The guy that finds “virtue” in stable homo relationships…
Francis appoints Berlin’s Homo-Friendly “Cardinal” Woelki as new “Archbishop” of Cologne
On July 11, 2014, the Vatican issued a press release announcing that Berlin’s “Cardinal” Rainer Maria Woelki had been appointed by the Modernist-in-Chief Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) as the new archbishop of Cologne to fill the vacancy left by the conservative (by Novus Ordo standards) “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, who had resigned in February of this year. Woelki’s appointment is significant for two reasons: (1) Cologne is Germany’s largest diocese; (2) Woelki is soft on the homosexual agenda. Here are the relevant news stories:
- Official Vatican Announcement
- “Woelki to Cologne”
- “Berlin Cardinal Transferred to Germany’s Largest Archdiocese”
- “Berlin Cardinal Appointed to Germany’s Largest Archdiocese”