A “Fun Church” Update…
Oh Joy! Meet the “Happy” Nuns
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One of the things the head of the Vatican II Sect, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has been prattling on about endlessly since his election in 2013 is for people to be “docile to the Holy Spirit” and embrace His alleged “unexpected newness” and constantly exude some unspecified “joy” that supposedly gives “witness”, while at the same time denouncing those evil doom-and-gloom Catholics who who allegedly only use their minds and not their “hearts” in religious matters (see, for example, Francis’ sermon of May 13, 2014).
The video above is an attempt by the Novus Ordo Oblate Sisters of Providence of Baltimore, Maryland, to follow the “Pope’s” advice and bring some of this “joy” and “happiness” to the internet. The result, of course, is simply a bunch of would-be nuns making a fool of themselves with silly dancing and singing, further eroding the dignity of what the world perceives as the Catholic consecrated life.
Such hapless, perhaps desperate attempts to convince the world of the “joy” found in the Catholic Faith produce nothing but more problems, more rejection of the true Gospel, according to which genuine joy is a fruit of the Holy Ghost, the result of charity, just as sorrow can be (note well, Mr. Bergoglio!). St. Thomas Aquinas expounds the Catholic teaching on joy here, and this explanation of perfect joy by St. Francis of Assisi is also very instructive.
Are nuns and sisters not allowed to be happy? Of course they are. In fact, supernatural happiness is the vocation of every person on earth. But what we see in this video is silliness, not happiness; silliness meant to convey happiness, perhaps, but it does so only in a worldly sense, not in a spiritual sense. St. John Vianney, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John Bosco, St. Gemma Galgani, St. Bernadette, St. Pius X, St. Maria Goretti — all these were truly happy, yet you would have found none of them in a video production like the above. (Pope St. Pius X’s advice to priests on propriety and dignity is very instructive here, and can, to an extent, also be applied to women religious who have consecrated their lives to God.)
Francis’ extremely vague, essentially meaningless chatter about “joy” and “being open to the Spirit” is a popularly appealing but theologically intolerable way to inject even more Modernism into people’s minds and souls, who have been subjected to nothing but newness since 1965.
“Far, far from the clergy be the love of novelty!” exclaimed the great St. Pius X (see Encyclical Pascendi, n. 49). His predecessor Gregory XVI taught likewise:
A lamentable spectacle is that presented by the aberrations of human reason when it yields to the spirit of novelty, when against the warning of the Apostle it seeks to know beyond what it is meant to know, and when relying too much on itself it thinks it can find the truth outside the Catholic Church wherein truth is found without the slightest shadow of error.
(Pope Gregory XVI, Encyclical Singulari Nos [1834], n. 8; qtd. in Pius X, Pascendi, n. 40)
Not exactly what you’ve heard from the Vatican II Church lately, is it? Contrast this with Francis’ brilliant “No one owns the Truth” drivel here.
Now, of course there have been a lot worse things done by Novus Ordo clergy than the above video, which, admittedly, is relatively harmless compared to what else we’ve seen. But let’s not make our standards relative to the status quo, but instead retain that standard given us by the Holy Catholic Church.
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