SSPX Superior drops a bombshell…
Bp. Bernard Fellay: “I was appointed by Rome to make Canonical Church Judgements on SSPX Priests”
[UPDATE 04-JUN-2015: Vatican confirms appointment of Bp. Fellay to judge SSPX priests]
The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Bernard Fellay, gave a sermon at Our Lady of the Angels church in Arcadia, California, on May 10, 2015. The video of the entire 1-hour sermon is given below. At 27:10 into the talk, he starts speaking about the SSPX’s situation with Rome. At the 34:36 mark, the juicy part begins: Fellay speaks about how “Rome” (by that he means the entity he believes to be the Holy See) is treating the SSPX in contradictory fashion.… READ MORE