Sermon at the Casa Santa Marta 

Francis Unhinged: ‘The Great Accuser is Attacking Bishops by Uncovering their Sins to Scandalize the People!’

If Francis were deliberately trying to sabotage his own public image and credibility, it is hard to see what he could have done differently at this morning’s homily indoctrination session at the Casa Santa Marta in Vatican City.

His usual approach is to provide a reflection on the Gospel passage for the day, but today, Sep. 11, 2018, a passive-aggressive Jorge Bergoglio all but jettisoned the Gospel text entirely (it was Lk 6:12-19) and turned his homily into a pity party for poor persecuted “bishops” like himself, whose sins the devil is trying to drag into the limelight in order to scandalize the faithful.

The Novus Ordo web site Rome Reports published a video summary of the homily, this time with an unusually long and uncut excerpt of Francis’ words:

Vatican News reported on the Bergoglian blather session as follows:

In his homily at Mass on Tuesday morning, Pope Francis said it seems the “Great Accuser” is attacking the bishops of the Catholic Church to create scandal.

The Pope invited the bishops to remember three things in these troubled times: their strength lies in being men of prayer; they should have the humility to remember they are chosen by God; and they need to remain close to the people.

He reflected on the day’s Gospel (Lk 6:12-19), in which Jesus spends the night in prayer before choosing the Twelve Apostles, whom the Pope called “the first bishops”.

Lastly, Pope Francis said bishops are called to be close to the people of God, and not shut up in an ivory tower.

“The bishop cannot remain distant from the people; he cannot have attitudes that take him away from them… He doesn’t try to find refuge with the powerful or elite. No. The ‘elites’ criticize bishops, while the people has an attitude of love towards the bishop. This is almost a special unction that confirms the bishop in his vocation.”

“In these times, it seems like the ‘Great Accuser’ has been unchained and is attacking bishops. True, we are all sinners, we bishops. He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people. The ‘Great Accuser’, as he himself says to God in the first chapter of the Book of Job, ‘roams the earth looking for someone to accuse’. A bishop’s strength against the ‘Great Accuser’ is prayer, that of Jesus and his own, and the humility of being chosen and remaining close to the people of God, without seeking an aristocratic life that removes this unction. Let us pray, today, for our bishops: for me, for those who are here, and for all the bishops throughout the world.”

(“Pope Francis at Mass: Bishops must pray to overcome ‘Great Accuser’”; Vatican News, Sep. 11, 2018; italics given.)

Oh no, the “Great Accuser has been unchained”! He wants to scandalize the people by disclosing the sins of their (supposed) shepherds!

Apparently His Phoniness forgot that Christ Himself revealed that the hypocrisy of the Pharisees — and not just the literal ones — would one day be exposed for all to see:

And when great multitudes stood about him, so that they trod one upon another, he began to say to his disciples: Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known. For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness, shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers, shall be preached on the housetops.

(Lk 12:1-3)

If anyone is accusing here, it is not the devil but Christ the Lord. But then, had Francis been around at the time of Christ, he would have accused the Lord of exposing his sins and insulting him before the people — how dare He!

Francis’ words at today’s “Mass” are ironically reminiscent of what Jesus said to Nicodemus:

And this is the judgment: because the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil. For every one that doth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his works may not be reproved. But he that doth truth, cometh to the light, that his works may be made manifest, because they are done in God.

(Jn 3:19-21)

Moreover, St. Paul the Apostle commanded us to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph 5:11). He didn’t say to reprove them silently, we might add.

Francis’ tricks are becoming more and more obvious, and this could indicate that he’s running out of ideas. He’s getting restless because the usual maneuvers aren’t working anymore. Kissing babies, caressing the elderly, giving sanctimonious exhortations — darn it, the people are just not buying it any longer! He’s already permitted adultery, forbidden the death penalty, offered free marriage annulments basically for all, refused to judge homos, condemned gossip as “terrorism”, welcomed migrants as the Second Incarnation of Christ, washed Muslims’ feet…. What more can he possibly do?!

It looks like it’s beginning to dawn on Bergoglio that he’s in more trouble than he thought possible. He’s losing influence faster than he can say “existential peripheries”, and the number of people he can still manipulate is dwindling fast. He has no choice but to reach for more unrefined means now.

We are witnessing the gradual implosion of a fake pontificate. Francis is a cult leader who is losing control over his sheeple. As he becomes more and more agitated with the situation, realizing that he has been cornered, he will continue to stumble, make foolish mistakes, and contradict himself. Even now he accuses accusers. He denounces “clericalism” but then says those who criticize bishops are “elites” and are doing the work of “the Great Accuser”, that is, Satan. He busies himself calling for a “culture of transparency” and demanding that “there should be accountability for both abusers and those who permitted abuse to occur”, yet when that standard is insisted on for him, he does precisely what those have done whom he otherwise castigates: He keeps silent, he refuses to be held accountable, he blames the victims, and he likens those who demand answers and transparency to the devil while he paints himself as the innocent Christ.

Compare Francis’ actions, especially since the Aug. 25, 2018 release of the so-called “Vigano Testimony”, with His Phoniness’ Letter to the Church in Chile of May 31, 2018:

The “never again” to the culture of abuse and the system of cover up that allows it to be perpetuated demands working among everyone in order to generate a culture of care which permeates our ways of relating, praying, thinking, of living authority; our customs and languages and our relationship with power and money. We know today that the best thing we can say in face of the pain caused is a commitment to personal, communal, and social conversion that learns to listen to and care for especially the most vulnerable. It is therefore urgent to create spaces where the culture of abuse and cover up is not the dominant scheme, where a critical and questioning attitude is not confused with betrayal. We have to promote this as a Church and to seek with humility all the actors that make up the social reality and promote ways of dialogue and constructive confrontation to move toward a culture of care and protection. …

The culture of abuse and cover up is incompatible with the logic of the Gospel, since the salvation offered by Christ is always an offer, a gift that demands and requires freedom. …And thus, to then promote communities capable of fighting against abusive situations, communities where exchanges, debate and confrontation are welcome. We will be fruitful to the extent that we empower and open communities from within and thus free ourselves from closed and self-referential thoughts full of promises and mirages which promise life but which ultimately favor the culture of abuse.

(Source; underlining added.)

Francis stands condemned by his own words!

What is most remarkable in Francis’ homily of Sep. 11 is that, if his words are applied to the drama of the Vigano Testimony, he is implicitly conceding that the accusations are true. Whereas last week he was still insinuating that he was being accused unjustly — comparing his own silence to the silence of the innocent Christ before Herod and Pilate –, this week he has shifted to speaking about “uncovering” real “sins”, which are being disclosed “in order to scandalize the people.”

It is certainly true that it is not morally permissible to reveal the true but hidden sins of another without just cause (this is the sin of detraction), but when it comes to uncovering — and hopefully putting an end to — the clerical sex abuse epidemic in the Vatican II Church and also the spiritual crimes associated with it, we are definitely talking about just cause.

It is clear from Bergoglio’s behavior and words that, although he loves to present himself as the victims’ advocate, he has no intention of rooting out the culture of perversion that is so prevalent in his false church. At this point, things are so bad that even Simcha Fisher — theologically, the female equivalent of Mark Shea — has published a post asking, “Does Francis know he sounds like an abuser?”

Indeed, if the following excerpt of the documentary Sex Abuse in the Church: The Code of Silence is any indication, then Francis himself is involved neck-deep in the cover-up of sexual abuse, at least from his time as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1998-2013):

Francis’ careless and Lutheresque attitude of “we are all sinners” — displayed once again in today’s homily and always without differentiating between mortal and venial, hidden and public, repented and unrepented sins — seems to be the foundation of his faux-mercy theology.

It explains why he has no problem welcoming public sinners like the Italian abortionist Emma Bonino and the Argentinian anti-Catholic Hebe de Bonafini at the Vatican; why he bestows a “pontifical” honor on the Dutch abortion and perversion activist Lilianne Ploumen; why he embraces a sodomite friend together with his partner; and so forth. “So what?”, he seems to say to each of his critics. “You too are a sinner!” Whether someone rips apart preborn children, promotes sodomy, blasphemes God, or denies His revealed truth on the one hand; or whether he fails to help out at the local soup kitchen, drives an SUV, refuses to give room and board to an illegal immigrant, or throws a leftover hamburger in the trash on the other hand — it’s all the same to Jorge Bergoglio. So shut up already, you hypocrite!

Today Francis told the world who the real victims are in the spectable unleashed by the Vigano Testimony: It’s the poor Novus Ordo bishops who stand credibly accused! But, as he assured them today, they can find consolation in the fact that “they are chosen by God” — just like Judas Iscariot (cf. Jn 6:71), another one for whom Francis has a soft spot.

Image source: Rome Reports ( screenshot; cropped)
License: Fair use

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