Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 22, 2013
- After Altar Girls and Married Deacons, the next Step in gradually abolishing Priestly Celibacy: The Novus Ordo Church Keeps “Ordaining” Married Former Anglicans – and they also, in case you didn’t hear about it, now ordain divorced fathers who get an “annulment”
- “New Springtime” Update: Two “Catholic” Hospitals Seek to End “Discrimination” against Pervert Patients
- The Ricca Scandal: Why “Pope” Francis’ Modus Operandi Won’t Work
- “The Church is led by a man whose incompetence is only equalled by his arrogance” – a non-sedevacantist sounds off on “Humble” Francis in light of the Ricca Scandal
- John XXIII 2.0: “The People’s Pope” Makes Time‘s Front Cover
- “Crude and Unrefined Liberalism”: SSPX Italian District has some Choice Words for “Pope” Francis
- Existentialist-Modernist Gibberish: SSPX Offers Critique of Francis’ Lumen Fidei Encyclical
- Because they couldn’t find even another bogus one? Why John XXIII Needs No Second “Miracle” to become a Novus Ordo “Saint” – Get a Reality Check on John XXIII from Fr. Luigi Villa’s Book John XXIII… Blessed Too?[PDF]
- Forget the Novus Ordo’s Fake World Youth Day “Indulgences” – gain real indulgences the truly Catholic way by using Pope Pius XII’s last approved (1957) Raccolta (collection of indulgenced prayers)
- Modesty in Clothing: Why It’s for Boys and Men, too – not just for women
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