That Francis Effect strikes again…

Finnish Lutherans given “Holy Communion” at Vatican


Boy, what a beginning of the year it’s been: Chaos Frank is causing damage at full throttle, and this in the “Year of Mercy”. In fact, it seems as though he is determined to embarrass and humiliate the authors of the new book against Sedevacantism, for ever since its release, Francis has shifted his blatant apostasy into high gear. First he released a video reducing our Lord Jesus Christ and His Truth to just one nice option among many religions, claiming that there is no certainty about who is right; then he visited a synagogue in Rome to tell the Talmudists how wonderful they are; then he raked traditionalists over the coals for refusing to embrace what we’re calling “Surpriseology”, his pseudo-theology of “surprise” which conveniently translates his every fancy into the will of the Holy Ghost; then, on the same day, he received an ultra-liberal Lutheran delegation from Finland; and just yesterday it was announced that Francis had officially changed the rubrics of Holy Thursday to open up the foot-washing ceremony specifically to women.… READ MORE

Francis finds more “Idolatry”…

“Obstinate and Rebellious”: Francis Trashes Traditionalists in Renewed Push for “Surprise” Theology

Jorge is clearly on a roll these days! Closing out the old year with the unspeakable blasphemy that our Lord “probably had to beg forgiveness” of Mary and Joseph for staying behind in the Temple, and claiming that the Blessed Mother had “rebuked” her Divine Son, the Argentinian pretend-pope began the new year with an apostasy-bomb in the form of a video promoting indifferentism, agnosticism, and perhaps even syncretism. Here are the links:

As regards the apostasy video, Jimmy Akin tried his six-figure-salary best to explain away what was clearly visible to everyone.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 011 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


It is 2016, and we are excited to begin Season 2 of our podcast program.

The all-new TRADCAST 011 was released today, January 15, 2016. During this 40-minute episode, we talk about the release of the new 700-page book, True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and other Modern Errors, by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, which was published on January 6. As if determined to prove Salza and Siscoe wrong in the most embarrassing way possible, that same day “Pope” Francis released a shocking video promoting indifferentism, syncretism, and agnosticism to promote his prayer intention for the month of January, namely, “That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice”.… READ MORE

011 TRADCAST (15 JAN 2016)


  • The release of True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe — Francis’ blasphemous and indifferentist Interfaith Video — Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza’s “Sedevacantism, Fatima, and Freemasonry” program of Oct. 24, 2015 (Part 2)
  • [no further segments]

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Jorge hits it out of the park…

Buddha, Shekinah, Jesus, Allah: 

Francis boldly promotes One-World Religion in new “Pope Video”

Chaos Frank has done it again! He just never disappoints. He is the best advertisement for the Catholic theological position of Sedevacantism we have ever had.

Timed perfectly — by divine providence — to coincide with the official release of the new anti-sedevacantist book, True Or False Pope?, the indeed very false “pope” currently occupying the Vatican (Jorge Bergoglio) has released an official so-called “Pope Video”, the first in a series of monthly clips in which the “Holy Father” personally announces his prayer intentions for the universal church.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 010 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


Relax, everyone, your New Year’s Eve party is saved!

The all-new TRADCAST 010 was released today, December 31, 2015. This marks the end of the first season of our podcast program, although we will, of course, pick right back up again with Season 2 in January 2016. In this latest episode of TRADCAST, we discuss Francis’ latest outrageous blasphemy that our Lord “probably had to beg forgiveness” of Mary and Joseph for staying behind at the Temple in Jersualem as a child.… READ MORE

010 TRADCAST (31 DEC 2015)


  • Segment 1: From the Jorge’s Mouth: Francis’ blasphemy that Christ “probably had to beg forgiveness” — Response to an objection: Have the gates of hell prevailed if Sedevacantism is true? — The Remnant admits the Novus Ordo Church is a fraud
  • Segment 2: John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s new book against Sedevacantism, True or False Pope?: How weighty or credible are the endorsements it has received? — John Daly’s blockbuster refutation of semi-traditionalist giant Michael Davies re-released in 2015: Michael Davies: An Evaluation, now available free

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button on the left in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God…” (Apoc 13:6)


“Pope” Francis claims Jesus Christ had to “Beg Forgiveness” of Mary and Joseph for Staying at Temple in Jerusalem!

Words failed us when we were notified today of the following text in “Pope” Francis’ sermon for the Feast of the Holy Family, which in the Novus Ordo Sect was observed this past Sunday, December 27. Prepare to become first disbelieving, then very furious as you read the latest blasphemy uttered by the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”):

The biblical readings which we just heard presented us with the image of two families on pilgrimage to the house of God.


“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

The Kosher Church:
Vatican releases Anti-Catholic Document on Judaism

On December 10, the Modernist Sect once again released another endless document attacking Catholic doctrine, this time — in view of the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II — restating its heretical position on the Jews. The so-called “Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews”, which is actually part of the — get this — “Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian [!] Unity”, released the document The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable (Rom 11:29). The title is a favorite Scriptural quote the Vatican II Church deliberately distorts in service of its heretical claim that the Talmudic Jews of our day have a valid covenant with God and can thus attain salvation without conversion to the Catholic Faith.… READ MORE

“An Enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28)…

Facade of St. Peter’s defiled with “Climate Change” Light Show

It was anything but heavenly. At 7:00 pm local time today, the Vatican presented a most undignified spectacle: A light-show entitled Fiat Lux — “Let there be light” (cf. Gen 1:3) — was projected onto the facade of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the largest Catholic church in the entire world and a sacred building whose very architecture points the mind heavenwards.

“Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth”, St. Paul exhorts us (Col 3:2). But in the Vatican today, everybody’s thoughts were drawn towards the natural, as the most bizarre images flashed across the beautiful outside of the basilica under which the bones of St.… READ MORE

Tender and transgender…

“God is Father and Mother”: Bergoglio’s Transgender-God

There are probably a number of people in the Vatican now who are desperately looking to see if Francis doesn’t have an OFF switch somewhere… Well, he doesn’t. On December 2nd, yet another interview was published, this time in an Italian magazine called Credere, which is the official magazine of the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” that is about to kick off in Vatican City and Novus Ordo dioceses and eparchies throughout the globe.

In this latest (but most certainly not last!) “papal” interview, Jorge Bergoglio’s “god of surprises” makes another appearance, letting the world know through its Argentinian oracle that not only is it — this “god” — three persons without being one, and not only is it identical to the Muslim Allah and the Talmudic Shekinah, it is now also a father and a mother, all at the same time!… READ MORE

Animal rights extremists choose their man…

P.E.T.A. Names Francis Person of the Year

P.E.T.A. is a U.S.-based non-profit group that treats brute animals as if they were people. Its acronym stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, although one might suspect it is an abbreviation for “Popes” Enabling Theological Anarchy. “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way”, is the slogan of the 3-million-member strong organization. Although of course much animal cruelty is in no wise necessary and repulsive to every decent human being, P.E.T.A. takes an extremist, hardcore line that defies sound philosophy.… READ MORE

He did it again…

Francis Makes Another Mess: Chaos Interview during Return Flight from Africa


Boy, this is really getting old. You know how it works: Francis departs from his umpteenth trip by plane, and during the flight he pulls out a microphone and takes questions from members of the press. The Bergoglian jaw starts moving, and at that point, the sky’s the limit as to what words will leave his mouth.

In the latest case, that of November 30, 2015, nothing short of chaos ensued, as usual. We give you the highlights — or rather, lowlights — below, although we will refrain from any substantial commentary.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank gets taken to the woodshed…

Former High-Ranking Member of Vatican Curia Rebukes Francis in Open Letter


“Don’t worry, I’m in charge!”

Critical voices in and around the Vatican are growing louder and louder as Chaos Frank’s revolution continues unabated. After an anti-Francis dossier inside the Vatican was leaked a few months ago and just recently a Novus Ordo priest warned Francis that God would strike him dead if he continued on his path, we have now been made aware of an open letter written by a former high-ranking official in the Vatican’s curia that was just released in full in the print edition of the German magazine FOCUS.


“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

The “Chosen People” No More:
Pope Pius XI clarifies Catholic Teaching on the Jews

At a time when the Vatican II Sect celebrates 50 years of its anti-Catholic document Nostra Aetate, the decree on non-Christian religions issued by the Second Vatican Council in late October 1965 and promulgated with the full (supposed) authority of the false pope Paul VI, Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to make available a complete translation of the decree Cum Supremae of the Holy Office, issued in 1928 (link and quotes further below). This document is significant inasmuch as it reinforces the traditional and true pre-Vatican II Catholic teaching on the Jews, teaching that is gravely at odds with the judeophilic hysteria we have seen since the second half of the twentieth century, especially among “Popes” and other clerics, as well as laity, in the Novus Ordo Church.… READ MORE