Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 21, 2015
Sometimes words just fail…
- “Pope” Francis appoints English Dominican who called Sodomy “Eucharistic” as Vatican Consultor — Here is some more background: Meet “Fr.” Timothy Radcliffe: Christine Niles – Michael Voris (2014) – Nick Donnelly – Ex Magna Silentium – and Nick Donnelly again
- Watch out, here comes the Novus Ordo Sect’s Last Hurrah: “Dynamic Catholicism”!
- Colombian “Bishop” floats idea of Gay Apostle, Lesbian St. Mary Magdalene — then “apologizes” in damage control effort — Hey, at least we now know what the scumbag really thinks…
- Vatican Prelate dismisses Criticism over Partnership with Pro-Abortion Population Controllers — Climate issues are obviously more important…
- From our “I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!” Files: “Catholic Archbishop” hosts Homo-Pervert Activists at Cathedral to help set Transgender Student Policy
- Ideas have Consequences: If you accept a Modernist layman as a Catholic bishop, don’t complain if you geta Modernist — and as far as Benedict XVI’s deceptive Summorum Pontificum goes, we explain here why the Motu Proprio is really a Motu Inapproprio…
- The numbers are in: Only 20% of “Bishops” in the Vatican stand behind Francis, 10% oppose, 70% don’t give a hoot
- Catholic Family News asks: “Will Pope Francis publicly oppose Gay Marriage in Ireland?” — Fat Chance! Only if it contributed to climate change perhaps…
- Vatican II, Interfaith Shenanigans, Homo-Perverts, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Meet the Real “Cardinal” Francis George
- “Pope Allegedly Halts Publication of Eco-Encyclical amid Controversy” — It’s OK, no one will read it anyway…
- Remember Fisher-More College in Fort Worth, Texas? Another Victim of the false “Resist-from-Within” Position that considers the Novus Ordo Sect to be the Catholic Church and tries to make things better from inside the establishment…
- Put on your Surprise Face: Meet Novus Ordo Priests in Ireland who are Publicly Supporting Same-Sex “Marriage” — You know they won’t get in trouble, any more than this Novus Ordo priest got in trouble for paying for abortions
- Now available for the first time in English: De Romano Pontifice (On the Roman Pontiff) by St. Robert Bellarmine, Books 1 & 2
- Speaking of St. Robert Bellarmine, this great Doctor of the Church had it exactly right…
- You can’t make this stuff up: The Curious World of “Fr.” Paul Nicholson — You can guess what the Novus Ordo Sect thinks of its own sheeple when it sends out people like Mr. Nicholson to keep them in its structures…
- Masonry, Shiva, and the God of Surprises: A Closer Examination of the Vatican’s awful ‘Year of Mercy’ Logo
- The “Great Renewal” strikes again: Latest Stats show Novus-Ordoism in Sharp Decline in the United States
- Still looking for ways to reject Francis’ Canonizations without rejecting his claim to the Papacy: Someone please tell Chris Ferrara that in a Canonization, the papal judgment is infallible, regardless of how he arrived at that judgment
- “Hermeneutic of Continuity” Update: 1983 Book by Jesuit Theologian openly admits Vatican II departed from Prior Catholic Teaching
- More of the same: Commemorating Vatican II means Going Back to the Future
- Prepare for a Theological Bloodbath in the Vatican: SYNOD BATTLES: Blackmail, Veiled Schism Threats, the Kasperization of the German Church, and the Destruction of Marriage
- Read it here: The Francis Interview that the Media didn’t tell you about
- Tom Droleskey dismantles “Jorge, the Most Wicked of Demons” in Part 1 and Part 2
- But it better not be one of those flight-attendant smiles he denounced before! Francis: “The smile of nuns opens hearts. More than bread, it’s the smiles of nuns that do more against the hunger of the hungry.” — Once again, as we showed here, everything in Francis’ religion is ultimately about the here and now, about happiness in this world, never about what we owe to God or the supernatural purpose of our life
- Don’t get caught up in Naturalism: Traditionalists and the John Birch Society
- Birds of a feather flock together: Francis welcomes Communist Tyrant Raul Castro to Vatican
- More on Cuban Dictator Castro: Welcoming a Sociopath at the Vatican
- Seriously? Sandro Magister falls for the “Francis of the Media” canard… — Yes, there have been misrepresentations by the media, but overall, you can’t blame the media for Francis, who could speak clearly (or keep his mouth shut) any time he so wished…
- Francis’ Metaphors reloaded: Surely you didn’t believe that Unity is a kind of “Glue” that keeps the Church together, did you?!
- And now… the “Liturgy of the Bread”!
- There is more than one way to read this headline: “German Church Historian Fears Antipope Benedict”
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