New Mass vs. True Mass:
New Eucharistic Prayers:
False History, Hippie Theology
See Also:
- The Great Comparison: The Traditional Roman Catholic Mass vs. the New Mass of Paul VI
- The Revised Prayers of the New Mass: Elimination of Distinctively Catholic Beliefs
- Mediator Dei: Pope Pius XII Condemns Liturgical Errors later found in the New Mass
- The Ottaviani Intervention: Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci protest Paul VI’s New Mass (or get a paperback copy here)
- Video Interview on the Ottaviani Intervention (Stephen Heiner interviews Fr. Cekada)
- Refuting a popular Myth: Did Paul VI Promulgate the Novus Ordo Mass “Illegally”?
- The Six Marks of the Novus Ordo: Ecumenical, Antiquarian, Community-Based, Democratic, Desacralized, Protestant
- The Bugnini File [PDF]: Disturbing Facts about the Main Architect of the New Mass, Fr. Annibale Bugini, a Freemason
- Work of Human Hands Video Summaries at YouTube
- Patrick Henry Omlor: Why the New Mass in English is Invalid
- Unholy Orders: The Invalidity of the New Ordination Rites of Paul VI
- Time to Decide: Is the Vatican II Church the Catholic Church?
- New Liturgy, New Churches, New Sanctuaries: From August Sacrifice of the Altar to Liturgical Happy Meal
- Novus Ordo Logic: Out with the Old, in with the New
- The Fun Church in Action: Carnival Liturgy
- Churches of Hell — brought to you by the Vatican II Religion
- Who’s been changing the Inside of Catholic churches — and why?
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