Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 18, 2018
“Saint” John Paul II receives an Apostate-Jewish “Blessing”!
Not everyone rejoices and is glad: EWTN panel laments “very, very troubling” parts of exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate.
“Cardinal” Raymond Burke discussess the possibility of being “excommunicated” by Francis. We encourage him to review the teaching of Pope Clement XI and the true history of the case of Pope Liberius and St. Athanasius.
In Trinidad and Tobago, sodomy is illegal. Guess who wants that to change.
Poetic justice: After unjustly denouncing those trying to be real Catholics for “Pelagianism”, Francis spouts real Pelagian heresy six days later. Louie Verrecchio thinks the whole thing was staged.
At least there is one kind of meal now for which Francis will no longer face the people.
Soon there will be an app for that: Novus Ordo priests performing “exorcisms” now over cell phone.
Caution! Observing “Pope” Francis can cause Kama Muta in those who don’t know a thing about Catholicism or false teachers (cf. Mt 24:24-25).
In his daily claptrap session for Apr. 17, Francis says his sect needs “prophets, not critics” [cue laughing track]. Is this better or worse than saying the confessional is not a laundromat?
Under Francis, we have gone from Thou shalt not commit adultery to Thou shalt not change the climate: “Cardinal” John Ribat discovers the “Christian obligation” of combatting climate change! “Climate” is defined as the weather conditions in a region over a long period of time. Good luck with influencing those, one air conditioner at a time.
Because Genesis 1:27 is clearly outdated: “Catholic” university in Baguio, Philippines, opens gender-neutral restroom.
Francis will shut them down right after hell freezes over: Homoerotic heresy & blasphemy at Jesuit college.
Too many vocations and not enough Modernism: Francis shuts down religious order in Belgium.
And another one bites the dust: Vatican closes ancient Cloister of Brigittines in Germany.
“The Pope’s Mess.” The Weekly Standard reviews Ross Douthat‘s new book, To Change the Church. And so does Catholic World Report.
Hellboy vs. Hellboy: James Martin, S.J. vs. James Martin, S.J.
A member of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, “Cardinal” Christoph Schonborn is wrong on the possibility of women deacons, women priests, and women bishops — and on the authority of Popes and ecumenical councils.
91 years of Joseph Ratzinger: Heretic Archlayman Ganswein explains how the “Pope Emeritus” spent his birthday.
Some Novus Ordo nuns have persuaded themselves that they are not dying out. The good news is that soon there won’t be too many left to think that.
That vibrant church strikes again: “Ignatian Yoga” desecrates New York church. Of course they have to do that in a beautiful traditional church building — they couldn’t use one of their own hideous multipurpose buildings for that. Nothing to desecrate there!
What Francis does with your money: “Pope” donates $123,000 towards first Eastern Orthodox monastery in Austria.
Although he has said many things so much worse than this, it is always Francis’ errors about sexual morality that get all the attention and outrage.
On Palm Sunday, comedian Bergoglio denounces “those who try to ‘twist reality and invent stories for their own benefit, and silence dissonant voices'”. If hypocrisy caused weight gain, you’d need a bicycle to get around this guy. (Jorge, in case you’re reading this, you can take your own hypocrisy test here.)
That’s it: Francis is reconnecting the Church with the Energy of Vatican II. You know, after decades of Tridentine Catholicism!
“Serious mistakes”: Francis has reversed course on the Chilean “bishop” Juan Barros case and publicly apologized. His full letter is available here.
Sedevacantism in the news: “…the arguments of the Sedevacantists, who claim that there has been no valid pope since Pope Pius XII died in 1958, would find fertile ground” in China, says a letter printed in the South China Morning Post.
No, we’re not talking about pipe organs: Vatican “Bishop” Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo and Communist Chinese organ harvesting.
Did your Easter Vigil have Batman and Superman? No? Then you obviously don’t belong to the Novus Ordo parish of Corpus Christi in West Pittston, Pennsylvania.
Looks like a few more World Youth Days will be needed to fix that: The scary truth about young Europeans and the Church.
A Brazilian Novus Ordo bishop has given a talk at a Masonic Lodge. But perhaps he just got confused. The lodge setup looks too similar to Novus Ordo churches, and what are the differences in doctrine at this point, anyway?
“Cardinal” Walter Kasper says it’s “ridiculous” that all discussion of Amoris Laetitia has been reduced to a footnote. But what really matters is what the footnote says, not whether it’s a footnote or not. Perhaps Fr. Kasper should recall that a single iota — the letter “i” in the Greek alphabet — can make a difference between divine truth and heresy, between heaven and hell, as Church history shows.
The author of The Dictator Pope (official release of 2nd edition is Apr. 23), Henry Sire, has said that a Novus Ordo cardinal told him that “90% of the book is incontrovertible”. No wonder Sire got suspended from the Order of Malta.
Hey, it’s something to ponder: With two “Popes”, why not half a “cardinal”?
29-Year-old Legionary of Christ Seminarian dies unexpectedly one day after serving as Cross Bearer for Francis’ Easter Sunday “Mass”. Autopsy results are in. Some think there’s something fishy there.
Dancing nuns is so last decade: In Poland they now have boxing nuns!
Now even the secular New Yorker is asking the question: “Will Pope Francis cause a Schism in the Catholic Church?” When we were talking about this in 2014, we were not taken seriously. Just saying.
Happy feast denying your Lord and Redeemer! May you be happy in your rejection of the only One who can save you and make you eternally happy! Francis sends Passover greetings to Rome’s apostate Talmudic-Jewish community.
Just pretend you’re shocked: Los Angeles ‘Religious Education’ Congress promotes Perversion, including the Genderbread Person, and it also claims that the Catholic Church invented the notion of sin. Good thing there’s an Earth Liturgy to distract you! (An eye witness account is available here.)
Only offline, please: Order of Malta members have been warned not to insult Francis online.
Some important advice: Never get stuck without flying with the dream. Don’t just settle for the appetizer. Make sure you’re always moving forward and aren’t parked. (You guessed it. It’s from another Francis sermon.)
Sandro Magister hits the nail on the head, says Francis communicates in three clever ways: “by saying in public and in person what he wants, without going through any precautionary check or inspection; by having others say in public what he says to them in private conversations; by promoting persons who say what he himself does not say either in public or in private, but is happy to have said.”
Some headlines are better left uncommented: “Papal preacher says God’s love isn’t just sacrifice — it’s erotic, too”.
Whereas in Germany some “bishops” are asking Francis to condemn some of their colleagues, in Holland it’s the laity who demand that their “bishops” condemn Francis. You may want to read that sentence again.
Breaking update: The Vatican has reportedly condemned the German “bishops'” handout on the Novus Ordo cookie for Protestant spouses. Gotta throw an occasional crumb to the conservatives to keep them in the game. And in any case, Francis prefers to work the same destruction by gestures and insinuations rather than by explicit declarations. [UPDATE 19-APR-2018 16:20 UTC: German “Bishops’” Conference denies press reports over a Vatican rejection of the pastoral handout approved during the Spring Assembly]
“Cardinal” Burke says Francis’ denial of hell is “beyond tolerable” – and then proceeds to tolerate it. (For other reactions on ‘Hellgate’, see here and especially here.) There is also a satirical animated video showing Francis commenting on his hell gaffe.
Now the rocks cry out: Plaster falls from inside St. Peter’s Basilica the day Francis’ denial of hell was published.
Francis reminds Spanish religious not to “proselytize”. You know, just like the Apostles didn’t either, beginning with Pentecost. They just fed the hungry, recycled, dialogued, and moved forward.
Don’t say you weren’t warned: There’s Amoris Laetitia, and then there’s “Cardinal” Donald Wuerl’s plan to implement it in the United States.
Maybe Francis was sick the day they discussed that in seminary: Private verdicts on matrimony must be avoided, says Pope Pius XI.
And now the next guide to “understanding” the papal pretender: Key Words of Pope Francis at least doesn’t include the filthy C-word he likes to use.
They blend in perfectly: Nordic Novus Ordo bishops gather with Lutherans. Can you spot who belongs to which religion?
Resignationist Louie Verrecchio warns: Bp. Richard Williamson promotes false views of Fatima and Russia.
It walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, so therefore… it’s a kangaroo! Some Novus Ordos concede that Francis acts precisely like a false pope would act, they just can’t get themselves to draw the conclusion. Pray for them!
And not a Catholic one among them, guaranteed: Vatican presents 10 Original Chapel Projects at Venice Biennale.
Just as Francis is trying to make a deal with the Chicoms: Chinese government official says no religion transcends nations. False: The Catholic religion does.
The Francis Effect: In its own way, China says thank-you for upcoming “papal” sell-out.
But let’s not be so hard on Francis. He isn’t the first one to sell out the Chinese to the Communists. Benedict XVI did a pretty good job himself. And Sandro Magister explains that the first contacts between the Vatican and Peking began 32 years ago.
A French Novus Ordo priest has announced in a televised interview that Francis approved of his blessing of homosexual couples. No way, eh? 😉
Archlayman Blase Cupich apprently couldn’t wait to remove him: Indult presbyter “Fr.” Frank Phillips of St. John Cantius in Chicago had been accused, was then immediately removed, and is now looking forward to clearing his name.
The Democratic Party at prayer? Spokesman for Californian Novus Ordo bishops answers question on ‘why they support only progressive Democratic proposals’.
Part of his “identity”, you know: A “Catholic priest” explains how “liberated” he felt in 2004 after he announced to the world he is sexually attacted to men. It’s funny how these people would never say that attraction to any other kind of sin — say, envy, gluttony, or detraction — is part of “who they are.” But maybe that’s just how they are.
As some donors to the U.S.-based Papal Foundation balk at Francis’ shady request for $25,000,000, the “Pope” retaliates by canceling their annual special audience.
Obviously, this proves church teaching is wrong: Novus Ordo writer doesn’t know how to answer his daughter’s question about why girls can’t become priests. How about telling them that priests act in the person of Christ, who is a man?
Too predictable: For the youth’s pre-synod, the god of surprises should at least have come up with something new.
He probably won’t be speaking at another Remnant or Catholic Family News conference any time soon: Louis Verrecchio says “Cardinal” Burke and The Remnant are both part of the problem.
The blind leading the blind: Francis announces he will have cataract surgery next year. Maybe the scales will finally fall from his eyes (cf. Acts 9:18).
Speaking of eyes: Have you washed the eyes of your soul recently?
Another new movie to boycott: Pope Francis – a Man of his Word.
Novus Ordo parish. SSPX wedding. Novus Ordo priest officiates. SSPX priest celebrates Nuptial Mass. Welcome to A.D. 2018.
Of dreamers, prophets with wings, and that culture of the provisional: Francis gets a chance to recycle his trite slogans in new book, God is Young.
Just how much would it surprise you to find out that the Vatican’s Relief Agency sits on the Governing Body of a Contraception-Promoting Organization? Of course that’s the same Vatican that hires a pro-homo law firm to shut down a conservative pro-family web site.
From the guy who denies hell: What is Heaven? Reflections by “Pope” Francis.
Typical for the Vatican II Sect: Blind and disoriented pseudo-shepherds don’t know where to go, so they ask their putative sheep for help! (That’s these guys here.)
This tells you all you need to know: At pre-synod, atheist says he is optimistic about church’s future.
Sometimes it seems like the only thing hetero in the Vatican II Sect is the doxy: Malta prelate praises sodomite unions.
Former Vatican diplomat arrested for child pornography. It’s scary when news like this doesn’t even elicit outrage anymore.
As he is busy in Melbourne defending himself against sex abuse charges, the Vatican reforms of Australian “Cardinal” George Pell are quietly being undone again.
Good to know: “Pope” Francis tells Taoist delegation that like them, he is still searching “for the Absolute, for God.” Maybe he could kindly suspend his “pontificate” until he’s done with that?
Novus Ordo college drops knight mascot, cites connection to “religious wars”. They should have just chosen Elton John for a mascot instead. In 1996, he was knighted by that other Queen of England.
Learning from the Saul who didn’t become a Paul: Community Organizing “Catholicism”.
Marching for Immigration and Gun Control: “Cardinals” Joseph Tobin and Blase Cupich have figured out what Good Friday is all about.
Those who think it’s merely “the Mass that matters” and not doctrine or union with the Pope (insofar as there is one), will be interested to find out that until the mid-1980s, the Chinese Communist Church only used the Traditional Latin Mass. And it was valid, too. See, there’s more to Catholicism than the Mass!
Notorious and bitter atheist scientist Stephen Hawking, a long-time member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, is dead. “Fr.” Thomas Rosica says he is sure “the Lord looked forward to meeting” him. Probably not the other way around.
Sure, and abortion is analogous to pediatrics: “Cardinal” Walter Kasper says sodomite unions are analogous to Christian marriage.
Not everyone is excited as Hellboy tries to sell a bridge to the people of Chicago. He also now promotes the iconographer of “gay saints”.
Because Vatican II: New Los Angeles “Pastoral Guidelines” for Native American communities include incorporation of Pagan blessings.
Ay, Pobresito! “Francis himself seems to have tired of the struggle”. Bergoglio the victim! The Vatican’s “Mgr.” Angelo Becciu agrees.
Randy Engel’s Opus Dei Watch for March 2018: Part 1 and Part 2.
With their attempt to refute Sedecacantism (in True or False Pope?), John Salza and Robert Siscoe have put forward such theological garbage that even non-sedevacantists are publicly rebuking them now: First “Fr.” Paul Kramer blasted them for it, then the publisher (SSPX) began to quietly move away from the project, then Dr. Peter Chojnowski spoke out against it, and now even Fr. Francois Chazal has seen through it too…
An original memoir of 1968: The Devil in the Convent.
“Complaining Forbidden”: Francis’ profound wisdom and a psychologist’s handbook.
Just what they need: A singing and guitar-strumming “bishop” makes the case for “Pop Theology.” Some people will be forever stuck in 1971….
Whoever told Zenit News Service that their new logo was a great idea, lied.
Sodomite prostitute who denounced numerous Novus Ordo clerics in Italy to the diocese of Naples gives interview to Church Militant.
You might be surprised: What does St. Thomas Aquinas say about immigration?
“…And after this the judgment” (Heb 9:27): Disgraced “Cardinal” Keith O’Brien of Scotland has died.
Full investigation needed: The latest on the scientific case for or against the post-1959 “Sister Lucy” of Fatima.
The Pope chosen by accident: The curious election of Pope Benedict XII. This beautifully shows how God always guarantees his promises in a true Pope, no matter who he is or how he was chosen.
Thank you: Gloria TV kindly gives a shout-out to Novus Ordo Watch.
In English for the first time ever: Volume 2 of St. Alphonsus Liguori’s Moral Theology has now been published.
Recognizing that you can’t resist: A Sedevacantist responds to 11 supposed ‘Errors’ of Sedevacantism.
Something to think about: “Father” Nicholas Gruner and the Profits of Doom.
Thoughts for our times: Pope, Papacy, and the Vacant See.
Fr. Nicolas Desposito has a brief consideration on Vatican II for you.
Bp. Donald Sanborn is asked whether SSPX or even valid Novus Ordo priests can be approached for confession.
Tom Droleskey explains why Jorge Bergoglio sings hosannas to the Soros generation.
And Fr. Anthony Cekada has posted some photos of the recent episcopal consecration of Bp. Joseph Selway.
And one for the road…
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