Gushes over his “hero”…
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- The World NEEDS Hindu Temples? More on ‘Bp.’ Martinelli’s Effusive Praise of Hinduism (VIDEO & PODCAST) February 7, 2025
- Novus Ordo Bishop Says Catholic Church Rejoices at Inauguration of Hindu Temple February 4, 2025
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- Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office January 29, 2025
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The good news is, nobody watches this stuff. Four days in, and 'Cardinal' Radcliffe's keynote address "Synodality and the Culture of Encounter" has 292 views: #synod #catholictwitter
Only a Novus Ordo bishop promoted by 'Pope' Francis could be so anti-Catholic as to announce to the world that "we need" Hindu temples because they keep us in contact with God - There is nothing #Catholic left in these people, it's all gone. #catholicx

The World NEEDS Hindu Temples? More on 'Bp.' Martinelli's Effusive Praise of Hinduism (VIDEO & PODCAST)
Oh boy, yet another book by 'Pope' Francis... This is the man whose first tip for a happy life -- remember, he gave ten tips in 2014, and not one of them had anything to do with God the spiritual life, or anything supernatural -- was "Live and Let Live".…
'New Springtime' Update: "Mount Melleray [Cistercian] Abbey in Co Waterford, Ireland, closed its doors at the end of January – after nearly 200 years of service" -
Farewell to Mount Melleray: lamenting the closure of a Cistercian monastery - Catholic Herald
Mount Melleray Abbey in Co Waterford, Ireland, closed its doors at the end of January – after nearly 200 years...
@dgbart79 @matthew_sede Let's grant for a moment, for the sake of argument, that a Pope can teach contrary to the Faith, and in that case the faithful do not have to obey him. Question: Are they nevertheless allowed to obey him though, even if they're not required to? Because it is one thing to say one…
@dgbart79 @matthew_sede That is verbatim the objection refuted by St. Robert Bellarmine in Book IV, Chapter 3, of On the Roman Pontiff. See attached. God bless.
Vetting people at the border might be a good idea. Oops!
Let us listen carefully and compassionately to people who have fallen victim to human trafficking, so as to help them get back on their feet and, together with them, find the best ways to free others and prevent this crime. #PrayAgainstTrafficking
"No doctrinal error was involved..."
That's what Frs. Rumble and Carty said about St. Paul resisting St. Peter in their f…
Very good quote. Now let's see if @JamesMartinSJ will also quote Pius XI's encyclical Mortalium Animos, against ecumenism. Didn't think so.
"Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community --- however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things -- whoever raises these notions above…