Article in major German news magazine…

Novus Ordo Cardinals slam Francis:
“Cold-Blooded, Cunning Machiavellian [who] Lies”, Heretic

With regard to accusations of sex abuse cover-up and stonewalling, the left-leaning mainstream press has mostly been treating “Pope” Francis with kid gloves. After all, no one has attacked Catholicism more openly and with more lasting effect than Jorge Bergoglio, and it would be a shame for the political left to have to attack one of their own and risk interrupting his work of destruction. But now it seems the honeymoon may finally be over.

The Sep. 22, 2018, edition of the German weekly Der Spiegel (“The Mirror”), pictured above, has an explosive cover story: “Thou shalt not lie: The Pope and the Catholic Church in their greatest crisis” are the words printed on the front page.… READ MORE

That worked out great…

Benedict XVI: “With the Papa Emeritus I have tried to [be] completely clear that there is only one Pope”

Ever since Benedict XVI announced his resignation on Feb. 11, 2013, the Vatican has been a continually alternating hodgepodge of drama, comedy, freak show, circus, and haunted house of horrors. Not that the Vatican II Church wasn’t already clearly a blasphemous and heretical madhouse before then, but at least it had tried to give an appearance of honor, respectability, and order. At this point, it’s a laughing stock as “Pope” Francis has maneuvered himself into what can only be described as a lame-duck session of the rest of his “papacy”, where each day that passes may bring yet another scandal, confidentiality leak, or other embarrassing development.… READ MORE