“Rotten” is right…

German Diocese endorses Gay Pride Parade, prays for “Diversity” and “Openness”

Last October, the German Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart posted on its web site a video commentary in which it praised the fact that two nuns had quit the cloister in order to get married — to each other, of course. Diocesan authorities used this opportunity not only to endorse the unnatural sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, they went much further: They called for the creation of a liturgical homo-“marriage” rite. We exposed this wickedness in a dedicated post:

Now the same Rottenburg diocese — the emphasis is on “rotten”, by the way — is once again in the news, and for the same reason: the open promotion of depraved sexual lifestyles, this time in connection with a national event called “Christopher Street Day” (CSD).… READ MORE