The death knell for Feeneyism and Recognize-and-Resist…

The Infallibility of the Catholic Church in her Universal Laws and Sacramental Rites

In his 1943 encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-1958) clarified that the Roman Catholic Church, although made up of human beings who are sinners, is nevertheless perfectly holy in those things that pertain to her divine constitution and the fulfillment of her mission — that of teaching, governing, and sanctifying souls so that they may attain the Beatific Vision. As “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15), our Lord’s is thus “a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but … holy, and without blemish” (Eph 5:27).… READ MORE

Giacomo della Chiesa died 100 years ago today

In Memoriam:
Centenary of the Death of Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922)

It was at 6:00 am local time, exactly 100 years ago today, that His Holiness Pope Benedict XV breathed his last. January 22, 1922, was a Sunday.

After almost seven-and-a-half years, Benedict’s pontificate was over. The Pope’s death was not sudden but had announced itself, as it were, a few days in advance. Tragically, there had been some premature reports of the Pope’s passing, but on Jan. 22, the official confirmation came from the Vatican.

The following are clips of some newspaper title pages of Jan.… READ MORE

Condemned by St. Pius X, loved by Francis!

Dirty Dancing meets Fake News:
Vatican News spreads false claim Pope St. Pius X approved of the Tango

On May 29, 1954, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, Pope Pius X (r. 1903-1914), was canonized a saint by Pope Pius XII, who fixed his annual liturgical feast day on September 3.

Even in the Vatican II Sect, St. Pius X retains a feast day, although the false pope Paul VI moved it to August 21. Being the mauler of Modernists and thus the archenemy of the Vatican II religion, especially “Pope” Francis, St. Pius X is rarely talked about in the New Church.… READ MORE

Truth does not exist in elements…

Dissecting a Misleading Expression:
The Catholic Church and the “Fullness of Truth”

You’ve heard it numerous times: “The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth.” It is a very popular slogan among “conservative” Novus Ordo adherents, and even many Traditional Catholics unwittingly use it. Yet, this adage, though not incorrect if interpreted strictly, is actually favorable to heresy, specifically the heresy of Modernism. This explains why it is an expression that only began to be used with the advent of the Modernist Vatican II religion and was virtually unknown among Catholics before the 1960s.

So, what is the problem?… READ MORE

Celebrating the Centennial

Our Lady of Fatima’s 100th Anniversary

Image © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

Today is the great 100th Anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal — a perfect time to stop for a moment and recall to mind and ponder the great events that took place during the incredibly momentous year of 1917. What follows is a brief historical review, and then a list of resources at the end.

Our Lady of Fatima: A Brief Overview

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three little shepherd children at a field called Cova da Iria at Fatima for a total of six different times, between May 13 and October 13, 1917.… READ MORE

2017: Year of Anniversaries

Pondering the year ahead…

2017: Year of Anniversaries

Another year has passed. It is now 2017 Anno Domini. The reason we live in this time period of history and not in any other is a matter of Divine Providence. In His perfect omniscience and omnibenevolence, the Triune God, “who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4), has placed us in the world at this time and no other because, despite how it may seem at times, this is the period of world history that is most conducive to the eternal salvation of our very own particular soul.… READ MORE