The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 13

Developments & Reactions

[LAST UPDATE: 08-SEP-18 20:50 UTC]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Thursday, Sep. 6, 2018 Developments


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 12

Developments & Reactions

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Wednesday, Sep. 5, 2018 Developments


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 11

Developments & Reactions

[More links added Sep. 6]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Tuesday, Sep. 4, 2018

Reactions from Select Blogs and Web Sites


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 10

Developments & Reactions

[More links added 19-SEP-18 02:33 UTC]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Monday, Sep. 3, 2018

Reactions from Select Blogs and Web Sites


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 9

Developments & Reactions

[Last update: 06-SEP-18]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Sunday, Sep. 2, 2018


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 8

Developments & Reactions

[More links added Sep. 3]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Saturday, Sep. 1, 2018


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 7

Developments & Reactions


This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Friday, Aug. 31, 2018


The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 6

Developments & Reactions

[UPDATE: More links added Sep. 2, 2018]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018


Novus Ordo Sect in turmoil…

Breaking: Vatican reportedly trying to prevent Arrest of “Cardinal” Donald Wuerl by flying him out of the United States

[UPDATE: Video of the breaking news report now embedded below]

As the Vatican II Church’s sex abuse cover-up scandal continues to unfold, now with “Pope” Francis himself having been accused, the following report was just released by the conservative Novus Ordo news site Church Militant:

Church Militant has learned from reliable sources that Pope Francis has directed Cdl. Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. be spirited out of the United States before Wuerl can be arrested by U.S.


Developments and Reactions…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 5

The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama

[UPDATE: More content added Sep. 4, 2018]

This post continues our coverage of the ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented turmoil:

Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018


Developments and Reactions…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Day 4

The Latest on the Viganò Letter Drama

[UPDATE: More links added Aug. 31, 2018]

Yesterday we published a post chronicling what had happened since “Archbishop” Carlo Viganò released his 11-page dossier accusing Francis of having known about and covered up Theodore McCarrick’s shameful immoral acts. As this is becoming nothing less than an ecclesiastical Chernobyl, we’re going to start providing daily updates on the day’s developments and links to commentary, in addition to our usual postings on other topics. Please bear with us as we navigate through this unprecedented disaster that could bring the end of the Francis “pontificate”.… READ MORE

All hell has broken loose…

After Viganò’s Volley:
Novus Ordo Sect in Meltdown Mode

A Chronological Overview

[UPDATE: More links added Aug. 30, 2018]

One struggles for words to describe what is happening in the Novus Ordo Sect right now. All hell has broken loose, and we appear to be witnessing a meltdown of epic proportions. It is difficult to absorb it all and calmly analyze the situation because news keeps breaking….

In this post, instead of offering some great commentary or analysis, we’ll have to content ourselves simply with providing links to stories that sketch all the developments in chronological order.… READ MORE

Francis takes the Fifth Amendment?

No Comment: Asked about Viganò’s Sex Abuse Cover-Up Accusations, Francis has Nothing to Say

“Pope” Francis is unquestionably the world’s most talkative celebrity: No one has said more in public — and typically has just about every one of his words published — than Jorge Mario Bergoglio since that fateful day of Mar. 13, 2013.

The Argentine pretend-Pontiff loves to hear himself talk, and he wants to make sure the rest of the world hears him too. Francis has given countless interviews (probably around 50 by now), even to anti-Catholic reporters. In 2017, he spoke to swimmers about their “solid” sport in “liquid” water.… READ MORE

A papal reality check…

A Conspiracy against the Catholic Church?

The True Popes Speak

When discussing the issue of Sedevacantism with Novus Ordos, it is not uncommon that someone will dismiss it on the grounds that it involves a “conspiracy”; and of course nothing is more absurd to contemporary man than giving credence to a position that differs from what most others hold to be the obvious truth.

Two thousand years ago, our Blessed Lord taught: “…the truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). People who love and seek the truth ought to be concerned about, not whether something involves a conspiracy, but whether it is true.… READ MORE

Busted! Scientific analysis proves Vatican lied!

Facial Recognition Experts prove Novus Ordo Vatican’s “Sister Lucy of Fatima” was an Impostor

Ladies and gentlemen, this is big news: A team of professional facial recognition experts has concluded a scientific investigation into the question of whether Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, one of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, is in fact the same woman whom the Vatican paraded around as an adherent of Vatican II and the conciliar “popes” from 1958 until her own death in 2005.

The results are now in and can be summarized in two words: HECK NO!READ MORE