Not all ignorance is bliss…

Culpable Ignorance & the Great Apostasy:
A Sobering Reality Check

During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Jeffrey Knight, pictured above, gave a most informative lecture on the subject of every Catholic’s duty to know his Faith, even, and especially, in our difficult times. Too often, people try to take the easy way out and find excuses to not investigate what the Catholic Faith requires us to hold — and how it requires us to act — with respect to the Modernists in the Vatican claiming to be the legitimate Roman Catholic authorities.… READ MORE

Response to “The Remnant”

Is Francis a Valid Pope?
—Why It Does Matter

In a blog post published on October 25, 2014 by The Remnant, pseudonymous author ‘Megaera Erinyes’ tries a new approach to the issue of Sedevacantism, the question of whether Francis is in fact a valid Pope or an illicit usurper: She says it doesn’t matter.

Now that’s just rich for a publication that has spent considerable amounts of ink opposing Sedevacantism over the decades. What is going on here?

In what follows, we will look at some salient points made in the Erinyes article and contrast them with traditional Catholic teaching to explain why it really does matter if Francis is the Pope.… READ MORE

Get the Popcorn ready…

How Long Until Schism?
The Vatican II Sect on the Brink of Chaos

The Synod on the Family had not even started yet, and already all hell was breaking loose: Francis’ endless tyranny against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate over their slight drift towards traditionalism; The Remnant’s much-hyped Petition to Stop the Synod’s embarrassing failure to get even 1,400 unverified signatures; Novus Ordo cardinals being at each other’s throats over what the Synod is and isn’t permitted to change; Francis’ invitation of Belgium’s scandal-ridden “Cardinal” Daneels to participate in the synod while showing conservative-minded “bishops” the door (he did once work as a bouncer, you know); and on top of all this, a respected Italian journalist’s well-timed release of a book making the case that Francis isn’t even a valid Pope!… READ MORE

More Relevant Now than Ever…

St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy:

“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer.”

Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:

Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase.


Sancte Pie X, ora pro nobis!

The Great Saint Pius X

Extraordinarily pleasing to God:
Pope Pius X (1835-1914)

Every year on September 3, the Catholic Church commemorates the great Pope St. Pius X, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, the Scourge of the Modernists. This year, we have decided to commemorate this joyous occasion by offering a collection of our own and others’ material on this great Pontiff. (Click images for larger view.) Enjoy!

Our own Posts (including many photos and videos):


How’s it been working out?

A Failed Strategy:
“Resisting from Within” the Novus Ordo Church

by Bp. Donald J. Sanborn

[Taken from In Veritate Blog]

…Now that fifty years have transpired since Vatican II, can we really say that the movement from within has succeeded? After a half a century of resisting from within, has the tidal wave of Vatican II receded? Has the Catholic faith become stronger in the souls of baptized Catholics? As we look around at the vineyard of the Church, is it flourishing with deep faith and obedience to the commandments of God? Are the sheep of Christ in good hands?


Powerful & incisive…

The Catholic Church and the “Conciliar” Church: Two Churches in One?

Bp. Donald Sanborn dismantles a Linchpin Doctrine of Recognize-and-Resist Theology

In his June 2014 newsletter, Bp. Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, provides an insightful perspective on the ontological status of what we like to call the “Novus Ordo Sect”, “Vatican II Church” or “Conciliar Church” and the panacean role this concept, in modified form, plays in the ever-convenient but thoroughly erroneous “recognize-and-resist” position, which acknowledges Francis as Pope but rejects his teachings, disciplines, and canonizations. The recognize-and-resisters effectively believe that there are two churches in one — the true one and a false one — and it is their task to figure out when the true Church is speaking and when the false one rears its ugly head.… READ MORE

Can’t lose what you never had…

Bergoglio Has Nothing to Lose
…Like the Papacy, for Example

by Rev. Anthony Cekada

Embed from Getty Images

That skullcap was never his anyway!

SINCE JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO’S election in March 2013, I’ve heard from more and more traditional Catholics who are starting to wonder whether sedevacantism might now be the only coherent way to explain the state of affairs in the post-Vatican II church. As I noted in a post late last year:

“After all, how can you reconcile the countless outrageous public statements that Bergoglio has made (no Catholic God, who am I to judge, doctrinal security is not possible, proselytism is nonsense, etc.)

Make popcorn, folks…

Comedy Hour with John Salza:

A Critical Review of his Interview on Papal Authority on Voice of Catholic Radio 

It is really scary to see what is marketed as “traditional Catholicism” by the false traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camp these days. Their stubborn unwillingness to concede that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that its “popes” cannot be true Catholic Popes, is driving them to twist and distort genuine traditional Catholic doctrine regarding the nature, authority, and infallibility of the papacy and the Church’s Magisterium.

On March 30, 2014, the Long-Island-based program Voice of Catholic Radio featured a 40-minute interview with “Resistance” apologist John Salza, conducted by host Joe Bagnoli (click here to listen or download).


The Party is over…

Pope Leo XIII Quashes “Recognize-and-Resist” Position

Just as the various Semi-Traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camps are revving up their engines to collectively oppose the impending “canonization” of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, otherwise known by his pseudonym “Pope John Paul II”, Novus Ordo Watch has bent over backwards to unearth and present two little-known papal documents by Pope Leo XIII that absolutely demolish their comfortable position of “having your Pope and beating him too.”

The two documents we present are two Apostolic Letters written by His Holiness in the 1880s, one addressed to the Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris, the other to the Archbishop of Tours.… READ MORE

Answering a Straw Man Argument

Do Popes Have To Be Perfect?

Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914)

“The Most Misused Catholic Words.” That’s the title of a blog post at the National Catholic Register by Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report. The author intends to clarify three terms he says are being used in the wrong way by many in his church, one of them being “Sedevacantist.”

Unfortunately, Archbold does such a poor job “clarifying” the term that it will surely now continue to be misused, though perhaps in a different way than before. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Sedevacantists hold that, because modern (recent) Pope’s have said or done things that seem to be in contradiction to the Tradition of the Church AND that Popes, by virtue of their infallibility, must be perfect [sic] in such matters, therefore these Popes must not really be Popes.

But haven’t we always had “bad Popes”?

The “Bad Popes” Argument

A very common objection one hears when discussing Sedevacantism with those unfortunate souls who still believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church, is, “But there have always been bad Popes!” They are either not familiar with, or incapable of grasping, the difference between, on the one hand, Catholics who lead immoral lives, and, on the other hand, heretics.

Francis isn’t a bad Catholic. He’s a Non-Catholic. That’s the crux. Therefore, saying that we’ve had bad Popes in the past and they were still valid Popes, is totally beside the point.


True and false shepherds

Is Sedevacantism “Pope-Sifting”?

Pope or Nope?

Bp. Donald Sanborn replies to a Common Objection

[from Bp. Sanborn’s In Veritate Blog]


An objection has been made to my recent response to Bishop Williamson. It is an objection frequently made against sedevacantists. It objects that sedevacantists cannot criticize the SSPX for sifting the magisterium, since they themselves are sifting popes. By finding a discrepancy between pre-Vatican II magisterium and post-Vatican II magisterium, sedevacantists merely depose popes whom they find wanting in orthodoxy. But they have no authority to do so. So while sedevacantists object to “magisterium-sifting,” they themselves are involved in “pope-sifting,” which is the same thing.


Who’s anxious now?

Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson


Bp. Donald Sanborn takes to task Bp. Richard Williamson’s Arguments against Sedevacantism in his Eleison Comments #343 and #344

Bp. Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, refutes the anti-sedevacantist arguments made by Bp. Richard Williamson in his recent Eleison Comments nos. 343 and 344, on the Catholic Church’s infallibility.

The powerful and devastating rebuttal, to which Bp. Williamson is welcome to respond, is available as an 8-page PDF file for free download below:

For those who may object that Sedevacantism is simply “Pope-Sifting”, Bp.… READ MORE

Just Brilliant…

Dead on Arrival:
The Remnant
‘s New Strategy on “Pope” Francis

The Remnant Underground: “Pope Francis and the Three Amigos”

Being a Semi-Traditionalist is pretty difficult these days: You have to somehow try to reconcile authentic, traditional Catholic teaching with the idea that the world’s most notorious Modernist, Jorge Bergoglio, is the Pope of the Catholic Church. Squaring the circle will prove easier than this, so it is not surprising that all the various attempts at making Francis into a Catholic cannot but end in failure. The problem is that so much damage is being done in the process, damage to Catholic truth and to a proper understanding of Catholic teaching on the Pope and the Church.… READ MORE