“We are true friends of Pope Francis”…

Creative Fidelity: Burke & Schneider try to justify their “Loyal Opposition”

They prefer pre-Bergoglian Modernism: Mr. Raymond Burke and Mr. Athanasius Schneider

On the second anniversary of that much-hyped but predictably ineffective “Filial Correction”, two of the most outspoken critics of “Pope” Francis in the Novus Ordo hierarchy, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke and “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, have once again published a document addressing the magisterial errors of their “Pope” and explaining their stance.

On Sep. 24, 2019, Messrs. Burke and Schneider issued a 3-page text entitled “A Clarification about the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff.”… READ MORE

“Fr.” Sean Kilcawley invited to speak…

The Danger Lurking Offline: SSPX Conference to feature Novus Ordo ‘Theology of the Body’ Expert

The semi-traditionalist Society of St. Pius X is once again bending over backwards to demonstrate just how much it desires to be integrated into the Novus Ordo mainstream.

In the United States, its Angelus Press Conference is scheduled to take place from Oct. 4-6 this year, and it includes as a featured speaker the Rev. Sean Kilcawley, a Novus Ordo priest who teaches John Paul II’s so-called “Theology of the Body”. This should do more than just raise Lefebvrist eyebrows, especially since the main theme of the conference is, “Defense of the Family: Fortifying Catholic Marriage.” … READ MORE