‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe prepping for the Synod…

Synod Spiritual Adviser in Vatican Newspaper: Same-Sex Desire was Created by God!

L’Osservatore Romano (‘The Roman Observer’) is the Vatican’s own in-house newspaper, currently under the editorship of Andrea Monda, who was appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018. The paper is published daily in Italian and less frequently in other languages. A weekly English edition has been issued since 1968.

The Italian edition of Sep. 19, 2024, contains a brief article by the Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (pictured above). It is entitled “Portatori del Vangelo gli uni per gli altri” (‘Bearers of the Gospel for one another’) and printed on page 6 under the Zona Franca rubric.… READ MORE

Shamefully shameless…

Vatican Newspaper Publishes
Bishop’s Foreword to Way of the Cross of a Gay Boy

‘Bp.’ Francesco Savino and the Vatican newspaper endorse the Way of the Cross of a Gay Boy

L’Osservatore Romano, Italian for The Roman Observer, is the official newspaper of the Vatican. It used to be, of course, a journal of pristine orthodoxy long time ago, but now it has been a Modernist rag for decades. Its current editor-in-chief, appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018, is Andrea Monda of ‘mercy-for-Judas’ infamy.

On Mar. 25 of this year, the daily Italian edition of the paper printed a scandalous piece written by an Italian Novus Ordo bishop that didn’t get much attention at the time, perhaps because it was Holy Week.… READ MORE

A perfect fit for the Vicar of Judas!

PROOF: Painting of Nude Jesus Caressing Judas Iscariot Hangs on Wall in ‘Pope’ Francis’ Study

(click image for larger version)

Three years ago, the Holy Thursday edition of the Vatican’s in-house newspaper Osservatore Romano dedicated much space on its first three pages to Judas Iscariot, the Apostle “who was the traitor” (Lk 6:16).

On the edition’s front page was displayed the picture of a bizarre-looking painting (see below), together with the headline of the editorial, “Judas and the Scandal of Mercy” (Giuda e lo scandalo della misericordia). It was written by Andrea Monda, the paper’s editor:

It was the latest Vatican attempt at trying to garner sympathy for the man whom Jesus Christ called the “Son of Perdition” (Jn 17:12).… READ MORE

Judas Church strikes during Holy Week…

Sympathy for the Devil: Vatican Newspaper tries to elicit Compassion for Judas Iscariot on Holy Thursday

It is not a secret that “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) has a soft spot for Judas Iscariot, the traitor whom our Blessed Lord called the “son of perdition” (Jn 17:12).

The false pope said as much in a television broadcast in 2017 on the Italian Novus Ordo channel TV2000. The program featured an in-depth conversation with Francis about the Lord’s Prayer, which has since been released as a book in English translation: Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer (New York, NY: Image Books, 2018).… READ MORE