“Blessed”? My Eye!

Francis Declares Paul VI “Blessed”,
Benedict XVI Attends Ceremony

Time for a Shocking Reality Check

The Modernists in the Vatican are laughing at all the people who believe they are legitimate Roman Catholic authorities.

Giovanni Battista Montini (“Pope” Paul VI) was the single one figure in Church history most responsible for creating/shaping the apostate Vatican II Sect in Rome. Vatican II was his council (he’s the only “Pope” who signed its documents). The Novus Ordo Missae was his “Mass.” The New Sacraments were his rites, most notably the new ordinations, which are invalid and confer no grace and make no priests or bishops (see details here). He took true Catholicism and trashed it, transforming it from being God-centered (theocentric) to being man-centered (anthropocentric). This sorry mockery of the true Catholic Church of Pope Pius XII that you now see in Rome, is Montini’s creation, as it were. True, “Saint” John XXIII really started it, but he was laying its groundwork more than anything else, preparing the way, so to speak, for the one who would really give it shape and identity: Giovanni Montini, “Blessed” Paul VI.

During the early days of the Second Vatican Council, some conservative bishops referred to John XXIII as the “precursor of the Antichrist” and “Cardinal” Montini as his “crown prince” (source), which was very much to the point, knowing what we know now. Just before promulgating the remaining documents of Vatican II in December of 1965, Paul VI said to his friend Jean Guitton: “I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse” (source).

But now “Pope” Francis has “beatified” Montini, declaring him “blessed”, and it is most likely that the same Giovanni Montini will be declared a “saint” within the next 12 months.

Here is a video recap of the “beatification” ceremony held today in the Vatican:

There is a photo gallery of the shameful event available here, and Francis’ sermon for the occasion, in which he claims “God is not afraid of new things”, can be read here.

Now, for those who are inclined to forget: It was Benedict XVI who, two years ago, made this “beatification” possible to begin with, signing the official decree that recgonized the “heroic virtue” of Montini.

Below we provide you with a link to some highlights — lowlights, really — of evidence that Paul VI (“Paul the Sick”, as Dr. Thomas Droleskey calls him) was most definitely not a Catholic saint, nor a Blessed, nor anyone that could be held up as a model of virtue, holiness, or Catholic doctrine. We provide this evidence to prove that the Novus Ordo “beatification” of the man is bogus (Francis being, of course, an antipope, not a true Pope). If he was such a holy man worthy to be venerated by the faithful, then the evidence given ought to be easily refutable:

The Real Paul VI:
Reality Check on “Blessed” Giovanni Montini

Title image source: Wikimedia Commons
License: public domain

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