Chaos Frank at work…
Dutch Abortion Activist claims “Pope” Francis bestowed Pontifical Honor upon her
[UPDATES 15-JAN-2018: Vatican Attempt at Damage Control / VATICAN CONFIRMS / Ploumen claims Francis’ Award is Confirmation of her Work / Report by Catholic Herald / Flashback 2015: Ploumen’s private audience with Francis]
News is breaking in Novus Ordo Land that the Dutch politician and extreme abortion activist Elisabeth Maria Josepha “Lilianne” Ploumen has been made a knight in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great by “Pope” Francis. Michael Hichborn of the conservative Novus Ordo organization Lepanto Institute reports:
On January 12, reports began surfacing on Twitter that Lilianne Ploumen, former Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, was honored by Pope Francis with the title of Commander in the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great. The Lepanto Institute was able to confirm from a December 22, 2017 Dutch radio broadcast that Ploumen indeed received the honor. In a brief video clip promoting the broadcast, Ploumen displays the medal while saying that she received it from the Pope.
As the news is just breaking, there is not a lot of other online material on this yet. The report posted by the Lepanto Institute, however, is substantial and contains plenty of links. Be sure to read it in full:
In a video made public by Dutch media, Ploumen proudly shows off the honorary medal she says she received from the Vatican, from the “Pope”:
“To say that Lilianne Ploumen is ‘pro-abortion’ is an extreme understatement and doesn’t even come close to the scandalous reality of her activism”, Hichborn writes, and continues:
In January of last year, after US President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, Ploumen launched a new NGO called She Decides to provide mass amounts of funds to organizations that would no longer receive funds from the US government. The Mexico City Policy automatically denies US funding for international organizations which perform or promote abortion.
By July of 2017, Ploumen’s program had raised over $300 million.
Ironically, just a few days ago, Ploumen was awarded the Machiavelli Prize “for her campaign for the safe abortion fund SheDecides.” The article on the award indicates that “The Machiavelli prize is awarded to a person or organization which the jury considers has excelled in public communication. In particular, the jury praised the speed at which She Decides was set up and went global.”
And there is more, as the Lepanto report shows — but you get the idea.
Although we do not yet have confirmation from the Vatican on this, unless this politician is lying through her teeth and produced a fake medal with which to deceive the masses for a few hours, we can assume that the report is correct: The “Pope” has struck again and honored yet another abortion extremist while he pays lipservice to the Gospel.
With Francis, this follows a pattern that is only too familiar by now. He routinely honors, welcomes, greets, and hobnobs with public sinners, the kind with whom Sacred Scripture tells us not even so much as to eat: “But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or a server of idols, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with such a one, not so much as to eat” (1 Cor 5:11). Yes, Christ ate with sinners, but He called them to repentance, something Francis never does. Instead, he ignores their grave public sins and pretends all is well.
Now it is clear that Francis did not honor Ploumen for her abortion or LGBT support but for something else. Who knows what else she did — maybe she helped build a soup kitchen for migrants or spoke up for educating the poor or something. But that is hardly the point. Someone who is as wicked as she is cannot receive “papal” honor. Would you honor an abortionist because he’s donated to autism awareness?
But with Francis, this kind of thing happens routinely. Recall but the following:
- Francis praises Italian Abortionist Emma Bonino
- Francis receives Emma Bonino in Audience
- Francis receives notorious Argentinian Left-Wing Activist Hebe de Bonafini
- Francis sends Cordial Letter to de Bonafini
- Francis appoints Abortion Supporter to Vatican Pro-Life Academy
- Vatican “Abp.” Paglia: Francis might abolish Automatic Excommunication for Abortion
- Francis’ Track Record on Homosexuality
- Francis on scandal-ridden “Mgr.” Battista Rica: “Who am I to judge?”
- Francis sends Thank-You Letter to Lesbian Author of Children’s Books
- Francis says Church must “ask Forgiveness” of Sodomites
- Francis privately met, hugged Pervert Couple on U.S. Trip
You get the drift.
As this news about Francis’ honoring of yet another abortion activist makes its way through cyberspace, countless Novus Ordo bloggers and journalists will be outraged, and rightly so (not Mark Shea, of course, but that’s another subject). Once again, however, we see that Novus Ordo outrage tends to be rather selective: Only when the subject matter has to do with sexuality — sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments — do we find the conservative “Catholic” internet community up in arms, denouncing Francis, writing open letters, asking people to sign petitions, etc. Yet, as evil as crimes like abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy are, we must never forget that heresy and blasphemy are so much worse, and in those two categories Francis has been even more active than in the others.
With all the attacks on God, on the Faith, and on the supernatural life of grace that Francis has perpetrated in the last (almost) five years, where has the outrage been?
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This is nothing new, the retired Novus Ordo Bishop Fredrick Henry of the parish I used to belong to maintained that it was okay for D&P to support pro-abortion groups, here is a quote from a Lifesite News article:
‘Bishop Henry, who serves on that standing committee, has in the past maintained that it is acceptable for D&P to fund projects run by “pro-choice” groups.’
I used to give generous amounts to the annual Bishops appeal thinking D&P was doing great charitable work. I contacted D&P via e-mail at the time and they outright denied giving financial support to pro-abortion groups.
Here is the ‘Gospel’ according to Novus Ordo Bishop Fredrick Henry:
“Lifesite’s position seems to suggest that before we cooperate with anyone or any organization in supporting a good action, our opening question must be: ‘What is your stance on abortion?’ and that as the litmus test should override everything else. I don’t think that this would be the starting point of Jesus.”
Thou shalt not kill is clear to me as being the number one consideration but not so with this Novus Ordo Bishop. What exactly I wonder, is ‘the starting point’ with ‘Jesus’ for this Bishop? We don’t believe in the same Jesus obviously.
The UNICEF fundraisers that come to my door don’t like it when I point out that their organization which purports to help children around the world also provides abortion machines to third world countries.
‘That is, UNICEF made an estimate of purchase, in October 2007, of 5850 units of both pumps and pedal powered machines! It is worth noting the estimates for the next 24 months as well.’
Most Novus Ordo followers are clueless and ‘don’t raise an eyebrow’ when these horrific scandals are pointed out to them. Then there are those who excuse this evil like ‘Bishop’ Fredrick Henry who has his own ‘Gospel’ with his own ‘priorities’ or ‘starting point’ whatever that may be.
I say there is also a big difference between being pro-life and being anti-abortion. Many people may be anti-abortion but support one or more of the following anti-life actions such as, contraception, sodomy, fornication, adultery, fornication, euthanasia etc. So when we walk hand in hand with our supposed ‘pro-life’ brothers and sisters in the March for Life in Washington for example, are they really pro-life? Novus Ordo ‘Priests for Life’ leader Fr. Frank Pavone for example is okay with Amoris Laetitia and he is supposed to be a pro-life ‘Catholic’ Priest? Since when is adultery pro-life? A true pro-life position extends to the life of the soul not just the body.
NOW commented that Bergoglio ‘may not be directly honoring Ploumen for her abortion or LGBT support but for something else’.
I ask, what is the practical result of this action of Bergoglio? Support for Ploumen who is well known for her outspoken support for abortion and LGBT equals support for abortion and LGBT, it is that simple because that is how it is ‘perceived’ by the average person. If Bergoglio doesn’t condemn her publicly for her abortion and LGBT support what else are people to think? Just like all the politicians who are not publicly condemned for their anti-life positions. What are we to think when Bergoglio publicly blesses an adulterous union (the Columbian President)? We are supposed to think this public blessing isn’t his ‘Papal’ support for adultery? Really? Actions speak louder than words.
If St. John the Baptist were here today what would he have to say to Bergoglio? He certainly made it clear to Herod, stop living in adultery! Repent! May straight the way of the Lord ! How about Jesus? What did he say to the cripple that he healed? John 5:14 ‘Behold thou are made whole: sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee’.
What I ask could be a worse thing than loosing the life of grace in our soul through mortal sin?
Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us, Our Lady Destroyer of Heresies pray for us.
There is no organization or group connected with the Novus Ordo which should be funded, in my opinion. It is one thing to buy a book from a Novus Ordo affiliated store, but that is material cooperation only, and one is just paying for a book. But to charitably *give* to a Novus Ordo endeavor is just plain wrong, in my opinion. The Novus Ordo Church is one of the biggest proponents of communism, humanism, agnosticism, and relativism in the whole world. I think the Novus Ordo does more harm than even protestant organizations. You might want to consider some sort of secular charity. Or, consider donating to a worthy sedevacantist cause.
I can’t help but think of Mother Theresa telling poor folks to be good Hindus, or be good Moslems.
I remember Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines) telling Dan Rather that “Catholic nuns” were guilty of spreading communism and fomenting revolution in his country. The Novus Ordo Church is an arm of international, freemasonic communism and liberalism. None of their endeavors should be funded.
(I know. I am an uncharitable monster.)
You’re right, the NO is one of the most pernicious institutions in the world. Early today I was reading a comparative analysis between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the V-II declaration on religious freedom and the author was showing how the latter went beyond even what the masonic UDHR sets out. Incredible.
It is no wonder that non Catholics look at the Vatican II sect and make allowances for their own heresies . Its not hard to see why many of the Saint’s claim to see a large amount of clergy in Hell. Abortion is a most heinous sin . To kill the most defenseless among us makes our society lower then some pagan societies that outlawed the Hellish practice.
“. . . as evil as crimes like abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy are,
we must never forget that heresy and blasphemy are so much worse”
Of course, but of the sins that are not *directly* against God, abortion is surely the worst. This world deserves to be incinerated for it but that it has not is clear evidence of God’s great mercy.
That Bergoglio is a blaspheming, sacrilegious, heretical monster is surely beyond all dispute among anyone with even a shred of the sensus catholicus left in them. Once the faith is abandoned, anything and everything becomes possible. Only a wretch such as Bergoglio could make an award to a mass murderer.
Somehow, some way, there is a greater good that God will bring about. We do not have to know what it is, or understand it. But, there must be a greater good. Otherwise, I think the Almighty would have destroyed the earth a long time ago. Perhaps this kind of “papal” endorsement of an evil witch (or, does that word begin with a B?) will convert a few souls of good will. God only knows.
In reviewing the causes with which Lilianne Ploumen is associated, it makes one suspect she is a member in good standing of the international banking cartel(s) which hold sway in this ungodly world. She is vehemently anti-Catholic. But for my friends who think I am too negative: Maybe she means well. (I am reaching for the barf bag.)
I am convinced that there is literally NOTHING which a Vatican II papal claimant can do which will cause any significant amount of outrage in the Novus Ordo/R&R crowd.
“I am convinced that there is literally NOTHING which a Vatican II papal
claimant can do which will cause any significant amount of outrage in
the Novus Ordo/R&R crowd.”
Someone once remarked in the comment sections here that if he sacrificed a baby on the high altar of St Peter’s, the Novus Ordites would spin it as some kind of ecumenical gesture to Satanists.
After the quiescence in the face of Amoris Laetitia, I’m done with all the sede-plenist so-called traditionalists. It is now clear that those people will never give up on their absurd belief that a creature like Bergoglio could be the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Shock upon shock, outrage upon outrage, treachery upon treachery. And given
the intensity and tsunami of SIN on a global massive scale poisoning all facets
of daily life, what is going to happen but surely a Divine Chastisement on a scale
we dread to imagine…
“Going to happen.” (?) It is happening. What can be worse than the virtual elimination of the Catholic Church? What can be worse than an a Church of “Manchurian candidates” spreading false doctrines, morals, disciplines, and worship to the whole world under the guise of Catholicism?
But on a natural level, I agree it will get worse. We will be jailed for not upholding the new dogmas of Religious Liberty, Feminism, Homosexuality, LGBTism, Humanism, Agnosticism, and Communism. Those not exterminated or jailed will not be able to buy or sell without abandoning the Catholic faith. The international cartel(s) which runs the world believes the world’s population must be drastically reduced.
Indeed yes, White martyrdom is (in essence) our vocation as Christians (experienced daily)
but not without joy of purpose, IF and when that color is called to be Red then so be it.
For those who have rejected Vatican II and its heretical leaders, nothing Jorge does will surprise us. Unfortunately, for those who adhere to the Novus Ordo/R&R crowd, there is nothing which Jorge can do which would cause them to even question the Catholicity the Vatican II papal claimants.
For us, we do not expect heretics to act like Catholics. For them, there is no such thing as heresy, because they are agnostics, at best, and therefore, there is no such thing as orthodoxy.
This isn’t the first time he’s done this: February 25, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — In a February 8 interview with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies, Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion – Emma Bonino — as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. Knowing that his praise of her may be controversial, the Pope said that she offered the best advice to Italy on learning about Africa, and admitted she thinks differently from us. “True, but never mind,” he said. “We have to look at people, at what they do.”
At 27, Bonino had an illegal abortion and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion which boasted over 10,000 abortions. There are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump. Arrested for the then-illegal activity she spent a few days in jail and was acquitted and entered politics.
Just an FYI–in NCBI PubMed, there’s an abstract about a man who killed his mistress by attempting an abortion using a bicycle pump and soapy water, a practice which causes fatal air embolisms. There are more such deaths mentioned in the abstract. It’s a miracle that Bonino’s victim did not die. If you google using search terms “bicycle pump abortions” you will see it.
the Vatican II sect becomes darker as time goes by. I believe if St. Malachi’s prophecy is false the Vatican II sect will go on until Heaven intervenes. A relative had some old home movies of their children going to Mass on their own for the first time back in the fifties, one is startled by the contrast with those going to the NOM heresy of today. As the camera pan the area you see groups of well dressed people solemnly approaching the building being reverently quiet.. Even the children displayed this quality probably because of the Nuns who were outside eyeing the behavior of their charges. Today if you video taped the same goings on you wouldn’t be able to tell if the crowd was going to a religious service or a basketball game. The heretic Luther pronouncement ‘Take away the Mass, destroy the Church” was a rewarding strategy for Hell but it won’t win the war.
“I believe…the Vatican II sect will go on until Heaven intervenes”. Exactly. Surely it’s clear to everyone that Rome is lost to the Church, along with all the buildings and trappings that once belonged to Her. All we have left is the traditional clergy and a few Faithful, so maybe it’s time to build on that and stop hankering after what we can never have again. In the last resort, beautiful as they are, they are just *things* – and the Faith is so much more than that.
There is an interesting debate going on over at The Trad Forum on (more or less) whether or not the traditional clergy should sort out their differences, get together, and just claim ordinary jurisdiction and elect a pope. I don’t feel in any way qualified to comment on the theological possibilities of that, but it’s an intriguing thought…
With this lady there have been 2 women being awarded by Francis “the Humble” so far. Who will be the next one, the one from “planned parenthood” maybe ? But actually Jorge is at war with the True Roman Catholic Church. Jorge your hands are tainted by the blood of the innocent unborn that have been massacred. I hope that the next True elected Pope will withdraw such awards from these 2 infamous butchers.
It is claimed that, in some circles, abortion is considered a sacrament. Dark circles, I might add.
I stopped contributing to the Post-Conciliar “Catholic” church a long time ago. Have been looking for a Pius X church but can’t find any. I am not alone, there are thousands, maybe millions, like me.
I have linked this article to a book I’m writing thank you so much for your research.
I will elt you know when it’s published.