sodomite Organists, Luxury Rectory Renovations while other churches are being closed: It’s “Cardinal” Dolan’s New York! — Start spreading the news…!
- Droleskey sounds off: Behold the Universal Wreckage of the Conciliar Revolution
- Memo to The Remnant: Quit the Pretense Denunciations of “Cardinal” Walter Kasper — if the conclave had elected him, you would accept him as Pope now too. YOU, Resistance adherents, are the reason why people like him have any power at all!
- Did you know? The Society of St. Pius X actually has its own (bogus) Marriage Tribunals, in opposition to those of the entity they claim to acknowledge as the Holy See — This is clearly an act of schism (subjectively, that is, under the supposition that Francis were Pope), and that explains why they don’t really advertise the fact a whole lot…
- Video Clip: The True Story of the Miracle of Hiroshima, Japan (Aug. 6, 1945)
- Free Sermon: Raising Children the Traditional Catholic Way
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