Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis and the Gay Penguins:
The Latest Kerfuffle in FrancisChurch

Just ahead of “Pope” Francis’ visit to the United States after the Supreme Court’s (invalid) ruling that homosexual unions are to be considered “marriage”, and about 6 weeks ahead of the much-anticipated October Synod on Marriage and the Family, once again there is chaos in Novus Ordo Land about what the “Pope” has — or has not — said to a lesbian activist who put together a children’s book in which gentle souls are groomed to be accepting of the idea of unnatural “families”, in which both “parents” share the same sex (often incorrectly termed “gender”, which is actually a grammatical term).… READ MORE

Another blow to Bp. Williamson…

Against Mente-Vacantism:
Refuting the Idea that the Vatican II “Popes” Cannot Be Guilty of Heresy because they have no Grasp of Immutable Truth

Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, has produced another excellent post in which he refutes one of the main errors of the ‘Resistance’ movement, that which has come to be known as “mente-vacantism” — “empty-mindedness” —, according to which Francis and his manifestly heretical predecessors cannot be considered heretics because they are allegedly incapable of understanding the concept of the changelessness (“immutability”) of truth.

As Bp.