Bombshell revelation…

Dr. Peter Chojnowski: ‘By late 2014, Fr. Gruner had come to believe Francis is an Antipope, Benedict XVI the true Pope’

[UPDATE 09-AUG-2017 20:36 UTC: Dr. Chojnowski posts more evidence on his blog]

[UPDATE 08-AUG-2017 19:02 UTC: Verrecchio publishes Rare Video of “Fr.” Gruner on Benedict XVI’s Resignation]

[UPDATE 08-AUG-2017 13:31 UTC: “Fr.” Paul Kramer corroborates Chojnowski claim]

This is sure to shake things up a bit among the friends and followers of the late “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner (1942-2015), long-time director of the Fatima Center in Fort Eerie, Canada: According to Dr. Peter Chojnowski, the “Fatima priest” Nicholas Gruner towards the end of his life rejected Francis’ claim to the Papacy and embraced the idea that Benedict XVI was still the true Pope — a position we have labeled from the beginning as “Resignationism”.… READ MORE