009 TRADCAST (18 NOV 2015)


  • Segment 1: Announcements — Francis’s obsessive denunciation of metaphorical Idolatry contrasted with his approval of literal Idolatry
  • Segment 2: Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza’s “Sedevacantism, Fatima, and Freemasonry” program of Oct. 24, 2015 (Part 1)

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008 TRADCAST (16 SEP 2015)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ Drive-Thru Marriage Annulments — Francis’ “Mercy” towards the Society of St. Pius X: Faculties to give Absolution for Jubilee Year
  • Segment 2: Kim Davis, Religious Liberty, and “Gay Marriage”

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007 TRADCAST (17 AUG 2015)


  • Segment 1: The Nature of Faith: Why is one not a Catholic at all if one denies even just one dogma? — Mark Shea, Lying, and the Undercover Videos exposing Planned Parenthood
  • Segment 2: Bp. Richard Williamson and the “New Mass” Fiasco — “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, Michael Voris, and the SSPX Schism Question

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006 TRADCAST (1 JUL 2015)


  • Segment 1: Recent Vatican News (June 2015) — From the Jorge’s Mouth — Blogosphere & Twitterverse: A look at a recent post by Louie Verrecchio and an argument against Sedevacantism from Twitter
  • Segment 2: The Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized “gay marriage” in the United States — “Pope” Francis’ eco-encyclical Laudato Si and the Neo-Traditionalist reaction critiqued

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005 TRADCAST (31 MAY 2015)


  • Analysis of and commentary on Francis’ Latest Bombshell: His admission that his Ecumenism of Blood “may perhaps be a heresy, I don’t know” — The eclipse of the Church and where to go from here
  • [no further segments]

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004 TRADCAST (1 APR 2015)


  • The Catholic dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (“No Salvation Outside the Church”): Who is inside the Church? Can one be inside the Church without being a member? We provide an easy-to-follow explanation based on Catholic premises and rigorous reasoning.
  • [no further segments]

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003 TRADCAST (11 MAR 2015)


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TRADCAST 002 (Feb. 11, 2015)

002 TRADCAST (11 FEB 2015)


  • Segment 1: The “Bad Popes” Argument: Haven’t we had bad Popes before? And they were still true and valid Popes, right?! So how can we say that Francis and his Modernist predecessors are NOT valid Popes?
  • Segment 2: Recap of Segment 1 — Preview of next TRADCAST episode

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TRADCAST 001 (Jan. 19, 2015)

001 TRADCAST (19 JAN 2015)


  • Segment 1: Why the name “Tradcast”? — What is a Traditional Catholic? — The Dilemma of Non-Sedevacantists
  • Segment 2: Show Details: How TRADCAST will work and what to expect

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Introducing TRADCAST — the new Podcast from Novus Ordo Watch

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to kick things up a notch: As more and more people are beginning to wake up to what has really happened to the Catholic Church since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, we have decided to meet the growing demand for genuine Catholic information and analysis in an exciting new way: In addition to the great informative content already being offered on the Novus Ordo Wire blog and all throughout the Novus Ordo Watch web site, we will now be adding professional audio podcasts, beginning January 19, 2015.… READ MORE