Naturalism for kids…

A ‘Garden of Encounter’: Vatican Releases Idiotic Children’s Declaration on Fraternity

Children wearing laurels alternate reading a declaration on human fraternity…

The second annual so-called World Meeting on Human Fraternity ended today in Vatican City.

The two-day event, sponsored by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, was a follow-up to last year’s single-day event by that name, which was a complete bust as practically no one showed up and pictures of St. Peter’s Square showed lots of empty chairs (ha!):

Whereas last year’s meeting bore the title ‘Not Alone’, this year’s edition was labeled ‘Be Human’.

On May 11, Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) participated in two meetings that were part of the World Meeting on Human Fraternity: First he received adult participants in the Clementine Hall, later he hosted the Children’s Round Table.

The address Francis gave to the adults was filled with the usual blather about humanity, fraternity, dignity, etc. He graced the hapless ears of those present with concepts such as a “Charter of the Human”, a “grammar of humanity”, and a “spirituality of fraternity”. Whatever.

Bergoglio’s empty Naturalism was on full display when he concluded:

To ensure lasting peace, we must return to a recognition of our common humanity and place fraternity at the centre of peoples’ lives. Only in this way will we succeed in developing a model of coexistence capable of giving the human family a future. Political peace needs peace of hearts, so that people can come together in the confidence that life always overcomes all forms of death.

(Antipope Francis, Address to the Participants in the World Meeting on Human Fraternity,, May 11, 2024)

Of course the false pope had no use for the “Prince of Peace” (Is 9:6) or His supernatural religion, which offers a peace the world cannot give (see Jn 14:27). In fact, our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ was mentioned only insofar as Bergoglio was able to hijack Him to promote his ideological agenda (hey look, the Good Samaritan “allowed himself to be drawn to Jesus present in [the] wounded man”!).

In the afternoon came the children’s event, a round table on the topic “Children: Future Generation”. It was held in the synod hall. Vatican News published the video:

For part of the meeting, Francis engaged in some dialogue with the youngsters about happiness, peace, and friendship.

But the event was also used to release yet another declaration on human fraternity, adding to the ones released in 2019 (in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates), in 2022 (in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan), and in 2023 (in Vatican City).

The so-called “Children’s Declaration on Fraternity” is a 2-page text that “adopt[s] the language and spontaneity of children”, according to Vatican News. It was read aloud during the round table event.

What follows is the full text in English translation, as released the Vatican:

What does it really mean to live as brothers and sisters? First of all, to understand that we are like the roots of an ancient tree: we embrace each other underground, without even realizing it, in a silent alliance of life, supporting each other against the storms of time.

And what would a tree be without its roots? The roots of our humanity sink into the fertile soil of solidarity, grow in the garden of encounter, flourish in the peace of creation, and require constant care, constant attention, and constant work in which we must all discover ourselves as attentive gardeners.

Our roots remind us that, despite the diversity of branches, we share the same life, the same dream, that of a world where love is the only fruit that can truly make us happy because, as the Argentine poet Bernardéz wrote, “what the tree has in bloom, lives from what it has buried.”

That is why we invite every adult and every child to plant seeds of hope, to make actions of tenderness sprout; let’s synchronize our hearts to the rhythm of the world because we are travelers on the same path, seekers of the same truth, we are one human family, and together we can build a planet where love knocks down all barriers and where fraternity is the mother tongue of all.

We truly believe in dreams: when we are children, we dream of a world where everyone, but really everyone, can have a place where we feel at home. A place where we can be ourselves, be seen, loved, welcomed, and supported.

We dream of a world where every child, everywhere, can live in peace, where it is possible to grow, study, play, be free, and happy.

A world where differences are not a reason for confrontation or war, but where they are accepted because everyone is different, and that makes the world more beautiful. A world where the weakest are supported, without being judged; where those who have the most difficulty keeping up are awaited and accompanied, and where those who are more advanced are ready to wait and help; where those with greater possibilities help those in difficulty.

But alone, we can’t achieve this!

It also depends on you: we want to see adults with positive and serene relationships, based on acceptance, inclusion, dialogue, respect, forgiveness, and solidarity.

We want to see that you are capable of free friendship, the kind that helps to climb the mountains of fear, sadness, difficulties, and loneliness.

Show us that sincere friendship allows us to overcome oppression, isolation, and the fear of feeling inadequate.

Show us that you are truly “brothers and sisters to everyone,” without distinction of birth, economic status, religious belief, education, or ethnic background. We are ready to be friends to everybody, everybody, everybody, as Jesus – the most special Friend – taught us.

Help us realize our dreams in a better world, where we have the opportunity to have a future, without the future gradually destroying all our dreams.

Let us walk together, with you, adults, who accompany us, on this path of peace and understanding, of fraternity and growth, of welcome and hope.

Only in this way, when together we have hands dirty with earth and hearts full of heaven, will we discover ourselves happy, will we discover ourselves truly human, brothers to all and guardians of our common home.

(“Children’s Declaration on Fraternity”; in Jean-Charles Putzolu, “Fraternity is every child’s mother tongue”, Vatican News, May 11, 2024)

No doubt this moronic sentimental poetry “adopts the language of children”. In particular, phrases such as “alliance of life”, “soil of solidarity”, “garden of encounter”, “actions of tenderness”, “synchronize our hearts”, “positive and serene relationships”, “climb the mountains of fear”, and “guardians of our common home” definitely come from, or appeal to, the minds of our youth. What insufferable, sappy claptrap!

And no, Christ Jesus didn’t teach that we must be friends with everyone. He taught that we must love (not like!) everyone, but for the sake of God, and Him above all: “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment” (Mk 12:30).

The Children’s Declaration on Fraternity is sentimental greeting card spirituality on steroids. It is inculcating in children the Naturalist utopia of heaven on earth, a “better world” without the (true) Gospel, without grace, without the Cross of Christ — as if our happiness were to be sought (and could be obtained) in this temporal world.

Not a word is found in this text concerning eternal salvation or the means to achieve it, or how all of mankind’s woes are ultimately rooted in sin, especially original sin. The brief appearance of the rhetorically smooth phrase “hearts full of heaven” — no doubt included only to simulate a minimal concern for the spiritual and supernatural after all — does not remedy that in the least. In the final analysis, it is heaven on earth that Francis preaches:

In 1952, Pope Pius XII in a radio address outlined how to create a truly better world that is built not on the principles of Freemasonic Naturalism but on the principles of the true Gospel:

This fatherly exhortation, beloved sons and daughters of Rome, comes to you from Our heart—from Our heart which is troubled on the one hand over the prolongation, without any definitive clarification, of the dangerous situation of the world around us, and on the other, by a far too widespread listlessness which prevents many from undertaking that return to Jesus Christ, the Church and the Christian way of life which We have often singled out as the decisive remedy for the universal crisis agitating the world. But the confidence that We shall find in you the comfort of understanding, as well as determined readiness for action, has moved Us to open Our heart to you. Today, give heed to a rousing call from the lips of your Father and Shepherd, from Us who cannot remain mute and inert before a world which is unconsciously walking paths which sweep on to ruin both souls and bodies, the good and the wicked, civilization and peoples. …

To share with you these anxieties of Ours, We have chosen the eve of tomorrow’s feast of the Virgin of Lourdes, because it commemorates the miraculous apparitions which, almost a hundred years ago, in that century of rationalistic aberration and religious depression, were the merciful answer of God and His Heavenly Mother to the rebellion of men, an irresistible summons back to the supernatural, and the first step towards a progressive religious renascence. …

Now you are aware that the dangers at present threatening this generation are much more widespread and grave than pestilence and the convulsions of nature, even though their continuing threat has begun to make the nations almost insensible and apathetic. …

Even the Holy Year [of 1950], which brought on a prodigious flowering of Christian life, unfolding first in your midst and then spreading out over the entire world, should not be regarded merely as a brilliant but fleeting meteor, nor as a momentary obligation long since fulfilled. Rather should it be viewed as a first promising step towards the complete restoration of the spirit of the Gospel which, in addition to snatching millions of souls from eternal ruin, is the only thing that can assure the peaceful co-existence and fruitful collaboration of peoples.

It is an entire world which must be rebuilt from its foundations, transformed from savage to human, from human to divine, that is to say, according to the heart of God. Millions of men are pleading for a change of course, as they look towards the Church of Christ as to the only strong pilot who, with all due respect for human liberty, can take the lead in so vast an undertaking. …

How could We, placed by God, despite Our unworthiness, as a torch in the darkness, as the salt of the earth, and as Shepherd of the Christian Flock, refuse to accept this saving mission? Just as, on a day now long passed, and because such was God’s will, We accepted the heavy cross of the Pontificate, so also do We now bow to the arduous duty of being, in so far as Our weak strength permits, the herald of a better world willed by God, and whose standard We yearn to pass on first of all to you, beloved children of Rome, to you who are nearest to Us, who are entrusted in a more special manner to Our care, and who by that very fact are also set up as flaming lights on a candelabra, as a leaven among your brethren, and a city built on a mountain—to you, from whom others rightfully expect greater courage and more generous readiness for action. Receive with a noble spirit of dedication, recognizing it as a call from God and as a worthy rule of life, the holy charge which your Shepherd and Father today entrusts to you: to launch a mighty re-awakening of thought and action.

This re-awakening is a duty for everyone without exception—clergy and people, those in authority, families, groups, individuals—along the entire front of the complete renewal of Christian life, along the line of the defense of moral values, in the realization of social justice, in the reconstruction of the Christian order, in such a way that the outward face of the city of Rome, which since the Apostolic times has been the center of the Church, may soon shine forth brilliant with holiness and beauty.

This is not the moment to discuss, to search for new principles, to fix new aims and goals. Both the one and the other, already known and substantially verified, because taught by Christ Himself, clarified by the teachings of the Church down through the centuries, adapted to immediate circumstances by the late Supreme Pontiffs, await one thing only—concrete execution.

…Let those of good will be invited; let them offer themselves spontaneously. Let their law be that of unconditional fealty to the person of Jesus Christ and to His teachings. Let their offering of themselves be humble and obedient; let their labor enter as an active element into the great current which God shall set in motion and direct through His ministers.

Thus Rome shall relive her century-old mission of spiritual teacher of peoples, not merely, as it was and is, by reason of the Chair of truth which God has established in her midst, but by the example of her people, once again fervent in faith, exemplary in morals, one in the fulfillment of religious and civil duties and, if it please the Lord, prosperous and happy. We sincerely hope that this mighty awakening, to which We today exhort you, fostered without delay and tenaciously executed according to the pattern marked out, which others can develop in detail, shall be immediately imitated in other dioceses, near and far, so that Our eyes shall see not only cities, but nations, continents, the entire human race return to Christ.

(Pope Pius XII, Radio Message Dal Nostro Cuore, Feb. 10, 1952; translated as “To the Faithful of Rome”The Catholic Mind, vol. 50, n. 1074 [June 1952], pp. 380-384; underlining added.)

It is obvious that the better-world agenda of Pope Pius XII is not that of ‘Pope’ Francis, and no talk of a ‘garden of encounter’ will change that.

Pray for these poor children, who are being taught a false gospel, the ‘Gospel of Man’, a “charity without faith, very accommodating to unbelievers, which unfortunately opens the way to eternal ruin for all”, as Pope St. Pius X warned. It is not merely “a heresy, but the synthesis and the poison of all heresies, which seeks to undermine the foundations of the faith and annihilate Christianity” (Address Accogliamo, Apr. 17, 1907).

“He that is of the earth, of the earth he is, and of the earth he speaketh” (Jn 3:31); “Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth” (Col 3:2).

Image source: YouTube (screenshot)
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