Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 19, 2013
- Brazil Embraces Abortion after “Courageously-Preach-the-Gospel” Francis Fails to Admonish President Rousseff to Prevent It – instead, he had kisses for her
- Boston’s “Conservative Cardinal” O’Malley: Francis prefers to talk Luv, not Abortion
- Hugging the Red Tree – The Social Gospel According to Francis
- “Pope” Francis gives 10 Reasons why People Reject the Church – wait a minute, didn’t we hear all these things as the reasons why we needed Vatican II and the New Theology? So after 50 years of that, are they finally admitting it didn’t work? Ah no, they demand even more of the same! Don’t be surprised if Francis calls Vatican III; don’t put it past him. The real reason why people flee the Novus Ordo Church is that it has no credibility, offers nothing substantial, and has adapted itself to the world. So why bother? What’s there?
- “I Am Joseph Your Brother” – Jewish Documentary praises “Pope” John XXIII for changing Church Doctrine on the Jews – contrast that with the Anti-Zionism of Pope St. Pius X
- Francis the Pacifist: “Faith and Violence are incompatible” – NOT!! While it is not, of course, allowed to force anybody to become a Catholic, the Faith, if it is under attack, may nevertheless be defended with violent means if necessary, as we saw during the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, for example. Bergoglio preaches a hippie gospel and makes the Church and her past look laughable.
- Francis promotes Darkness of Islamism, says “Muslims our Brothers” – good to know who his brothers are – we had a hunch they weren’t Catholics
- “Rethinking” Themselves into Hell: “Women Religious” Keynote Speaker advocates “Cosmological Rethink” of Religion, says “We are Stardust” and “There is no God without Cosmos” – in Full Communion with the Vatican, of course… Listen up, Miss Delio: If you’re stardust, don’t tell us you got dignity…
- Who Said the Jesuits aren’t into Converting People?? Protestant Rejects Christ, converts back to Mohammedanism after Jesuits advise him to study Islam
- Sickening: Part-Time “Catholic” College Professor is also Part-Time Abortion Doula – needless to say, the president of the college defends her employment
- While some people (like Voris and Zuhlsdorf) are still pretending nothing’s wrong, secularists see the writing on the wall: “Francis is unsettling – and dividing – the [Novus Ordo] Catholic Right”
- A Parody (but not too far from the truth): “Papal Greeting to Wiccans” – make sure you also read and share the hysterical parody “Nostra Aetate Part 2: The Church’s Relationship to Satan”
- The Party Church: A Two-Minute Video Review of Song, Dance, and Theater at World Youth Day with “His Holiness”
- “No, No, No!” Francis doesn’t want you to convert your non-Catholic neighbor, just feed him – Blogger Mundaborsuggests Rehab for Bergoglio – the original text of Francis’ message can be found on the Vatican web site in Spanish here
- Peoria Diocese to Pay $1,350,000 to Settle Suit against “Archbishop” Myers – so where do you think this money ultimately comes from? It ain’t from his personal piggy bank, ya know…
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