It’s always about temporal concerns…

A Naturalist Easter: Francis inverts Christ

After giving the world a Naturalist Lent, now that Lent is over, “Pope” Francis wasted no time in ushering in an equally Naturalist Easter: For his address at the traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing on Easter Sunday, Apr. 1, the Jesuit Antipope used the occasion of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ to focus everyone’s thoughts immediately on the temporal concerns of the world once again. In other words, it’s business as usual for Francis; it’s just that this time he is using Christ’s Resurrection to promote his Naturalism.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo “High” Mass?

Flying Monstrance:

“Eucharistic” Drone Delivery in Brazilian Novus Ordo Parish

The absuridty, impiety, sacrilege, and wickedness of the Vatican II Sect knows no bounds. The following video was taken at São Geraldo Majella (St. Gerard Majella) church in Sorocaba, Brazil, located in the “archdiocese” of Sorocaba. It is staffed by Novus Ordo Redemptorist presbyters:

[We had to remove this video from our YouTube channel for copyright reasons.]

The original video can still be viewed on Facebook here

For those unable to play the video: The Novus Ordo version of the Blessed Sacrament (mere bread and wine because invalid due to defect of form, sometimes defect of matter, and almost always defect of valid minister), enclosed in a monstrance, is lifted off the ground by a remote-controlled drone at the entrace of the church.… READ MORE