World’s Most Famous Apostate speaks…

Hans Kung welcomes Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium

One infallibly certain way to find out if something is good or bad is to see what Hans Kung thinks about it — and then take the opposite stance.

Not surprisingly, the 85-year-old Swiss über-apostate blasphemer is excited at the direction in which Francis is taking the Vatican II Church, specifically as most recently manifested in the lengthy “Apostolic Exhortation” Evangelii Gaudium which “Pope” Francis promulgated on Nov. 24, 2013.

Writing for the Passauer Neue Presse but published in English in The Tablet, Kung opines:

Church reform is forging ahead. In his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis not only intensifies his criticism of capitalism and the fact that money rules the world, but speaks out clearly in favour of church reform “at all levels”. He specifically advocates structural reforms – namely, decentralisation towards local dioceses and communities, reform of the papal office, upgrading the laity and against excessive clericalism, in favour of a more effective presence of women in the Church, above all in the decision-making bodies. And he comes out equally clearly in favour of ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, especially with Judaism and Islam.

Pope Francis has the necessary qualities of a captain to steer the ship of the Church through the storms of our time and the trust of the People of God will uphold him. In the face of strong curial headwinds, he will probably often have to take a zigzag course. But we hope he will steer his ship by the Gospel’s (and not canon law’s) compass and maintain a clear course in the direction of renewal, ecumenism and open-mindedness. Evangelii Gaudium is an important stage of that voyage but by far not the final goal.

(“Pope Francis’ text is a call for church reform at all levels, says Hans Küng”The Tablet, Nov. 29, 2013)

Fasten your seatbelts, folks; it’s going to be a rough ride. Francis is taking the Vatican II apostasy to the next level, at full throttle. And Hans Kung is loving it.

Image source: own composite using elements from and Wikimedia Commons (Muesse; cropped)
License: paid and CC BY 3.0

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